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Example sentences for "anything about"

  • The world might indeed so misjudge, because it is accustomed to look only on externals; but there is no need that the world should know anything about it.

  • If you can tell us anything about her, I will give you this gold piece.

  • I see no reason why the world should know anything about it," rejoined Mrs. King.

  • I don't know who he is, anything about him.

  • He didn't tell me anything about that I give more attention than I otherwise would during his absence, rendering any aid I could to the other authorities, to see to things.

  • That was the first you knew anything about it?

  • Now, I'm not sure--not sure of anything about her.

  • I'm almost sure I'm not like that--if I can be sure of anything about myself.

  • I told him and the curĂ© that I'd been brought up at a convent school, but I didn't say where it was, or anything about it at all.

  • As a boy as you grew up in New Orleans were you advised whether your father was alive, whether he was in New Orleans or where he was or anything about him in that connection?

  • Water, why there is a trough full at his back door, that you may bathe in all over if you like; and as for cider, we'll just try that before you say anything about it.

  • Had Katie ever heard her say anything about him?

  • These wretched things exist in the world, but Katie only makes her own life wretched in trying to do anything about them.

  • And they wondered about his marriage to a girl whom nobody but Katie knew anything about.

  • He questioned everybody who could tell him anything about Maurice, and set down the answers in a little note-book he always had with him.

  • I had never been there before, and did not know that it was called so, or anything about it.

  • There was nobody else in the world to whom the name would have told anything about me.

  • Anything about Italy--anything about the Austrians giving up Venice?

  • I will do everything I can do to make you happy, but in anything about my husband I must not be interfered with.

  • Said the minister, answering quietly, calmly: "Brother Harricutt, we are not going to do anything about it just now.

  • The sudden unexpected action took Marilyn unaware, and before she could get her footing or do anything about it she caught a swift vision of a white face in the passing car.

  • But you're wrong in saying I don't know who you are or anything about you.

  • Did you do anything about appearing on television during this time?

  • Did you do anything about it that you have not already described?

  • I didn't do anything about it but I was concerned about it.

  • Did it occur to you to do anything about stopping it right then?

  • I do not see what it is that you are to inquire for, or who, or now to find, out which one, or anything about it.

  • Can I do anything about helping to get her ready to be buried?

  • Then, I do want you to tell me, if it is anything about him.

  • But have you heard Beadle say anything about Filkins' character?

  • She didn't know "anything about lawsuits, and didn't know how to swear.

  • In fact, he had not told her much of anything about himself.

  • You have never told me anything about it.

  • I did, to be sure, talk with him a little while waiting for the doctor, but he did not tell me anything about himself.

  • You do not know who I am, or anything about me.

  • I dare say if you know me, or anything about me, in five years' time, you will feel that you have had your revenge.

  • You don't know me, or anything about me, and you know very well that I am doing things here that no nice girl would do.

  • However, this was not the moment to do anything about it.

  • If you can shake them off at Moscow, even if they suddenly realize they've been very nicely duped, and guess the real truth, we hope there'll not be enough time for them to do anything about it.

  • He hit on all fours on the track embankment, and he was too stunned to do anything about it.

  • Is it anything serious--anything about father's business?

  • I guess I won't do anything about it now.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anything about" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    anything about; anything but; anything could; anything else; anything except; anything for; anything from; anything happened; anything happens; anything should; anything that; anything whatever; breeds from; commercial value; full satisfaction; meal offering; nothing loath; public funeral; seeing the; state church; surprise attack; take vengeance; wife went; worship them; you couldn; you knew