A small shrill pipe, resembling the piccolo flute, used chiefly to accompany the drum in military music.
It produces a shrill sound, softer than of the piccolo flute, and is said to have superseded the old recorder.
Defn: A small shrill pipe, resembling the piccolo flute, used chiefly to accompany the drum in military music.
They knew that the eldest boy was named for one of his grandfathers, and the second for the other; that the third boy, Vittorio, wanted to be a soldier, and that the piccolo Giovanni was going to be the best gondolier of them all.
The Signorinas were by this time on terms of intimacy with Vittorio's family, their chief pet among the children being the smallest boy, always spoken of by his adoring parents as the piccolo Giovanni.
We all remember the padrone, even the piccolo Giovanni, whom he has never seen.
Piccolo found the nut, cracked it, and inside the nut tightly rolled up was a silk cap.
As soon as Piccolo did this, Lieblich Gedacht's chains fell from him and he was free.
But Piccolo was then told to look in Lieblich Gedacht's pocket for a hazel nut, and when he found it to crack it.
Piccolo needed no further telling, and he soon managed to set himself free.
Piccolo is so small he ought to be able to wriggle out of his chains, which are much too big for him.
After all, what is there wrong in it, piccolo pochito?
The sound of the piccolo is very pleasing to these little creatures, and I have frequently collected about me as many as ten or a dozen by sounding this instrument in the still depths of a wood which I knew these salamanders frequented.
In his 5th symphony he introduced 3 trombones and extended both the upper and lower extremes of the wind-band by a piccolo and a double bassoon.
The rest of the orchestra consists of-- Piccolo and 3 flutes.
Piccolo Domingo must either surrender the American alive, or give him to us dead.
Appears there is trouble in the Island of Piccolo Domingo.
First of all Roosevelt has an interview in the morning papers in which he asks why I don't treat Germany as I treat Piccolo Domingo.
Bryan also has an interview: wants to know why I don't treat Piccolo Domingo as I treat Germany?
We are not told who these "others" were, nor even what Piccolo Tigre's real name was.
The answer is that she got the story from Gougenot des Mousseaux, but even he naively admits that he never knew who Piccolo Tigre was.
In one of them a theme is delivered by the piccolo and big drum, which Weber has employed as an Austrian grenadier march in "Kampf und Sieg" (Schr.
The expression of fanaticism is coloured as well as heightened by the shrill sound of the piccolo flute, the blows of the drum and cymbals, and the tingle of the triangles.
Footnote 58: Mozart has used only the piccolo flute here, as specially adapted for the tattoo-like principal subject, and its wild, shrill conclusion.
At the outset, an admirable effect is produced by the violins, strengthened by piccolo and ordinary flutes, which gently accentuate the melody detached from its simple but agitated accompaniment.
Then a single piccolo plays the closing cadence of the composition: [Illustration: Musical Score] Ruhm und Ewigkeit presents enormous difficulties to the performers, and taxes the generalship of the most skillful conductor.
When they played dances, such as ecossaises, quadrilles and valses, I used to snatch up a violin or piccolo and join in with them, simply alternating between tonic and dominant.
Under this category he places trombones, double bassoons, bass drum, English horn, piccolo and even the harp.
But you are so vague--all artistic and beautiful natures are vague--you might easily have forgotten that Piccolo is hanging about somewhere waiting to carry a last goodnight word to your impatient bridegroom.