Protonuclein with the action of the vital principle of the spleen, making it a distinct product for use in all tubercular troubles, including phthisis, localized joint affections and scrofular conditions.
I have seen, not once, but hundreds of times, tubercular lesions diagnosed and located from the blood specimen and the patient brought in and the condition demonstrated by percussion.
Some years ago Sweeny declared that his “Anti-Tubercular Lymph” (as it was then called) was derived from a bullock which had been immunized to tuberculosis.
Useful in other forms of Tubercular Diseases, and in Non-Tubercular Pulmonary Diseases of a Sub-Acute or Chronic Nature.
Bruschettini, Genoa, Italy, is claimed to have the properties “of acting directly on the tubercular bacillus, bringing directly into the field and determining a hyperproduction of antibacillar and antitoxic substances.
Putting on one side the tubercular cases and the rare epidemics, there was comparatively little sickness among the prisoners.
Claws sharp, curved, and retractile; no lower tubercular tooth, but a small upper one.
Dental formula, like that of Marten, but behind the carnivorous is a small tubercular tooth which is wider, being broader than long.
The cheesy transformation is, according to Virchow, a necrobiosis of the hyperplastic gland-elements, but Schuppel insists that it is the result of tubercular development.
In another case this fibro-tubercular material may occupy one part of the abdomen, and a large serous cyst or serous cysts another.
In all forms of tubercular peritonitis death is caused as often by grave complications as by what appears to be the primary disease.
Footnote 81: The distinction between the two forms is usually manifest if the development of the lesions has been observed; but even this fails in regard to the tubercular eruption.
They differ from tubercular nodules in being few in number--not more than half a dozen usually--and are generally confined to one lung.
It occurs in irregular plaques of a yellowish tint slightly elevated above the general surface, and rarely assumes a tubercular form.
A difference of opinion exists among surgeons as to the propriety of operating for fistula in ano in persons afflicted with tubercular disease of the lungs.
The almost sole complication of diabetes mellitus is the tubercular phthisis which so often terminates it.
The tubercular patient should sleep in a tent, or upon an open piazza every night, regardless of the weather or the temperature of the atmosphere.
The first and second bicuspids have tubercular cusps, they being in line.
Their deaths are mainly due to tubercular diseases and affections of the nervous system.
The regularity with which such precocious tubercular children die has given rise to proverbs anent exceptionally clever children that they are "too wise to live long.
A tubercular cow will invariably give birth to a tubercular calf, or at any rate the calf will contract tuberculosis from the milk.
The infected animals should be disposed of on account of tubercular cows giving birth to tubercular calves, the milk being unfit for human consumption, unless it is thoroughly pasteurized.
It was furthermore met with in the cheesy lymphatic glands of swine, in the tubercular nodules of a fowl, and in the tubercles of guinea-pigs, rabbits, and monkeys.
Authors report observation of them in cases of disease of the liver or pancreas, as well as in phthisis, typhoid fever, diabetes mellitus, cholera, and tubercular enteritis of children.
Again, in one generation there may be a marked tendency to insanity; in the next, to paralysis; in a third, to tubercular meningitis during infancy.
The bacilli were likewise found in the tubercles resulting from the inoculation of animals with tubercular virus from its various sources.
In like manner, a tubercular pneumonia, or a tubercular nephritis suggests an association of neoplastic growth and inflammation, in the lung and kidney.
It has been met with in cases of cardiac dilatation, aortic atheroma, cerebral hemorrhage, tubercular meningitis, and uræmia.
Such conditions are present when the local tubercular growths extend into lymphatics or blood-vessels.
The general type of dentition is feline, but in some instances more premolars are retained, as well as a small tubercular molar behind the lower carnassial.
We should ask, in families of two or more, are thetubercular members, if any, as likely to be the second born or third or tenth as to be the first born?
Had we to deal only with the still living genera of Artiodactyles, it would be easy to sort them into two groups on the characters of the teeth; for the Pigs and Hippopotamus are provided with tubercular molars; they are bunodont.
The anterior (five to eight) ribs are two headed, the posterior with tubercular head only.
The consumptive or tubercular patient should provide some way to live out-of-doors, day and night, winter and summer, unless the weather is extremely cold.
Let us suppose a tubercular mother gives birth to a child.
If he is taken from his mother, taken away from the tubercular environment, and brought up under the best hygienic and sanitary surroundings, it is possible for him to become a robust, healthy, normal man.
It would be foolish to assume that this child comes into the world with a normal standard of resistance; but it is certain he is not tubercular and doomed at the moment of his birth.
Relatively long, strongly produced at the vertex; elevated on the thorax into a blunt tubercular prominence; green in color.
Strongly convex dorsally, concave ventrally, with a stout tubercular eminence on the thorax, without any other projecting tubercles or eminences; light green in color.
The mouth is large; the body, which is contracted behind, presents a tubercular and rugged back.
The skin is defended by granular scales, interlaced with others of a tubercular character; they are almost always of a sombre colour.
He accordingly directed his effort to cases of lupus, treating the patients with hypodermic injections which he had prepared from the modified form of the tubercular poison.
He found that the tubercular poison might be treated in the same manner as the poison of other infectious diseases.
Tubercular peritonitis may be primary or secondary, acute or chronic; occasionally very acute cases are seen running a rapid course; the majority are chronic in type.
The intestinal mucous membrane, the peritoneum and the mesenteric glands are the chief sites of tubercular infection in the digestive organs.
Now and then it contains large caseous tubercular masses in its substance.
An important fact with regard to the tubercular processes in the digestive organs lies in the ready response to treatment shown by many cases of peritoneal or mesenteric invasion, particularly in the young.
The appendix has been found to be the seat of tubercular processes; in the rectum they form the general cause of the fistulae and abscesses so commonly met with here.
Tubercular enteritis is a frequent accompaniment of phthisis, but may occur apart from tubercle of other organs.
Rarely met with in the gullet and stomach, and comparatively seldom in the mouth and lips, tubercular inflammation of the small intestine and peritoneum is common.
If in the large bowel, the symptoms are usually less acute than those characterizing tubercular inflammation of the small intestine.
He was the author of various valuable papers, including one entitled Tubercular Family History, and his contributions to the press have ever been eagerly received.
Brown has successfully followed his profession in Montreal and in addition to an extensive private practice is acting as physician to the Montreal Dispensary and is in charge of the tubercular clinic.
This consists of the injection into the human system of a solution principally of iodine and in April, 1912, he read before the International Tubercular Congress at Rome, Italy, a paper upon this treatment.
Consumption and the wholetubercular class of disease are chiefly caused by the defective ventilation of dwelling-houses, and particularly of sleeping rooms, in which at least one-third of one's existence is passed.
Tubercular diseases, of which consumption affecting the lungs is the most important, were as usual intensely fatal in our district.
There is a notable increase of tubercular and consumptive maladies in our large cities, and the low form of vitality engendered in people who do not enjoy fresh air, leads to the abuse of stimulants and tobacco.
Bernheim looks upon coition as a frequent source of tubercular infection, and the sensitive and absorbing covering of the uncircumcised glans as a ready medium of transmission of the virus from one system to the other.
So that the comparative exposure in this country--where the practice is not as prevalent as in Germany of eating raw minced-meat sandwiches--existing between the Jew and the Christian to tubercular infection from meat are about equal.
Richardson mentions the immunity of the Jewish race from tubercular disease, and notices the well-known relation existing between a syphilitic taint and a phthisical tendency.
The above is but one of many cases, in which tubercular consumption has been arrested and sometimes wholly cured by the sanitary effects produced by working among plants for a considerable time.
In this form it is said to last from eighteen to twenty years and is thus not so rapidly fatal as the tubercular variety.
Unfortunately intubercular meningitis the clearly defined symptoms are absent in the beginning, and when the physician is called the condition is dangerous.
These forms are separate at first, but ultimately they are combined and there are disturbances of sensation in the characteristic tubercular form.
It is caused by the tubercular infection, and follows the usual course of this disease.