I had forgotten that she had a father, but it occurred to me now that a reconciliation might add to her happiness, and I wrote to him accordingly to that effect, making the little grandson my excuse.
I say if you are in town at the time, and I hope you may be (which is true enough always), you will be happy to go, or words to that effect.
When the latter was showing Lady Brampton and myself over that beautiful structure, the new Westminster Cathedral, I thought I should like to erect a memorial chapel, and made a proposal to that effect.
We had not the ghost of a chance of winning it, and indicated our opinion to that effect to the unhappy client.
Torcy, to whom he had previously written, had been forbidden to open his letters, and had sent him word to that effect.
The Duke concluded with an eager prayer to be given an army in the next campaign, and with the promise of the King to that effect.
Orleans attempted to bring about some changes, and gave orders to that effect, but as soon as he was gone, La Feuillade countermanded those orders and had everything his own way.
He explained himself to that effect at his dinner, and in a manner but little advantageous to the Parliament, and prepared himself to receive the complaints he expected would be laid before him.
Noyon, and expressed himself tothat effect to Dangeau, who was a member.
Adams, "I will do it, so draw up an agreement to that effect at once.
The general supposition was that he had committed suicide, and, this appearing to be favoured by all the circumstances of his death, the verdict was to that effect.
The landlord scratched his head, as if he thought the curse sometimes involved the other sex likewise; but he was prevented from making any remark to that effect, if he had it in contemplation to do so, by the schoolmaster's rejoinder.
The old man's illness had not lasted many days when he took formal possession of the premises and all upon them, in virtue of certain legal powers to that effect, which few understood and none presumed to call in question.
A careful review of the whole subject led me to direct that all such orders be abrogated and the lands restored to market, and instructions were immediately given to that effect.
I respectfully recommend the enactment of a law to that effect.
I consequently recommend that the Senate sanction an exchange of the ratifications of the treaties above mentioned at any time which may be deemed expedient by the President within three years from the date of the resolution to that effect.
As good as the next man," Brent had said--or words to that effect.
This was probably intended to be identical in its meaning with the terms in the Latin grant to Sir William Alexander, although there is no evidence to that effect.
But why not have limited the provision to that effect?
Once this protocol is concluded and signed hostilities shall be suspended, and to that effectin the two countries orders shall be given by either government to the commanders of its land and sea forces as speedily as possible.
On the signing of the protocol hostilities will be suspended, and notice to that effect will be given as soon as possible by each government to the commanders of its military and naval forces.
I will leave orders in my will, my dear, to that effect: and I'll bequeath a ring to my successor, and my Ghost shall come and dance at your wedding.
Once his secret was nearly lost by Smirke's simplicity, of whom Mrs. Pendennis asked whether they had read a great deal the night before, or a question to that effect.
Wagg thrust his tongue in his cheek, thought the tea infinitely contemptible, and leered and winked at Pynsent to that effect.
The others asked, "Were they willing to give them pledges to that effect?
They replied: "Yes, they were ready to give and receive pledges to that effect.
To that effect, Robinson, rushing back in mortified astonished manner, reports progress at Presburg; to that and no better.
The name lacks poetic warmth, but some day the man who has invested in Seattle real estate will have reason to pat himself on the back and say "ha ha," or words to that effect.
He said something to that effect, whereat the other eleven men of alcoholic courage let off a yell that froze the cream into a solid glacier, and shook two kerosene lamps out of their sockets in the chandeliers.
We are having a meeting on the 4th July, when I will table the subject, and if we possibly can assist in bringing out the worthy Judge in good stile, we will be most ready to co-operate with your pious endeavours to that effect.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "that effect" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.