Protestant Churches, naturally more independent, have moved more slowly, but their world alliancesand federations are increasing to the point where they, too, are likely to become true institutions.
Alliances are now federations for peace; the Triple Alliance continues to be a federation for peace; so too the Sextuple Alliance, so energetic and persistent in its support of Turkey, has been a federation for peace.
England, entangled with dynastic alliances in order to preserve her prosperity and dignity, had lost most of her serious and trusted leaders, and the few who survived were so panic-stricken as to have little perspicacity.
Of all alliances this is infinitely the strongest and the safest to be trusted to, because the interest so formed and operating against external enemies can never be divided.
Paper money and a "sinking fund" at home, and foreign alliances that disregarded the really controlling interests of nations, Paine saw as piers set in the Channel.
His exhortation to young Pitt is to avoid war with Holland, to be friendly with France, to shun alliances involving aid in war, and to build up the wealth and liberties of England by uniting the people with the throne.
It consists of two angels, each bearing two shields, showing the arms and alliances of the Cary and Boleyn families, of Cary and Waldo, Boleyn and Howard, and Henry VIII.
Facing the entrance, on the first landing, is a magnificent vase, and in canopied niches in the wall are exquisitely sculptured figures, the arms of Lowther and the alliances of the family also appropriately decorating the walls.
Along its sides, under a series of canopied arches, are figures bearing shields of the arms of the Vernons and their alliances and those of the families of his two wives.
The series of arms on the south side shows the descent of the Earl of Shrewsbury from the time of the Conquest, while those on the north side exhibit the armorial bearings of the alliances formed by the females of the House of Talbot.
Her chief care now was to make alliances for her children suited to this new position.
It was at this period that there were for the first time formed those combinations and alliances between the nations of Europe which led finally to a system existing for the preservation of the balance of power.
It was the secret of their success in forming alliances with the Indians, and it was in marked contrast with the harsh conduct of the English and the ruthless cruelty of the Spaniards.
He also succeeded in forming friendly alliances with other kings and changed the enfeebled and divided tribes into a mighty empire.
He depended upon foreign alliances rather than upon Jehovah to save his nation.
Flemings any more; but for two years past, and so soon as he observed the commencement of hostilities between the Duke of Burgundy and the Swiss, he had paved the way for otheralliances in that quarter.
Then he reproached the duke with his inertness against the English, with the capture of Pontoise, and with his alliances amongst the promoters of civil war.
It was in fact the Continental system which separated the interests of Murat from those of the Emperor, and which compelled the new King of Naples to form alliances amongst the Princes at war with France.
England will always lend us the support of her navy and her subsidies, and we will renew alliances with Russia and Austria.
These were important later on for the marriages they contracted with Mahomet's supporters, and indeed his whole position was considerably solidified by the alliances between his daughters and his chief adherents.
The union marks the inauguration of his policy of marriage alliances by which he bound the supporters of his Faith more closely to him, either through his own marriage with their daughters, or the bestowal of his offspring upon them.
These alliances that are for State purposes alone, in which the heart plays no part, demand, at least, that on the lady's side there shall be a record unblemished by the breath of scandal.
It behoves them to contract such alliances as shall redound to the advantage of their people.
You are wrong in placing this among the alliances in which the heart has no part.
I will lead your army when I have raised it, and I will enter into alliances for you with our neighbouring States, who, seeing us armed, will deem us a power worthy of their alliance.
Such politicalalliances are daily made, and daily broken when more profit offers in another quarter.
It contracts no entangling alliances with any sect of theorists, dreamers, or philosophers.
All along our route we exchanged gifts and contracted alliances of friendship At times the chase was engaged in, furnishing us with a great number of antelopes, zebras, giraffes, and rhinoceroses.
Everywhere we concluded friendly alliances with the tribes and their chiefs, and sealed our alliances with presents.
And by a treaty of peace, the following January the Popolo restored to Florence both Guelfs and Ghibellines, and caused many marriages and alliances to be made between them, among the which these were the chief: that M.
In truth neither the popes nor the emperors had any sympathy with the real objects of either party, though they were ready enough to seek their advantage in alliances with them.
Gregorio, and often he had them to take counsel with the leaders of the Guelfs and of the Blacks in Florence to find out means and security of peace, and to order alliances between the exiles, and the nobles within.
Alliances are sought and concluded only with those whom one respects, or who can offer one protection against a common foe.
He has declared war against me, and forms alliances with my enemies for my destruction.
Alliances were formed; and armaments, expensive and ineffectual, were prepared, for the destruction of the common enemy; who reserved his courage to encounter those dangers which his policy could not prevent or elude.
The two daughters of the Gothic king were given in marriage to the eldest sons of the kings of the Suevi and of the Vandals, who reigned in Spain and Africa: but these illustrious alliances were pregnant with guilt and discord.
The Brissacs have not been very particular in their alliances for some time, and yet appear no richer.
Our principal alliances with the industrial democracies of the Atlantic community and Japan have never been more solid.
Our allianceswith major partners, the great industrial democracies of Western Europe, Japan, and Canada, have never been more solid.
But the defection and death of Populist leaders, the collapse of the party, and the disintegration of the alliancescould not stay the farmers' movement.
With the year 1890 interest shifts from social to political organization, from Alliances to Populism.
Many of the alliances made by David were distinctly in the line of political arrangements, bargains by which he strengthened his boundary lines, and attracted to his own purposes the resources or the kindly interest of other nations.
For the first time in the history of Israel, alliances were entered into with other nations.
A loosening and dissolving of old alliances that no longer correspond to all conditions is only in order when new constellations are attainable.
By the time she was nineteen, Bettina had felt the blood surge in her veins more than once when she heard some comments on alliances over which she had seen her compatriots glow with affectionate delight.
Hers was of the early international marriages, and the republican mind had not yet adjusted itself to all that such alliances might imply.
There were rather one-sided alliances which proved themselves far from happy.
She saw her country, its people, its newspapers, its literature, innocently rejoiced by the alliances its charming young women contracted with foreign rank.
The Fujiwara based their power on matrimonial alliances with the Throne; the Taira, the Minamoto and the Tokugawa based theirs on the possession of armed strength which the throne had no competence to control.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alliances" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.