Fancy his cool insolence, in telling me that he was too uninformed to enter upon these themes, and only knew when he was pleased, but without being able to say why.
The universal toleration which the laws of the United States assure to every religious persuasion will not escape you as an argument for quieting the minds of uninformed individuals who may entertain fears on that head.
He had already read the account sent him officially, but he was as eager to hear all I could recollect, as if still uninformed of what had passed.
He made so many inquiries of how I had gone on and what I had done since I saw him, that I was soon satisfied he was Page 294 not uninformed of yesterday's transaction.
It would, therefore, not be strange if readers generally were also uninformed upon the subject.
For all these things--a senseless mass of juggleries to the uninformed eye--are really growths of the human spirit struggling to develop its life, and full of instruction for those who learn to understand them.
The uninformed will now learn that Australia lies in the southern hemisphere, while we are in the northern, and that there they live in midst of summer, while we are buried in snow.
Uninformed Christians are generally under the impression that all refer to one and the same thing, viz.
It was this special character which no doubt gave rise to the idea so common amongst the uninformed that it was a Jewish rite.
In the beginning, let us distinguish between the fraudulent promoter and the uninformed promoter.
Distinguished from the fraudulent promoter is the uninformed promoter, but, so far as results are concerned, there is not much difference between them for the innocent investor.
The subject I have written on, roughly and hurriedly, is Fraudulent and Uninformed Promoters.
And now let me begin at the beginning, so that the uninformed reader may have a clear view of the whole subject as far as India is concerned.
The lady coming downstairs was Miss Constance Smith-Dickenson, also uninformed about the tragedy.
If Marshall had been uninformed as to the causes that drove the United States to take militant action, these papers supplied that information.
I know the whole machinery of the interior, and can laugh the better at the silly wonder and wild conjectures of the uninformed spectators.
Whenever you condescend to do it, as you promise, stick to truth; for I am not souninformed of Hamburg as perhaps you may think.
When it takes possession of anuninformed or an ill-constituted mind, it becomes the source of a thousand errors, and a thousand absurdities.
After remaining some years, he left it with the character of an uninformed and dissipated young man, with good natural talents but a bad disposition.
Catalepsy, that wondrous disease, is still thought by ignorant gossips to be the work of Satan; and hypochondriacs, uninformed by science of the nature of their malady, devoutly believe in the reality of their visions.
Today the mass of the people are uninformed even as to ordinary affairs, how much less do they grasp the core of the important problems and complex needs of the time.
For the mass of the population is uninformed as to these vital agencies which would constitute an immediate remedy for society’s chronic ills.
These two main reasons for exultation were shared by all classes, not merely by the uninformed mob of newspaper readers.
Dallas, fortunately, had been leftuninformed and uninstructed.
Presumably Russell knew that Adams as a result of their conversations, had recommended such suspension, but at Washington, Lyons, as yetuninformed of the Alexandra action, was still much alarmed.
This process is apt to puzzle the uninformed visitor, who sees a strange and fearful animal, like a huge black-beetle, crawling up the cliffs.
The most stupid and uninformed English you can find have some ray of enlightenment.
So too we are uninformed as to his lineage, except that his father's name was Simon.
We are uninformed as to which James is referred to, and as to whether the Judas here mentioned was the son, the brother, or some other relative of the unidentified James.
We need not hesitate to believe that at the time Jesus delivered to the apostles the discourse under consideration, He was uninformed on the matter; for He so states.
He thought and wrote for him, and there is scarcely one of Darwin’s books that cannot be read by the uninformed layman with profit.
This will at all events show that a man who could look upon a chimpanzee as his equal, did not entirely ignore, as an uninformed layman, a poor philologist.
Darwin did not in the least disdain the uninformed layman.
Without pointing out the numerous minor errors that pervade this paragraph, we may remark, that Mr. Hasler is manifestly uninformed regarding the condition of the institution to which he alludes.
We are uninformed of the particulars of his operations against the commissioners.
Do not let it languish a moment, nor leave us a moment uninformed of any thing relative to it.
Of this fact we are equally uninformed as of the former.
You cannot be uninformed of the circumstances which have occasioned the French squadron now in New York to seek asylum in the ports of the United States.
Tuberculosis is a widespread disease and a majority of the uninformed are only too willing and ready to try such a “cure.
The church in Loborough, composed of twenty-five members, were uninformed in many principles of the new covenant, not having had the same privilege of instruction as the churches in the United States.