The larger part of the plumage is of a light green, the lower portion of the back a deep crimson-red.
The leaves, which are of a light green, are alternate, and in form and size similar to tea leaves.
A conspicuous white, slightly elongated spot exists behind each eye, and on each side of the chest there is a broad crescent-shaped mark of light green.
The wild Poppy, or Corn Rose, hath long and narrow leaves, very much cut in on the edges into many divisions, of a light green colour, sometimes hairy withal.
Light green in color; a good header, but not so hard heading as Fottler.
The leaves are lance-shaped acute, light green, and are distinguished from those of B.
Leaves of a light green, striped with fine violet bands, and 2 ft.
The leaf-stalk is either of a light greenor yellow colour.
The border of this fine rug is in stripes, the widest of a golden hue, with turquoise blue, light green, and soft reds in delicate tracery.
The border is charming, with its groundwork of fine yellow, on which are delicate tracings of light green, ivory, and blue.
The colors in these areas and the medallion are often in cream, light green, or red.
Eggshell wares and pierced or reticulated pieces were made to great perfection, and the coloured glazes in light green, turquoise, purple and black (see Plate VII.
It has more variety of colour than the glazed faience, light green and a dark indigo blue being found as well as the Saite light blue.
Now we're quite cool again," cried the fair one in light green, hastily.
Cousin Ola saw at once that the beloved one was in light green; but he dared not say a word lest he should betray himself by his voice, for his heart was in his throat.
And this was when Miss Bronte sat in a light green dress at the Thackeray dinner-table.
The very fuzzy, light green, juicy stalk attains heights of from 10 to 24 inches.
The spathe is light green, more or less striped with brown, especially on the inside; the spadix is also green and has the tiny flowers clustered about its base.
The leaves are thin, light green, somewhat heart-shaped and short stemmed.
Before us were spread out well-grassed savannahs, thinly timbered, excepting where dark winding lines of trees or light green thickets of bamboos marked the course of rivers or mountain brooks.
The course of the Carca is marked by some patches of light green, that look like grass, and are probably clearings made by the Indians.
In some parts a light green maiden-hair fern covered the ground with its beautifully tender foliage, reminding me of shady banks in the north of England, covered with the equally lovely oak-fern.
There are days, when the hour is about sunset, and a gentle north-east wind is blowing, that the Lake is of a light green, except a blue strip in the far north.
Females captured on the wing, laid in the breeding-cage single eggs of a light green colour, spheroidal in form, and very similar to those of C.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "light green" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.