It was a queerly frightening sight to see the arthritic organist, with a face like a relaxed executioner, take quick aim at Guy and, with a thirty-thirty shell, blow his throat out.
Then the arthritic lady glanced leisurely about, fired into the stomach of a wounded man who was trying to rise, reloaded her rifle for insurance and began to search the bodies of the nearest dead.
When every Orphalese except themselves was down on the floor, dead, wounded or, like Chandler, overlooked, the arthritic lady took careful aim at Ellen Braisted and the plump youth and shot them neatly in the temples.
I thought this was not half bad for arthritic gout!
Depend upon it, sir, when I go into the arthritic gout business, I shall be done with literature, or at least with the funny business.
In her youth, my mother had been a concert pianist; now she had such large arthritic knobs on all of her knuckles that her hands had become claws.
In one week of fasting a person can relieve more dangerous conditions such as arthritic pain, rheumatism, kidney pain, and many symptoms associated with allergic reactions.
Kelly used poultices of clay and wheat grass pulp on her lumps, somewhat like the warm castor oil poultices I used on my mother's arthritic deposits.
For example, the body recognizes arthritic deposits, cysts, fibroids, and tumors as offensive parts of the landscape, and obligingly uses them for foods in preference to anything else.
Her knees also had large arthritic knobs; this proud woman with a straight back and long, flowing strides was bent over, limping along with a cane.
This is a miraculous time when tumors are metabolized as food for the body, when arthritic deposits dissolve, when scar tissues tend to disappear, when damaged organs regain lost function (if they can).
This explains why a frequent use of a vegetable diet offers appreciable advantages in the amelioration of arthritic diatheses so common amongst us.
The use of a moderate vegetable diet is the best means of treatment in order to relieve, to ameliorate, even to cure, arthritic diathesis.
There may, however, be prolonged stiffness and impaired movement from adhesion; or pain and crackling in the joint may result from arthritic changes like those of arthritis deformans.
Stiffness of joints is liable to follow fractures implicating articular surfaces, or it may result from arthritic changes following upon the injury.
Statistics of arthriticgout show this tendency in a varying but always large proportion of cases.
They are certainly often observed alternating with arthritic lesions, and associated with all the characteristic derangements of nutrition which belong to the gouty habit.
But is there nothing more in acute articular rheumatism than an inflammation of certain structures, articular and visceral, lighted up in an individual of a neuro-arthritic diathesis?
The cases at the extremes of age are certainly rare, and other causes of arthritic inflammation might easily be invoked to explain them.
It is doubtful at present whether purely local irritation or injury of a joint can originate the alterations belonging to rheumatoid arthritis--that is, in the absence of all predisposition to that disease or of the arthritic diathesis.
In purpura rheumatica the arthritic pains will be alleviated by anodyne liniments and plasters, and the often accompanying abdominal pains and colic by anodynes internally administered.
This explains its frequency in England and America; for the Anglo-Saxon race is especially subject to arthritic disorders.
The periodicity of this coryza places it in the same category as the arthritic affections which generally manifest themselves by regular or irregular paroxysms.
But to say with the French school that the arthritic diathesis (trivial diathesis, commonplace diathesis, diathese banale) is the only cause of hay fever is to make a mistake that leads to inefficient treatment.
Continuing the study of these analogies which, if not enough to prove a common origin, are enough to justify further study of the question, I find in one of my patients a morbid condition due to an arthritic source, i.
Periodicity is characteristic of many arthritic affections.
Hay fever attacks especially those who belong to an arthritic stock, whose parents have had or who themselves have migraine, gravel, eczema.
The presence of an arthritic diathesis is accepted by many authors.
Here the peace of Villafranca put an end to the struggle, and Garibaldi, afflicted by the arthritic pains to which he was a martyr all his life, travelled for a few days' rest to Tuscany and Genoa.
I think that is my great boast; and it seems a little thing alongside of your Gleams of Memory illustrated by spasms of arthritic gout.
Marked digital formication existed, but the arthriticpains were not so severe as in ordinary cases.
To the arthritic pains were added pains in the bones, which robbed him of rest by night and day; gout had attacked the higher organs: the physicians were at their wits’ end.
The springs lie in a deep ravine encircled with woods; a precipitate of carbonic acid and lime forms a marble-like crust, and the waters are an efficacious remedy for arthritic disorders as well as for skin-diseases.
Careful regulation of the diet, change of air, and anti-arthritic remedies, are of infinitely greater service than any particular hypnotic drug.
When these tendon sheaths are opened, there follows a reaction which is quite analogous to that which exists in arthritic synovitis, but instead of ankylosis, adhesions with thecal obliteration occur.
Rheumatism may be thought of, with respect to arthritic inflammation caused thereby, as a sort of pyemia.
Death is usually due to generalization of thearthritic infection.
Lameness is always pronounced and no weight is supported with the affected member in very acute and generalized arthritic inflammations.
In acute inflammation, there exist all the symptoms which portray any arthritic inflammation of like character.
We are by no means rich in remedies againstarthritic rheumatism, and those which we do use lack the reputation of being reliable.
Lactic acid in large doses and used for a long time will produce symptoms entirely analogous to arthritic rheumatism.
Arthritic rheumatism of the wrist vanished slowly after using Acid Lactic 2 from two to three weeks.
A patient afflicted with arthritic rheumatism for four weeks, accompanied by copious perspiration, soon mended under the use of Acid Lactic 2 and was entirely cured within two weeks.
I consider the tartar on the teeth, calculi renales and arthritic nodosities very similar morbid products.
A nine-year-old girl was confined to her bed for three weeks with acute arthritic rheumatism.
Sometimes the disease is ushered in by a febrile attack attended with pains in several joints--described by John Duncan as tuberculous arthritic fever.
By many writers it is believed to depend upon some form of auto-intoxication, the toxins being absorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract, and those who suffer are supposed to possess what has been called an "arthritic diathesis.
For we have just seen that Lemon-juice, Alkalies, Cholagogues, and Tonics, are all more or less applicable in diseases of the Arthritic group.
The chief of these diseases are, Diabetes; Oxaluria; Lithic deposit in the urine; and the true Arthritic disorders, i.
It seems that the formation of this secretion is in some manner essential to the integrity of those blood-processes which are disturbed in arthritic diseases.
In Gout we meet with another Arthritic affection, in which there is urate of soda in the blood, and an excess of uric acid and urea in the urine.
Thus Mercury, which restores the secretion of the liver, is often useful in Arthritic disorders; as also is Quinine, which has already been shown to have a peculiar relation to liver diseases.
Todd in Gout; and they seem to be signally efficacious, both in this and in the other Arthritic disorders.
There seem then to be six separate and distinct explanations of the cure of these Arthritic diseases.
For in all Arthritic disorders there is more or less of hepatic derangement.
If these irritating substances become lodged in the joints and muscles, arthritic or muscular rheumatism is the result.
Together with oxalic acid, it is responsible for arteriosclerosis, arthritic rheumatism and the formation of calculi.
The diseases caused by permanent deposits of uric acid in the tissues are called arthritic diseases, because the accumulations frequently occur in the joints.
Malasgird in Armenia); had been driven home against his will in 1357 by arthritic gout; and had written his book as a consolation for his "wretched rest.
And in the last chapter he says that in 1355, in returning home, he came to Liege, and being laid up with old age and arthritic gout in the street called Bassesauenyr, i.
The bath at 40° Celsius is a real boon for arthritic persons.