However, the writer must be allowed to offer a few opinions concerning some mooted questions pertaining to the consumption of the flesh of tuberculous animals.
The tuberculous invasion may be confined to a single gland, and this may occur in a portion of the carcass not ordinarily eaten; while, on the other hand, the invasion may be much more extensive and the muscles may be involved.
Some hold that it is sufficient to condemn the diseased part of the tuberculous cow, and that the remainder may be eaten with perfect safety.
No one desires to eat any portion of a tuberculous animal, and the only safety lies in "total seizure" and destruction.
Experiments consisting of the inoculation of guinea pigs with the meat and meat juices of tuberculous animals have given different results to several investigators.
That the milk from tuberculous cows, even when the udder is not involved, may contain the specific bacillus has been demonstrated experimentally.
To one who has seen tuberculous animals slaughtered, these differences in opinion and in experimental results are easily explainable.
The Mortality of theTuberculous and Sanatorium Treatment), London, 1909.
The chance of their children beingtuberculous will not be great; nevertheless the taint, the diathesis, will be passed on just the same, although concealed, possibly to appear at some future time.
The general consensus of opinion is that the remedy has a specific action upon tubercular tissues, and is, therefore, applicable as a very delicate and sure reagent for discovering latent and diagnosing doubtful tuberculous processes.
Tuberculous guinea pigs, on the other hand, are killed by the injection of very small quantities of such diluted cultivations.
If now, with a wire dipped in some tuberculous matter, I draw a line along the gelatin, I have deposited at intervals along this line, specimens of tubercle bacilli.
Regarding the manner in which the specific action of the remedy ontuberculous tissue is to be represented, various hypotheses may naturally be put forward.
Sheep are very rarely tuberculous by nature, though there is evidence to believe that very long cohabitation withtuberculous cattle would succeed in transmitting tuberculosis to some sheep.
Milk, though a much more likely channel for conveyance of tubercle than meat, is only or chiefly virulent when the udder is the seat of tuberculous lesions.
Though there can be no doubt as to the virulence of tuberculous milk, it may be remembered with satisfaction that only about two per cent.
The tuberculous calf reacts just as well as the adult, but the dose is generally 10-20 centigrammes.
Milk and meat from tuberculous animals naturally come in for the largest amount of condemnation.
An infant suckled by a tuberculous mother would run similarly serious risks of becoming infected with the disease.
Nocard says[93]: "If the dog can become tuberculous from contact with man, the converse is equally true.
As far back as 1794 Baillie drew attention to the grey miliary nodules occurring in tuberculous tissue which gave rise to the term "tubercles.
The digestive apparatus of the tuberculous individual is more apt to be impaired, so that any undue exertion required to digest a meal is likely to bring about disturbances more or less serious in character.
The disease may have reached an acute stage in which the rise of temperature is marked and the progress of the tuberculous symptoms rapid, or it may be found to be an old chronic condition in which the progress is slow.
Too strenuous exercise and the consequent over-fatigue at times completely overcome all the good which has been accomplished in weeks or even months of studied effort, so that rest is an essential part of the tuberculous regime.
It must not be forgotten that a pneumonia patient is a source of infection quite as much as is a tuberculous patient, and the same precautions against infection should be followed.
This 5 per cent solution is the proper strength to receive sputum from tuberculous patients, material ejected from the stomach in diphtheria, and fecal matter from typhoid and cholera patients.
It would be strange, indeed, if we did not, in view of all the tuberculous infection flying around in the air.
There is little fear of milk becoming infected from tuberculous patients or of the disease being transmitted through milk from one person to another, as with the three other diseases mentioned.
This has been decided only after very careful reading of all known facts, and is particularly important in view of the opposition to the use of milk of tuberculous cows.
But if chronic disease lingers in the joint of a child or young person, the probability of its being under the influence of tuberculous infection must be considered.
In a person with a tuberculous history, or of tuberculous descent, a sprain is apt to be the beginning of serious disease of the joint, and it should, therefore, be treated with continuous rest and prolonged supervision.
In one case it may be that the synovial membrane is so far destroyed by the tuberculous or septic invasion that its future usefulness is lost, and the joint ever afterwards creaks at its work and easily becomes tired and painful.
In the course of a tuberculous or other chronic disease of a joint, the germs of septic disease may find access to the inflamed area, through a wound or ulceration into the joint, or by the germs being carried thither by the blood-stream.
The matter should be put thus: in tuberculous and other forms of chronic disease stiffness may ensue in spite of long-continued rest.
And if tuberculous disease of the joint is steadily progressing in spite of treatment, vigorous measures may be needed to prevent the fluid from quietly ulcerating its way out and thus inviting the entrance of septic germs.
Or the joint may need scraping out with a sharp spoon with the view of getting rid of the tuberculous material.
This family has the smallest number of molars, a class of tooth which would indeed be useless, for the construction of the feline jaw precludes the possibility of grinding, and therefore a flat-crowned tuberculous tooth would be out of place.
There are three molars with sharp-pointed cusps in each jaw, with a small tuberculous tooth in the upper.
Keep your stock always in as high health as possible, for such is the surest prevention of tuberculous disease.
Now, if this animal had survived, each speck of blood would have formed a centre, round which tuberculous matter, as in Fig.
How they originate we cannot of course determine, and this is not the place to hazard physiological conjectures; but it will be found that their appearance in the bile is always preceded by tuberculous deposits in the lungs or liver.
He restricted the term tuberculous inflammation, however, to those forms which necessarily and from the beginning, produced tubercles whose presence was limited to the tissue inflamed.
The tuberculous inflammation of this author was largely characterized by those features which, with the exception of the constant presence of tubercles, were recognized by others as attributes of a scrofulous inflammation.
The tuberculous inflammation was regarded as a primary condition, while the acute miliary tuberculosis was a secondary process resulting from infection.
In like manner, the frequent termination in phthisis of cases of diabetes suggests the likelihood of tuberculous inflammation arising in the absence of any evidence of previous scrofulous or tuberculous disease.
Tappeiner[55] succeeded in producing pulmonary tuberculosis, with or without general tuberculosis, in dogs, by compelling them to breathe air in which were contained minute particles of sputa from tuberculous pulmonary cavities.
The latter adhered to Virchow's views relating to scrofulous inflammation, but maintained that most consumptives were in imminent danger of becoming tuberculous in accordance with the doctrines of Buhl.
He also demonstrated that rabbits became tuberculous when inoculated with bits of the tumors occurring in the pearly distemper of cattle.
The intimacy of relation between tuberculosis and pearly distemper is a necessary result of Villemin's[62] experiment, in which the rabbit became tuberculous after inoculation with fragments of the pearly tumor.
Köster[57] called attention to the regularity of the occurrence of miliary tubercles in the fungous granulations of the inflamed joints of scrofulous and tuberculous individuals.
It is admitted that these animals readily become tuberculous when exposed to simple inflammatory irritants, the local action of which frequently results in the production of cheesy material.
Bacillus tuberculosis) discovered by Koch, a German physician, in the sputum of consumptive patients and in tuberculous tissue, and believed to be the exciting cause of tubercles and tuberculosis.
Defn: The hypodermic injection of tuberculin, which has little or no effect with healthy cattle, but causes a marked rise in temperature in tuberculous animals.
Scrofula is now generally held to be tuberculous in character, and may develop into general or local tuberculosis (consumption).
In cases of unions between persons withtuberculous antecedents, also, it is held by many (e.
The tuberculous patient particularly will almost surely be planning for next year the day before he dies.
They are now known to be due to tuberculous processes not necessarily and indeed only very seldom connected with injuries of any kind.
The tuberculous diathesis (or "habit," as Weismann calls it) was very early observed in the United States.
As has already been shown in the chapter on heredity, plural and quickly repeated birth are common in tuberculous families.
Weismann's admission of the inheritance of a tuberculous habit must logically, from the standpoint of degeneracy, be regarded as destroying his claims.
Weismann has no doubt about the inheritance of a "tuberculous habit whose peculiarities are certainly transmissible.
Since there is much danger of contamination from tuberculous sputum, the presence of tubercle bacilli is significant only in proportion to the thoroughness with which the ulcer was cleansed.
The mucoid sputum from an incipient case sometimes contains great numbers, while sputum from large tuberculouscavities at times contains very few.
Tuberculous pleurisy due to direct extension from the lung may give excess of polymorphonuclears owing to mixed infection.
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes and swollen endothelial cells from acute infectious non-tuberculous pleuritis (Percy Musgrave; photo by L.
Lymphoid cells from pleural fluid; case of tuberculouspleuritis (Percy Musgrave; photo by L.
In tuberculous disease the tubercle bacillus is present in the discharge, but its detection offers some difficulties.
Tubercle bacilli can be found in the majority of cases of tuberculous meningitis.
Similar stools are common in conditions like tuberculous peritonitis, which interfere with absorption of fats, and in pancreatic disease.
Tuberculous ulcerations of mouth and pharynx can generally be diagnosed from curetings made after careful cleansing of the surface.
This iodin reaction occurs in all purulent conditions except abscesses which are thoroughly walled off or purely tuberculous abscesses.
It is possible that the larger, beaded bacilli indicate a less active tuberculous process than do the smaller, uniformly stained ones.
Decomposition of exudates anywhere in the body, as in empyema, bronchiectasis, and largetuberculous cavities.
But tuberculosis is a bacterial disease and children of tuberculous parents are never born with the disease except in the rarest of instances.
Furthermore Imbault cites the observations of Arrive on 1,506 cases of juvenile meningitis to the effect that this malady is twice as frequent in the children of alcoholic as in those of tuberculous parentage.
There was a poultry farm on the grounds, donated by outside benefactors specifically and exclusively for the benefit of prisoners, beginning with the tuberculous patients.
As for the tuberculous patients, I was never able to find any of them who had eaten chicken from the farm, or any part of one.
It is not preceded by tuberculous deposit or acute inflammation, but depends upon congenital malformation or upon chronic inflammatory changes affecting the membranes.
Eruption on face slightly prominent, is red, tuberculous and rough--small and scattered on the arms, like flea bites.
The eruption at first consisted of broad papulæ, which were converted into hard, rough, and knotted prominences, tuberculous at base and flattened in the centre.
Eruption hard and tuberculous on face and arms; small and pointed on breast.
The Council declares Anti-Tuberculous Lymph Compound (Sweeny) not acceptable for New and Nonofficial Remedies.
With the spleen pulp treatment tuberculous glands disappear like syphilis lesions on administration of mercury and iodids.
The doctor adds: “I do not think that the Anti-Tuberculous Lymph had anything to do with the man’s recovery, although I realize the difficulty of definitely analyzing just what did effect the cure.
Those who said ten years ago that Anti-Tuberculous Lymph Compound has a specific immunizing influence upon the tuberculosis patient, find the same to be true today.
The tenor of the claims is on a par with those made for the Anti-Tuberculous Lymph Compound; they do not justify the time required for detailed consideration.
According to claims made in Sweeny literature, “Anti-Tuberculous Lymph Compound exercises its immunizing power through a specific action upon the blood cells.
The same “Bulletin” quoted the alleged statement by a Delaware physician to the effect that he believed Anti-Tuberculous Lymph Compound to be the most successful treatment of tuberculosis extant.
The patient has told us, sir, that he is suffering from tuberculous disease of the lungs.
To be plain and brief, I am suffering from tuberculous lung-disease, and I am advised that I have not many days to live.
Sheep that are shut in a confined air, die of a disease called the "rot," which is of a tuberculous character.
Instances of three infected children out of five living in the same room with a tuberculous mother are actually on record.
So that upon a priori grounds we should expect to find that the children born of tuberculous parents would be more susceptible to the infection to which they are so sure to be exposed than the average of the race.
It is therefore probable that the children of a considerable percentage of tuberculous parents would not possess the same degree of resisting power against tuberculosis, or any other infection, as the average individual.
Oily suspensions are also used in treatment of tuberculous fistulas.