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Example sentences for "invigorate"

Lexicographically close words:
invidia; invidiam; invidious; invidiously; invierno; invigorated; invigorates; invigorating; invigoration; invincibility
  1. During recovery a course of tonics (2 drams oxid of iron, 10 grains nux vomica, and 1 ounce sulphate of soda daily) is desirable to invigorate the system and help to ward off another attack.

  2. The effect of wine is generally supposed to invigorate the understanding, and to stimulate the mental powers--of poets, especially.

  3. Our full energies may now be released to invigorate the processes of recovery in order to preserve our reforms, and to give every man and woman who wants to work a real job at a living wage.

  4. Four years ago we said we would invigorate our economy by giving people greater freedom and incentives to take risks and letting them keep more of what they earned.

  5. On the contrary, to extend and invigorate them is our true policy.

  6. It not only affects the lungs but the action of the diaphragm involved, and serves to massage, stimulate and invigorate the internal organs lying underneath.

  7. The religion of pagan Rome could not satisfy the wants of the soul; it could neither improve the heart nor invigorate the intellect; and it was now rapidly losing its hold on the consciences of the multitude.

  8. The establishment of the hierarchical system, though imparting, as was thought, greater unity to the structure of the Church, did not really invigorate its constitution.

  9. While they produce a cordial impression on the stomach, and invigorate generally the digestive powers, they are liable to none of those objections which may be urged against the employment of the narcotic stimulants.

  10. Its effects are to produce a kind of intoxication and invigorate the spirits.

  11. For some weeks you have seemed so much better that I hoped warm weather would quite relieve and invigorate you.

  12. If it may sometimes seem as if alcoholic drinks arouse the appetite and invigorate digestion, we must not shut our eyes to the fact that this is only a seeming, and that their continued use will inevitably ruin both.

  13. If vigorously and systematically carried out, these exercises invigorate all the tissues and organs of the body, and stimulate them to renewed activity.

  14. To keep them hanging at the breast to invigorate them, is the very way to counteract our own intentions, and defeat our own purpose.

  15. These exercises taken by a man already healthy at once tone him up and invigorate him, until he begins to have something of the feeling of the sturdy pioneer, as described by Dr.

  16. Still more, it promotes not only physical health, but contributes largely to strengthen and invigorate the intellectual faculties, and to elevate and purify the affections.

  17. It is intended as a general caution which I think important, because I know and see every day the extent of geographical feeling and the necessity of prudence, if we mean to preserve and invigorate the Union.

  18. Duty of Literary Men and Women to invigorate Public Opinion.

  19. All educated men and women, all liberal souls, therefore, should do their utmost to invigorate public opinion.

  20. The style of Tiziano may be divided into three periods: when he copied, when he imitated, when he strove to generalize, to elevate, or invigorate the tones of Nature.

  21. There is no variety of harmonious or powerful combination in the empire of colour, as a substitute of light and shade, which did not emanate from his eye, variegate his canvass, and invigorate his scenery.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "invigorate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    animate; arouse; boost; brace; brighten; buttress; cheer; confirm; electrify; encourage; energize; enliven; excite; exhilarate; fillip; fire; fortify; freshen; gain; galvanize; gird; gladden; harden; hearten; inflame; inspire; inspirit; intoxicate; invigorate; kindle; liven; nerve; pique; prop; provoke; quicken; raise; rally; refresh; regale; reinforce; rejoice; renew; resuscitate; revive; rouse; sharpen; spice; steel; stiffen; stimulate; strengthen; support; sustain; temper; toughen; vitalize; vivify; warm; whet