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Example sentences for "sustains"

Lexicographically close words:
sustained; sustainer; sustaineth; sustaining; sustainment; sustayne; susteine; susteined; sustenance; sustene
  1. Moreover, the ratapa, just like the soul, sustains the closest relations with the ancestor of which the sacred tree or rock is the materialized form.

  2. Then we have the fourth window vastly in advance of the other; each cusped light sustains a trefoil and both trefoils support a quatrefoil.

  3. On the platform are several figures; there are three crosses, the principal one sustains a group of eleven figures carved in one block.

  4. The tower sustains two galleries and superposed bell chambers.

  5. It stimulates and sustains the heart, it retards tissue-waste, and is in itself an antipyretic of no mean value.

  6. Everything which sustains life is food for them.

  7. The whole life, as well as writings of Thomas Paine, sustains this assertion.

  8. Jocasta sustains this hope--she cannot believe a prophecy--for it had been foretold that Laius should fall by the hand of his son, and that son had long since perished on the mountains.

  9. And though the abiding sense of duty upholds man in his highest attitudes, it also equally sustains him in the transaction of the ordinary affairs of every-day existence.

  10. He sustains by God's order a position of dignity as head of a family, head of the woman.

  11. As bread sustains physical life, so the word of God sustains spiritual life.

  12. Every man is of his time, and cannot raise himself very far out of the mass of knowledge and opinion furnished by it, any more than a swimmer can lift himself out of the water that sustains him.

  13. The intellect advances along its lines, considering the world, and drawing inferences as to the unseen Being who created and sustains it.

  14. Iwan Bloch sustains the thesis of its pre-Columbian existence in America and transference to Europe in the wake of the discovery of the new world.

  15. That is what sustains all of us who are here; and I need it more today than any one else.

  16. It was clearly proved in our hearing yesterday, and the afternoon of the day previous, that the New Testament, though not so explicit in reference to the doctrine, is still decidedly in favor of it and sustains it.

  17. The Bible, the only work accepted by the nations of Christendom, as a divine revelation, sustains this doctrine, from beginning to end.

  18. The framework which sustains the human body is composed of the Bones.

  19. For while both halves act together in point of time, each half sustains an entirely distinct portion of the labor of the circulation.

  20. Volume indicates the relation the will sustains to the thought, that is, whether the will is free in action.

  21. It either builds up the body, sustains its power and adds to its health, or it devitalizes the body and brings a dangerous strain upon the entire system.

  22. Hurrah for Lincoln, who sustains a Halleck!

  23. Lincoln accumulates powers, responsibilities, and hereafter perhaps curses, sufficient to break the turtle on which stands the elephant that sustains the Sanscrit world.

  24. First, then, the word of cheer which sustains a staggering faith.

  25. Eminent in the public councils and universally beloved in private life, his death will be mourned with a sorrow befitting the loss which his country sustains in his decease.

  26. This phrase sustains the metaphor better than that in F of F--B: "puts in a word.

  27. Therefore Mathilda does not impress the reader as being longer than The Fields of Fancy because it better sustains his interest.

  28. Our men, not anticipating it, are perplexed by the sudden affair, and the cohort on the outpost scarcely sustains the first attack.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sustains" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.