It's true I had a great advantage in having the natives on my side, which was a great strength, & that indeed wherupon I most of all depended.
Wherupon a few of them tendered them selves to goe by land and discovere those nearest places, whilst y^e shallop was in mending; and y^e rather because as they wente into y^t harbor ther seemed to be an opening some 2.
Wherupon y^e sachem of y^e place came forth, and an old man or 2.
Ah: I say and promise muche, but there is a tormenter in my minde which dealeth so rigorouslie with my reason, as I cannot tel wherupon wel to determine.
Wherupon he commaunded the fire to be taken awaye, which then began to flame.
Upon which straung euent, the people raysed great shoutes and acclamations: wherupon Androdus was called before the Emperoure, and demaunded the cause, why that most cruell beast did in that sorte, fawne and fauour him aboue all other.
Raciocinacion is whan the mater is in controuersy / wherupon no law is decreed / but yet the iugement therof may be fou[n]de out by lawes made vpon maters somdele resemblynge thereunto.
Greaves was unwilling to be turned out of his place, but desired to resigne it rather to some worthy person, wherupon Dr.
Lord Moleyns offreth a trete for the goodes, and amendes to be made, or he goth ought of this contre, and if it be not taken, his men shulle justifie; wherupon your title might be hurte.
Wherupon grew som quarrell, for which 4 or 5 Duch mariners were duckt at yard arme and each one 40 strips at capstayn.
Derickson Lamb would bring in his shipp this day, wherupon I sent our foyfony with 14 ores to helpe to toe her in; but she came not in, but the lesser shipp called the Gallyasse.
Wherupon he cam to thenglish howse and complained; but at that tyme I was ill at ease, and did not speake with hym; otherwaies he had been punished according to his desertes.
Wherupon I was forced to goe to the king to complaine, but could not com to speech of hym.
Wherupon your said besecher continued in possession but half a yer; at whiche time he was chargid in reparacions to the somme of C.
Wherupon I have writen unto him, if he may soo doo, to licence you to come over unto me ayen.
Wherupon it was concluded that I my selfe should take that long and troblesom voyag in hand, and that Mr. Wm.
Here was speeches geven out that both English and Holland shipping ware without, wherupon above j C.
Wherupon at an instant both the pristes eyes flew out of his head, and he died imediatly in the sight of all men.
Wherupon they made a privie serche, and went about to heate a ston red hott, and take it in their hands, it being dailie proved that those which are giltlesse goe free and the giltie burne.
Wherupon it follows, if the sap descend, it must needs haue some effect to shew it.
Wherupon persisting in his godly purpose, he toke one of the iij.
Then like a naturall sonne, following the steppes of his father, he cut of the heads of the Gabinian nobility, wherupon som ran away, vpon whose departure the goods as wel of them as of other that were put to death were deuided.
Wherupon the reserve coming, routed and cutt downe the partie.
Twas that earle of Oxford that lett the f-- before queen Elizabeth: wherupon he travelled.
His father had some suspition of it, and chid him severely, wherupon his son John (only child) wrot a little essay in 8vo, printed .
Wherupon I avise you, as soone as ye may, send som discrete man to kepe your courtis and to lette your fermys and selle your wodis to your most avayll.
Wherupon our ships diuided themselues, the one sailing on the North side, the other on the South side of the sayd Isles, where we stayed fiue dayes, hauing the winde at Southeast, very foggy and foule weather.
Wherupon they desired me to resolve unto them without fraud or deceit these following questions.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wherupon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.