In female cigar-makers abortion and pluriparity are frequent.
The decrease in the fecundity of the American woman has been charged to various anti-social causes (abortion and prevention of conception) and to a "nervousness" induced by the climate.
The excessive tendency to cell formation, however, produces impotence in man, sterility andabortion in woman.
Artificial abortion seems to be practiced more and more.
According to Jules Ronyer, the women of Rome practiced abortion for several reasons.
In 1872 at Constantinople, more than three thousand cases of abortion were brought before the courts in a period of ten months.
The women residing in cities have more means at hand to prevent normal child-birth; therefore the cases of abortion were numerous and the cases of infanticide relatively few.
Abortion is often followed by the worst results; not infrequently it results in death, and in many cases it means the permanent destruction of health.
In some strata of American society an artificial abortion is discussed as openly as a regular confinement.
If the rupture is through the tube there is hemorrhage into the pelvic cavity; if the ovum slips out of the ampulla the tubal abortion causes hemorrhage as in uterine abortion.
Mild cases may be cured without damage to the woman or fetus, but many cases go on to abortion and death in coma and fever.
They absolutely refuse to effect an abortion to get rid of a fetus which may disgrace an unmarried woman and her family, and they are perfectly right in this refusal.
This condition is more likely to cause abortion than endometritis alone.
It certainly does not; but it should if the doctrine of the sentimentalists on abortion were true.
If such a removal or ligation, under these conditions, indirectly causes the abortion of the inviable fetus, or its death from a lack of blood, these indirect effects may be reluctantly permitted.
If the child is not viable, abortion is out of the question, as has been proved in the chapter on Abortion and the general chapter on Homicide.
In a third of such as do become pregnant abortion or premature labor occurs.
When there is a dangerous hemorrhage from rupture or tubal abortion the diagnosis is usually made without difficulty from the collapse and other signs.
In uterine abortion the onset of the symptoms is quiet, with gradually intensifying and regular pains, resembling labor, in the lower abdomen.
Misery will cover deaths from starvation and poverty, the limitation of births from abortion due to hardship, from deaths due to improper food, clothing, and housing; and emigration to avoid hardship.
Since Aristotle's time abortion has been largely practised by civilized nations.
If a bleeding takes place in the woman who is pregnant, abortion may be assumed to threaten; a careful examination will usually settle this matter.
Abortion in the medical sense, takes place about once in every four or five pregnancies.
Let us medically define these terms as follows; Abortion implies expulsion of the foetus before the sixteenth week.
For threatened abortion or miscarriage use infusion three or four times daily, in two teaspoonfuls doses, a week or two before, it usually has occurred; or the tincture in ten to twenty drop doses five times daily.
Tonic for the womb, for threatened abortion and prevention of miscarriage.
Abortion may be induced by many causes due to the mother, father, and child.
The abortionis probably inevitable if the bleeding becomes persistent and free, the cervix softens, the womb dilates and the labor pains set in.
Backache, a sense of weight in the lower abdomen, difficult menstruation, leucorrhea, sterility, or repeated abortion and constipation.
Infanticide after birth is not very common in Persia, but abortion artificially procured has, particularly of late, become frequent for the prevention of large families that cannot be supported.
Abortion seldom occurs naturally, and is never artificially procured, owing to the local laws.
I would venture to say that in Chicago alone there is at least one abortion performed every hour--and Chicago is not so very different from other parts of the country in this respect.
In order to carry out her desires it is not uncommon for an abortion to be performed during the first few months.
So during the first year she had an abortion performed.
If an abortion is produced by either drugs or instruments there is danger that all the products of conception may not come away.
Then, it is considered justifiable for the physician in charge of the case to produce an abortion in order to save the life of the mother.
Many women have the false idea that there is no life before the fifth month and so think they are not destroying life if they have an abortion at the end of the first, the second or even the third month.
One course is an abortion with all its attendant dangers, its risks to her life and the thoughts of having taken a life.
So widespread is this evil that you can scarce pick up a paper without finding some abortionnostrum advertised.
If a woman is liable to abortion or miscarriage, absolute abstinence is the only remedy.
It is true enough that remedies may be taken to produce abortion after conception occurs; but those who prescribe and those who resort to such desperate expedients, can only be placed in the category of lunatics and assassins!
Such a condition cannot be discovered before marriage--The detestable crime of abortion is appallingly rife in our day.
Then we have the practice of abortion reduced in modern times to a science, and almost to a distinct profession.
It has hesitated to take the further step of placing abortion on the eugenic basis, and of claiming the right to insist on abortion whenever the medical and hygienic interests of society demand such a step.
In the classic civilization of Greece and Rome, likewise, abortion was permitted though with certain qualifications and conditions.
Any change in the law should merely be, he considers, in the direction of asserting that the destruction of the foetus is not abortion in the legal sense, provided it is indicated by the rules of medical science.
By active social reform in these two directions, the new movement in favor of abortion may be kept in check, and it may even be found that by stimulating such reform that movement has been beneficial.
Comparative statistics are difficult, and it is certainly true that abortion is extremely common in England, in France, and in Germany.
As for the women who desire abortion merely from motives of vanity, or convenience, Oda Olberg points out that the circles in which these motives rule are quite able to limit their children without having to resort to abortion.
We have seen that the deliberate restraint of conception has become a part of our civilized morality, and that the practice and theory of facultative abortion has gained a footing among us.
In view of these facts it is not surprising that the induction of abortion has been permitted and even encouraged in many civilizations.
Plato admitted the mother's right to decide on abortion but said that the question should be settled as early as possible in pregnancy.
Pratts Cow Remedy should be given before and after service, and when Contagious Abortion is only suspected, should be continued during the period when the cow is in calf.
Abortion had got a hold on my herd and I was expecting to have to dispose of them, when Pratts Cow Remedy came to my rescue.
In many Compositae and Umbelliferae (and in some other plants) the circumferential flowers have their corollas much more developed than those of the centre; and this seems often connected with the abortion of the reproductive organs.
Everyone is familiar with the difference between the ray and central florets of, for instance, the daisy, and this difference is often accompanied with the partial or complete abortion of the reproductive organs.
Aristotle, who on so many points took the liberty of departing from the doctrines of his master, did not think of correcting those which regard abortion and infanticide.
Jussieu,[803] the abortion is only partial in Carthamus creticus, but more extended in C.
A few words must be added on the complete abortion or suppression of organs.
With respect to the final and total suppression or abortion of any organ, another and distinct principle, which will be discussed in the chapter on pangenesis, probably takes a share in the work.
The woman had been young and beautiful, and evidently a person of refinement, and the post mortem examination, which was made as speedily as possible, revealed the fact that she had been murdered in the effort to produce an abortion upon her.
It must not be supposed, however, that the best customers of the vendors of medicines for producing miscarriage and abortion are those who seek to hide their shame.
Need there be any better confirmation of the assertion that the rich are greater votaries of the crime of abortionthan the poor?
The laws of all the States punish the procuring of anabortion with severe penalties.
The affinity of different groups, the unity of types of structure, the representative forms through which foetus passes, the metamorphosis of organs, the abortion of others cease to be metaphorical expressions and become intelligible facts.
In flowers, again, we see the gradual abortion during successive seedlings (though this is more properly a conversion) of stamens into imperfect petals, and finally into perfect petals.
The terms used by naturalists of affinity, unity of type, adaptive characters, the metamorphosis and abortion of organs, cease to be metaphorical expressions and become intelligible facts.
Abortion has, unquestionably, been {132} often produced by violent nervous shocks.
The numerous cases reported by various observers of relapsing fever occurring in pregnant women establish the rule that abortion almost invariably occurs, whatever may be the stage of the pregnancy.
In the three years following the introduction of the anti-pyretic treatment only five cases of abortion occurred, and but one of these proved fatal.
According to Kaposi, women recently delivered prematurely or who have lately suffered from an abortion succumb more often than others of their sex.
The case I met in this country was still more far-fetched, for the abortion was supposed to be producible by indirect influence on the wife of the husband taking fright.
It is the universal testimony of physicians that the effects of abortion are almost as deadly upon the mother as upon the child.
A medical author of note asserts that a woman suffers more injury from one abortion than she would from twenty normal births.
We are never going to eliminate the abortion curse of present-day civilization by merely preaching against it--warnings and denouncements alone will not suffice to remove the stain.
Every one knows the {145} difference in the ray and central florets of, for instance, the daisy, and this difference is often accompanied with the abortion of parts of the flower.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abortion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: birth; fiasco; freak; miscarriage; misfire; monster; monstrosity; prevention; termination