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Example sentences for "interlaced"

Lexicographically close words:
interjection; interjectional; interjections; interjects; interlace; interlacing; interlacings; interlard; interlarded; interlarding
  1. For a moment her fingers interlaced over his neck.

  2. At the dying-out of the applause, the violinist addressed himself to the nook where Io was no more than a vague, faërie figure to his eyes, misty through interlaced bloom and leafage.

  3. She was in evening dress, her gown and hair interlaced with jewels.

  4. Dresses with flounces and furbelows; jackets interlaced with gold and silver; brimless hats surmounted by upright plumes.

  5. At evening they stopped at an abandoned rancho, made of interlaced branches plastered with mud and covered with thatch.

  6. This structure was built of stakes, interlaced with branches, and lined inside with flax matting.

  7. The walking-towers, light, with walls of interlaced osiers, trundled upon massive disks crowned by the shields of the besiegers who concealed themselves behind them to hurl their missiles.

  8. On the terrace of a villa Actaeon fancied that he saw a gold-dyed coiffure in Athenian style interlaced with red ribbons, and near it a waving fan of multicolored feathers of Asiatic birds.

  9. The metal work throughout was richly gilt, and ornamented with the usual interlaced figures, characteristic of our Celtic ornamentation.

  10. The rectangular capitals are richly sculptured in a variety of interlaced traceries, and those surmounting the two jambs are adorned with curious grotesque heads with broad flat faces.

  11. It was bordered on the right by a thickly interlaced hedge of blackberry bushes and wild honeysuckle, beyond which stood the orchard of the Metz farm.

  12. They are protected from the sun by arches of interlaced foliage which support a strong linen cover.

  13. It has to make its way through plantations of mulberry trees, interlaced by climbing vines, which form almost impassable barriers.

  14. The collar is composed of alternate links of furisons and double steels interlaced to form the letter B for Burgundy.

  15. Their Japanese pupils, however, took up any one of the trio they fancied, and interlaced it with the national tradition, each according to his own taste.

  16. They planted posts interlaced with boughs in two straight converging lines, each extending mere than half a mile through forests and swamps.

  17. Some bore shields of wood and hide, and some were covered with a kind of armor made of tough twigs interlaced with a vegetable fibre supposed by Champlain to be cotton.

  18. As like the stout earl as one pea to another.

  19. Again in the plafond of the great tower are other frescoes representing the "Petits Amours" of the time, always with the interlaced cyphers of Bussy and Madame la Comtesse.

  20. The other doors, probably about forty to fifty years later, are enriched with bas-reliefs, landscapes, figures and elaborate interlaced borders.

  21. No breaks in them, no openings where a night halt would naturally be made; but ever of the same unvarying character, and shadowed by the overhang of interlaced boughs.

  22. On every side she could see them, creeping, crawling, through the undergrowth or along the interlaced boughs above her.

  23. In Sicily and the south of Italy these interlacing arcades are the special characteristic of the Saracenic work there found, and their origin may be found in the interlaced arches of the Mosque of Cordova in Spain.

  24. These ancient sculptures are of special interest, as they constitute the best records of the rude Lombard work of the 8th and 9th centuries, and are intermingled with Byzantine scroll work and interlaced patterns.

  25. Merovingian and Franco-Lombardic pattern, and coloured with the same crude tints; the larger letters also being partly composed of interlaced designs.

  26. This native style also, in course of time, came under Celtic influence, and adopted into its scheme the interlaced designs of animal forms and other details of the ornament of the north.

  27. All these swarmed and crawled and hissed, interlaced and knotted into hideous knots.

  28. The wines were drawn from amphoræ of clay, glass, or metal held in elegant woven baskets placed on four-footed pedestals made of a light, supple wood interlaced in ingenious fashion.

  29. She wore a cloak made of the tender bark of the mulberry-tree, interlaced with the white feathers of the swan, and the gay plumage of the snake-bird, and the painted vulture.

  30. She wore over her shoulders a cloak made of the tender bark of the mulberry, interlaced with the white feathers of the swan, and the gay plumage of the snake bird and the painted vulture.

  31. The interlaced work was abandoned in the tenth century by southern sculptors, remained the national art of the north.

  32. Interlaced ornament is to be met with on ancient stones and crosses all over our islands.

  33. St. Chamas, and is well seen from the railway, especially when crossing the viaduct of 49 interlaced arches, which carry the rail over the little valley of the Touloubre.

  34. From the apse, which is semicircular, radiate at a lower level five semicircular chapels, their roofs terminating in a cornice of tiny stone interlaced arches.

  35. With two lights: having branches with interlaced spiral design as central ornament.

  36. The woven wire follows the technique or simulates the character of a plaited straw basket, just as Wedgwood ware baskets and dishes simulated the plaited and interlaced rush baskets.

  37. This supports three semi-nude female figures who form a column which is surmounted by a large urn-shaped basket ornamented with interlaced bands and floral pierced work.

  38. He had placed them at a spot where the bullets could not reach them, close to the tent, into which his wife and daughter had again withdrawn, and had surrounded them by a quantity of interlaced branches.

  39. At length he reached a spot where the trees were so interlaced by creepers which enfolded them, that a species of insurmountable wall suddenly prevented the rider's progress.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interlaced" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    fretted; interlaced; intertwined; interwoven; laced; plaited; raddled; textile; woven; wreathed