In the opinion of the statesmen who frankly represented the planting interest, the industrial system was its deadly enemy.
That there had been abuses in the accumulation of wealth he did not pretend to ignore, but he believed that even immense fortunes, on the whole, represented positive benefits conferred upon the country.
If the interference of the government with business and labor represented a departure from the old idea of "the less government the better," what can be said of a large body of laws affecting the rights of states?
What nationalities were represented among the early colonists?
In 1837 the National Women's Anti-Slavery Convention met in New York; seventy-one women delegates represented eight states.
The Circular Letter declared that Parliament had no right to lay taxes on Americans without their consent and that the colonists could not, from the nature of the case, be representedin Parliament.
But the matter had never been representedto him in such a truly ridiculous light as by his facetious guest.
If they had really been taken in by his having falsely represented himself as a jovial good sort of fellow, why, he could only feel flattered by the compliment to his powers of personation.
The image represented the body of a fish with the head and arms of a man; and while all figures of the god are not exactly alike, they all combine a human form with that of a fish.
My memory then represented to me the dreadful fate of the Calas family!
Its neck represented all the colors of Iris, but still more striking and brilliant.
Hygiea, the goddess of health, is represented in works of art as a virgin dressed in a long robe and feeding a serpent from a cup.
So that your food, your raiment, your lodging, your movables, are all represented by the sum of one hundred and twenty livres.
He then represented to himself the human species, as it really is, as a parcel of insects devouring one another on a little atom of clay.
On ancient coins and armorial bearings, the Griffin is represented as having the head and wings of an eagle, joined to the body and paws of a lion, thus representing strength and swiftness combined.
He represented to him the great danger to which he exposed himself.
The horizon represented a rising sun, to express that this shocking execution was to be performed in the morning.
He was originally represented as a lamb until one of the popes changed his effigy to that of a man on a cross.
Greeks, who disfigures the creation by making the Messiah take a pair of compasses from heaven's armory to plan the world; whereas Moses represented the Deity as producing the whole universe by his fiat?
Freind was affected by this maxim, but herepresented to them that the custom of burning captives at the stake, was degrading to worthy people; and that, with so much virtue, they should be less ferocious.
He represented Christian unity of doctrine and discipline, and ruled over a recognised territory--first a single church, then a city, then a province.
He represented the best in Rome and the best in Christianity.
Jameson, Legends of Monastic Orders as Representedin the Fine Arts.
The state was represented as unholy, the Church as holy.
This vast multitude, estimated at one million Crusaders, chiefly French, represented the flower of western Europe.
The Holy Ghost was commonly represented as a dove over the altar or the font.
Aurora is representedas having said that "Washington has the ostentation of an eastern bashaw.
At a dinner in Philadelphia upon the anniversary of the French King's execution, the dead monarch was represented by a roasted pig.
It's not likely that the message contains only nine letters; therefore one letter of the cipher probably stands for several, and I shouldn't wonder if all the letters of the alphabet were represented by those nine.
Thus in the poem of Guatier d'Aupias, the hero is represented as visiting in her chamber the demoiselle of whom he is enamored.
Each knew the London of his time as few men knew it; and each represented it intimately and in elaborate detail.
Eastward Hoe" achieved the extraordinary popularity represented in a demand for three issues in one year.
Volpone, or the Fox," is, in a sense, a transition play from the dramatic satires of the war of the theatres to the purer comedy represented in the plays named above.
The common idea regarding its chief conductor represented him as a man of extraordinary sharpness, alternating between epigrammatic flippancy and democratic rigour.
Sir William Forbes, Sir James Hall, and Mr Clerk of Eldin, represented a class of country gentlemen cultivating learning on its account.
The Governor of the Invalides came out, and represented the impossibility of his delivering arms, without the orders of those from whom he received them.
Below the painted panels of the dining-room runs a long string of ornament, whereon are represented Cupids and Psyches engaged in the various occupations of Pompeian daily life.
After this the Welch seem to have been fond of the English laws, and desirous of being incorporated into the realm, to be represented in parliament, and enjoy all the rights of Englishmen, as well as to be bound by the English laws.
Let us now take a more careful review of this passage, which by some out of doors has been represented as seditious, rebellious, and traitorous.
Mr. Otis asserted all these acts to be null and void by the law of nature, by the English constitution, and by the American charters, because America was not representedin parliament.
If a person born in England removes to Ireland and settles there, he is then no longer represented in the British parliament, but he and his posterity are, and will ever be subject to the authority of the British parliament.
But to return from my digression, the committee of correspondence represented the destruction of the tea in their own way; they represented those that addressed Gov.
It is impossible to believe, that he thought the offensive passage treason or sedition, of such danger and importance as he represented it.
The Americans are not represented in parliament, and therefore are exempt from acts of parliament, or in other words, not subject to its authority.
Guernsey and Jersey are no part of the realm of England, nor are theyrepresented in parliament, but are subject to its authority: and, in the same predicament are the American colonies, and all the other dispersions of the empire.
The different scenes of barbarity, which these represented to me, greatly added to the affliction of my mind.
The third class, of that of the Quakers in America, may be considered as represented by William Dillwyn, by whom they were afterwards joined to us in correspondence.
Before the commitee broke up, I represented to them the necessity there was of obtaining further knowledge on all those individual points, which might be said to belong to the great subject of the abolition of the Slave-trade.
The defendant is not brought before them personally, nor is he represented in any way.
In many European countries a state church was established and the people obliged to support it by taxes levied against their property, regardless of whether it represented their religious beliefs.
The tax laws were denounced as illegal by the colonists, who argued that they were not represented in Parliament.
How did they try to see that the representatives at this meeting actually represented the people?
It represented the number of chances which were his against death, the number of times that he might face death front to front and escape.
And in the next breath he represented McQuade to be a man of a heart of gold who would gladly move out of his own house and home to leave it to some one who had more need of it.
The eye can readily perceive the eight different positions in which one of the pointers is represented [on the plate attached to the article in the "Transactions," but here omitted].
In order to effect in concave what the wax represented in convex, I covered the wax with clay, and baked this second covering.
But this fact he has alwaysrepresented as being rather an advantage than a drawback.
The result was that a salary list of about fourteen hundred dollars a week represented a company walking around doing nothing.
Inflammatory reports from America represented it as being practically in a state of insurrection.
Probably the thrust represented the will of the majority; the bow and smile, the prudence of the timid sort.
It was represented to the English government that the entire Indian population in the west was being amalgamated with the French; the Jesuits ensnaring them on the spiritual side, and the intermarrying system on the other.
He was a singular being; yet he represented the evil tendencies of Puritanism; they drained into him, so to say, until he became their sensible incarnation.
Nevertheless it made it incumbent upon the Pope to excommunicate him, and thus placed him, and England as represented by him, in a quasi-dissenting attitude toward the orthodox faith.
He added that the colonists thought it hard that a body in which they were not represented should make a merit of giving what was not its own but theirs.
Man's power of reproduction being represented by three, its multiple nine would be still more obviously important.
At length he remembered that man's body is a unity, therefore represented by the number one, and that will, judgment, and supremacy are also comprised in the unit.
To the Church itself, the one true church represented by its elders, and deacons, and preachers, was the reply.
It is also important to note that the modern fallacy according to which republics being impersonal should not be represented by ambassadors had not appeared in that important epoch in diplomatic history.
To the State; said Barneveld, speaking for government; to the community represented by the states of the provinces, the magistracies of the cities and municipalities.
The Provinces were represented as a collection of audacious rebels, a piratical scum of the sea.
In his two earlier debates he hadrepresented the Baptists against the Presbyterians.
The Disciples were not represented in the organization or on the program of either of these.
It is now represented at its best, and with important modifications and additions, in the British "Churches of Christ" which are in communion with the Disciples of Christ in America.
A Disciple suggested that name, and Disciples had a part in its organization and have been well represented in its leadership.
They represented to the Caliph Ali Ibn Yusuf that not only this but all Ghazzali's other works which circulated in Andalusia should be collected and burnt, which was accordingly done.
Alluding to the Koran (Sura 18) where the angels are represented as worshipping Adam by the command of God.
His real character has, for the most part, been forgotten, and he is represented as a magician and sorcerer who possessed the philosopher's stone, and knew how to make gold.
Those who attempt to describe Him can only indicate the distance which separates Him from all human attributes; the beauty of being is represented in scriptural language by His Face and His infinite bounty by His Hand.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "represented" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.