On many days work had to be suspended owing to gales, whilst in winteroperations were only practicable during the few hours of daylight available.
One of the earliest and most important operations to be undertaken after the Armistice was the clearance of the North Sea mine barrage between the Orkneys and Norway, which has already been briefly referred to.
In his report of the operations detailed in the last chapter, Jackson, apparently feeling that it was necessary to vindicate the wisdom of the movement, laid special stress upon the fact that his operations had tended thus to assist Floyd.
A man of less stubborn resolution would have despaired; but Jackson held on in the hope of gaining strength after awhile and gathering men enough around him to make a resumption of operations possible.
During the latter part of August, 1812, they went so far as to permit a British force to land at Pensacola, take possession of the fort there, and make the place a base of military operations against us.
Coffee fell severely wounded, but continued to direct the operations of his men.
He struck them in detail, after the best modes of grand tactics, and his plan of operations bears the test of the soundest military criticism.
Both these operations are performed by the Unconscious.
They all declared it would much assist their operations if she would strip and let them see her flitting round and aiding in their efforts.
She admitted to Ellen that Harry had come to her bed, and only succeeded in his horrible purpose by telling her how he and Ellen had seen her operations with Charlie, and had followed her example.
I renewed my tickling operations again, and I made her spend," Harry continued.
When the ecstatic moment overtook us, our mouths had to cease their operations to give vent to the expressions of the rapturous nature of our feelings.
We resumed all our lascivious operations of former days.
We all went together to witness some rear-operations between two men, for which the old bawd's house, No.
I suppose that now the witnesses to our operations to-day have left, so let me see the rooms that I may judge how far they will suit and which will most favour our object.
Your courier has run up a bill in your name for cigars and curacoa, and your wife's maid has been conducting the most liberal operations in perfumery and cosmetics, under the title of her mistress.
I have spoken of my secretary, Mr. Vinal, a man of admirable discretion and absolute loyalty, who was my right hand in executing the minutiƦ of the various operations I then was engaged in.
Strange to say, the subsequent operations of the mine have never revealed the walled-up values; instead, there has been developed a queer lot of litigation, the tendency of which suggests strange uses of that extra million.
The tremendous expense of this mode of warfare, together with the immense sums my market operations required, kept me hustling, and there were times when things looked distinctly blue.
Since my first public announcement I have not made enough out of market operations to pay even the expenses of any particular advertisement.
There are also the operations of lobbyists who, to affect important legislation for this great interest or the other, buy or sell stock for the benefit of legislators whose votes they desire to influence.
I was associated with Attorney-General Monnett in his effort to get testimony and the inside facts concerning the trust and itsoperations in his prosecution against that corporation for violating the Ohio anti-trust law.
At two o'clock in the morning, after a prolonged consultation, the consensus of opinion was that my next field of operations would be in another world.
In an early article in this series I stated that one of the favorite operations of the "System" is to pick off those officials who have exhibited unusual talent or energy in protecting the interests of the National Government.
All the stock is to be pooled in our hands for a long term of years, so you can say to the public that its operations will be in favor of the consolidated company.
Then again, it was very necessary to have people of fair complexion among them, to enable them the more easily to carry on their operations upon the community, as well as to contribute to their support during times of persecution.
The moment one of these sentinels observes a stranger appear, signals are made to his confederates, when their organized plan of operations for entrapping the unwary person is immediately put in execution.
Some of the chiefs, handsomely dressed, pretended to be busily employed in buying and selling horses, but were always ready to attend to the operations of their tribe, employed in plundering in the market.
In another establishment a differential rate was applied to tire turning, with operations subdivided in this way, by adding fifteen per cent to the pay of each tire turner whenever his daily or weekly piece work earnings passed a given figure.
Time study for all operations done by the various machines.
Their duties should be to see that the operations planned and directed from the planning room are promptly carried out in the shop.
He undertakes to explain every thing by sensation alone, and his first step is to amalgamate sensation with operations of a very different order.
Time has no necessary relation with movement, since if nothing were to move, or even no bodies to exist, we should nevertheless conceive time in the succession of operations of our soul.
We estimate not only the movements of bodies by time, but also the operations of the mind.
Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, and Herbart made this work the great centre of their operations for attack or defence.
But there can be no doubt that all the affections and operations of the soul are, as consciousness reveals, bound to a common centre.
Now, if we would convey to him the idea of two, we show him two fingers, then two oranges, then two books, and in each of these operations make a sign which must be always the same.
The perception of a certain object requires preparatory acts; and the same may be said of judgments and ratiocinations; yet these operations are in themselves exceedingly simple, and cannot be divided into various parts.
The successive operations made by means of abstraction are only a decomposition of the object, a classification of it in various general ideas so as to attain to the superior idea of being.
I have described above how the Three-horned Osmia, towards the end of her life, when her ovaries are depleted, expends on useless operations such energy as remains to her.
In May, I visit my most populous village daily, at about ten o'clock in the morning, when the victualling-operations are in full swing.
The phases of its operations are predetermined, necessarily entailed one by another; they suggest a system of clock-work wherein one wheel set in motion brings about the movement of the next.
The building-operations start again in the second week of July.
Operations begin in April, most unobtrusively, the only sign of the underground works being the little mounds of fresh earth.
She is a contemporary of the Three-horned Osmia, who begins operations in the last week of April, and often occupies the same stone-heap, settling in the next shell.
The cause of these unwonted operations soon stands revealed.
A district of country free from lime and earthy salts, so that the large amount of water required in the operations of the Saltpetre Refinery should be as nearly pure as possible.
A temperate climate, where operations could be continued throughout the year without obstructions from ice, and to avoid the hazard and expense of warming the building.
Experts were not to be found, and for some days every part of the operations were carried on under my personal instruction.
A powder mill was put into operation at Richmond, Virginia, also, at Raleigh, North Carolina, but the extent of their operations is unknown.
For many years the small, nibbling lumbering operations their limited capital permitted supplied only a little more than a bare living and the taxes.
Pliny's letters show that this official inspection of municipal building operations by honest and capable men was terribly needed.
We may discover two great canons in the operations of the Apologists.
He holds the gods to have been men, long deceased, but agrees in believing in daemonic operations in shrines, etc.
Mandat was armed with this order; and, finding his fidelity to the King's person supported by what he considered the law of the State, he conducted himself in all his operations with the greatest energy.
The ministers who succeeded him thought their operations embarrassed by the care that M.
His talents were admitted, but the odium which his operations had necessarily brought upon his character, combined with the immorality of his private life, forbade his further stay at Court; he was succeeded by M.
Segur, and that upon my word of honour, not to back any petition, nor to hinder any of his operations by solicitations on behalf of my proteges.
There ware about eighty men employed, chiefly convicts; but this was far too small a number for mining operations in such a country, where the mere keeping a few miles of road in repair requires the constant work of several men.
As the fibres are placed in the pulp longitudinally, and are slightly fixed to it, the operations of beating and washing will separate them entirely.
A short account of missionary operations among the African slaves of the Southern States.
A team research study by staff members, consultants, and subcontractors of the Operations Research Office of the Johns Hopkins University.
It was in his first big speech on these lines that he coined the phrase "silver bullets" and made the nation understand that among his other operations was that of raising a huge war loan, to which every patriot must subscribe.
There was some friction among small sections in connection with the powers taken by Lloyd George to punish workmen who struck work, or who dislocated operations in a workshop by leaving it to seek better money.
After this, he had no further naval operations with the Britons.
Till the age of Herodotus the light of history is comparatively feeble and broken; and where it does shine with more steadiness and brilliancy, its rays are directed almost exclusively on the warlike operations of mankind.
Spain was either so much occupied in a multiplicity of operations in which it was engaged by the ambition of that monarch, and of his son Philip II.
Preparations were being made to conduct operations on a larger scale, and fifteen hundred troops were quartered in the city and its neighbourhood.
In many of the villages, however, building operations were going forward apace.
Car Just Before Engaging Trip Block] Three Yard Automatic Dump Car The illustrations shown herewith are taken from actual operations on the Lake Washington canal.
They are the product of our engineering department and are based upon the actual operations of similar concerns.
It may be interesting to sum up a few of the opinions of the mode by which these boring operations are performed.
The basis of the operations of capitalists and promoters and venturers in new fields, if those operations were to have real success, must lie in the masses of strong and skillful arms of men of labor.
The operationswere fruitless until there came a population well sinewed and gladly ready for arduous toil.
His first general review of the operations of the government was but little longer than his message to the extra session on the single topic of finance.
These were operations of trade to be conducted by those who were interested in them.