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Example sentences for "epileptic"

Lexicographically close words:
epigraphic; epigraphical; epigraphy; epigynous; epilepsy; epileptics; epileptiform; epileptoid; epilogues; eping
  1. Dipsomania is a form of impulsive degenerative insanity, and it is probably epileptic in origin.

  2. As an expert has declared, "It is ofttimes impossible to decide whether an assault has been committed with full consciousness, or in a transient but blind epileptic fury.

  3. Especially is this true with regard to epileptic children.

  4. In one of these the patient knows and remembers all the ordinary acts of life, the other carries the record of only such actions as are done in a peculiarly morbid psychic or epileptic condition.

  5. The treatment of epilepsy is now better understood by physicians and it is generally recognised that the two things that epileptic {99} patients need are outdoor air and as far as possible all freedom from responsibility.

  6. Relatives are often a source of irritation rather than consolation to these patients, and the life in epileptic colonies has been found eminently helpful.

  7. The main symptom of importance in the case, and the one on which depends the recognition of the existence of the epileptic condition, is the actual occurrence of typical epileptic seizures.

  8. At times even so simple a condition as migraine so nearly simulates epilepsy of the psychical type, because of its complications and sequelae and the regularity with which it occurs, that it has been spoken of as an epileptic equivalent.

  9. Certain slight symptomatologic features of these psychogenetic states of excitement in degenerates appear to furnish a differentiating point between them and the true epileptic condition.

  10. He calls attention to the epileptic seizures of these individuals, which have been so ably described by Bratz.

  11. In contradistinction to the genuine endogenetic epilepsy, these patients manifest epileptic seizures as reactions to situations purely psychic in nature.

  12. He was never observed in an epileptic seizure at the military post from which he came to us, and no seizures were observed in this hospital.

  13. He believes that more frequently even than actual epileptic seizures are the dream states, excitements, and maniacal outbreaks brought about in these individuals by emotional experiences, and as a result of certain ideas and concepts.

  14. To the peasant a comet, a plague, and an epileptic person may mean a divine portent, a visitation of God, a possession by the devil; to the scientific man they mean something quite different.

  15. Where the disease was completely developed, the attack commenced with epileptic convulsions.

  16. Let them spend the next day in the epileptic wards and witness from ten to twenty of those unfortunates have epileptic fits, which usually last from thirty minutes to one hour.

  17. The feeble-minded epileptic woman married a normal man, who is one of a fairly good family.

  18. Each had died of epileptic fits before it was two years old.

  19. Now and then an epileptic patient will disturb the chapel by his heavy fall; but as those who are thus afflicted are located near the doors, the interruption is but momentary.

  20. Thus in most asylums we have the refractory ward, the epileptic ward, the paralytic ward, the ward for dirty patients, and the convalescent ward.

  21. One evening, after a night and day of acutest torment, he fell in an epileptic fit upon the kitchen floor, and was found there next morning by a child from the village who had come to the farm for milk.

  22. Four were demonstrably insane, and one was an epileptic (H.

  23. But the epileptic Jaeggli went into convulsions, writhed on the ground, groaned, shrieked and wrung her hands.

  24. She was subject to epileptic fits, which she supposed were possession by the devil, and she came to the farm of the Peter's family in hopes of being there cured by the prayers of the saintly Margaretta.

  25. One day, the maid had a specially bad epileptic fit.

  26. I knew one epileptic individual who used to dread them more than death; and would gladly have preferred the latter.

  27. Epileptic or falling sickness fits, as they are sometimes denominated, are another very common scourge of secret vice.

  28. Bobby had been examined by a neurologist, and an electroencephalograph test was done to determine if some kind of epileptic disorder might be involved.

  29. The age is like an epileptic body convulsed with agonies; your work must be the healing hand that one lays on the diseased brow.

  30. Browne also informs me of the case of an epileptic idiot, incapable of independent movements, and who spends the whole day in playing with some toys; but his temper is morose and easily roused into fierceness.

  31. The first stage of an epileptic fit appears to be the contraction of the vessels of the brain, and the first outward manifestation is, an extreme pallor of countenance.

  32. Browne has frequently observed, as he informs me, scattered red blotches and mottlings on the chests of epileptic patients.

  33. It did not befall him as a man simply, still less as an epileptic patient; it was an unmistakably Christian experience.

  34. A considerable mass of competent opinion supports the idea that it must have been liability to epileptic seizures.

  35. Epileptic attacks, if they occur with any frequency at all, invariably cause mental deterioration.

  36. She was subject to epileptic fits, and during one of these a few days ago was pronounced to be dead.

  37. Other ancient writers concur in the statement that the elk when pursued is liable to epileptic fits, but that he can occasionally relieve himself from the malady by opening a vein in his ear with his hind foot.

  38. Hence perhaps Mr. Spencer's error in representing the epileptic liability as permanent and as coming on after healing (Factors of Organic Evolution, p.

  39. Obersteiner found that most of the offspring of his epileptic guinea-pigs were injuriously affected, being weakly, small, paralysed in one or more limbs, and so forth.

  40. These various movements if excited strongly tend to have characters like those of the movements seen in an epileptic convulsion.

  41. The resemblance to an epileptic seizure is the closer because the movement before it subsides becomes clonic (rhythmic) as in epilepsy.

  42. He thought of Captain Stewart, and he wondered if that gentleman was by any chance here in the house, or if he was still in bed in the rue du Faubourg St. Honoré, recovering from his epileptic fit.

  43. He wondered how much Stewart knew, how much he would be able to remember of the events of the evening before, and he was at a loss there because of his unfamiliarity with epileptic seizures.

  44. The girl shook her head, for she did not know of Stewart's epileptic seizures.

  45. Beneath them the other man still writhed and tumbled in his epileptic fit.

  46. The question is often put as to the probability of fits terminating in epilepsy; or, on the other hand, as to the ground for hope in any case that epileptic attacks, which have already often recurred, will eventually cease.

  47. After a fit of convulsions, or an epileptic seizure, power over some limb is often lost for a time which may vary from a few minutes to some hours.

  48. Thus, I remember a boy twelve years old, in whom two severe epileptic fits occurred apparently without cause.

  49. Jackson of Boston, in the United States, insisted very strongly on the importance of a diet exclusively of milk and vegetables in greatly lessening the frequency and severity of epileptic attacks.

  50. Were there any other officers there in connection with this fellow that had the epileptic fit?

  51. He started epileptic fits of an appalling kind.

  52. Moreover, none of these was epileptic as well as mentally defective.

  53. An idiot who allows his saliva to collect in his open mouth; another who has epileptic fits; a third who can say nothing but 'Ba, ba!

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "epileptic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    allergic; anemic; arthritic; bilious; case; colicky; consumptive; diabetic; dyspeptic; epileptic; incurable; invalid; leprous; malarial; malignant; measly; palsied; paralytic; patient; pocky; rheumatic; rickety; spastic; sufferer; syphilitic; tubercular; valetudinarian