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Example sentences for "miraculous"

Lexicographically close words:
miracle; miracles; miracolo; miracula; miraculis; miraculously; miraculum; mirage; miraged; mirages
  1. Two of the most sacred objects of the Arabians were the fetich of a black stone and the spring of Zemzem, both of which were believed to be endowed with miraculous powers for the healing of the body and the soul.

  2. A miraculous interpretation was assigned to this inscription, which has consequently formed the ground-work of a popular error in France.

  3. He died in July 1566, aged sixty-two; but his fame survived him, and his tomb became a kind of shrine, being inscribed with testimonials to his profound science and miraculous qualities.

  4. Mercury presented itself to them as the agent for producing silver, according to the properties we have already described with reference to miraculous showers.

  5. In the exercise of her miraculous powers, certain preliminaries were indispensable.

  6. On the discovery of the singular properties of the loadstone, as affecting the polarization of the needle, the vulgar naturally began to endow it with miraculous powers.

  7. Who has not heard, for instance, of perpetual lamps, miraculous as the Wonderful Lamp of the Arabian Tales!

  8. Not only do they attribute miraculous properties to the eyes of the animal, as being able to see through walls, but Pliny assures us that the excrements of the lynx were transformed into amber, rubies, and carbuncles.

  9. Nevertheless, in defiance of these well-known facts, ventriloquism still appears miraculous to the vulgar.

  10. The walls of our towns are covered with announcements of miraculous discoveries, pastes and capillary oils, odoriferous waters,--all and each being efficacious and infallible.

  11. Without impugning the authenticity of these experiments, or the easy sustenance of fishes, we may be permitted to observe that a variety of circumstances are unfavourable to the fact of their miraculous longevity.

  12. Into these we frequently fell, and as some of them were of great depth it seemed almost miraculous that we escaped without a fractured limb!

  13. I am engrossed in calmly contemplating the grandeur of my native country and her miraculous growth," writes to me an old literary friend.

  14. These again are followed by an episode with a fisherman who draws in a miraculous draught by pronouncing the letters "Gim.

  15. And the miraculous feature of it all is that beneath those slender stalks live miniature plants and myriads of insects whose existence, seen at such close quarters, reveals all its mysteries to you.

  16. This story must first be told, because it was on account of the strange and miraculous escape that happened to him at that time that he gained the name that was given to him.

  17. She was getting to the miraculous story, and a feeling of triumph was taking possession of her.

  18. Instead of Anster's turnip-bearing vales, I see old Fairyland's miraculous show!

  19. The noble unselfishness with which they had used this miraculous gift of the spirit appealed to Harry and to me.

  20. The miraculous touch of Carlyle or Macaulay might easily have failed in the task of reviving a man so thoroughly dead.

  21. It is noticeable that Luke mentions Joseph before he mentions the mother; and when Mary speaks, she ignores the miraculous conception, and calls him the son of Joseph.

  22. Eighteen years have passed since we last saw him in the temple, when Mary ignored his miraculous conception, and when Jesus rebuked her, by asserting his Sonship and by claiming God as Father.

  23. The most curious, or the most credulous, among the Pagans, were often persuaded to enter into a society which asserted an actual claim of miraculous powers.

  24. The miraculous powers ascribed to the primitive church.

  25. The Heathen authors furnish us a number of examples, of which a miraculous explanation was given at the time.

  26. Even this miraculous event, which ought to have excited the wonder, the curiosity, and the devotion of mankind, passed without notice in an age of science and history.

  27. A work, the title of which gives even less promise of containing profitable information, is the history of the miraculous image of a virgin at Copacabana, by Fray Alonso Ramos Gavilan.

  28. Although they are overlaid with fables and miraculous occurrences, the main facts touching the original home of Manco Ccapac and his march to Cuzco are probably historical.

  29. Personal comforts and cleanliness of the soldiers, though not quite so miraculous a cause, may be considered perhaps full as efficacious.

  30. According to Paramo, when the corpse of the inquisitor was brought to the place where he had been assassinated, the blood, which had been coagulated on the pavement, smoked up and boiled with most miraculous fervor!

  31. The great bell of Velilla, whose miraculous tolling always announced some disaster to the monarchy, was heard to strike at the time of this assault on Ferdinand, being the fifth time since the subversion of the kingdom by the Moors.

  32. Not a syllable do we find in his writings of the miraculous birth of Jesus, no reference to the Sermon on the Mount, much less to the miracles ascribed to him.

  33. We shall here pass by his infancy and childhood (utterly ignoring the doubtful and controverted passages concerning his immaculate conception and miraculous birth), and take the first direct account we have of his life.

  34. The miraculous conception was but a counterpart of many others: Atys, Adonis, Hercules, Bacchus, and AEsculapius were fabled to have been sons of gods by human mothers.

  35. He rather boasted that he had learned nothing of him from his disciples, but what he knew he had received at the time of his own miraculous conversion.

  36. They deny the immaculate conception and miraculous birth of the Christ, and have very great doubts about his crucifixion and resurrection.

  37. The later Persians had the legend of Saoshyas (the savior), the son of the virgin Eredatferi, who conceives him in a miraculous manner.

  38. It cannot be denied that the weight of scientific testimony is very largely in favor of the development of man, instead of a miraculous and complete creation at a particular period of time.

  39. The only safe position, because it is the only true one, is that there is a God in the universe, and that it is the divine order to make known his will by slow and uniform processes, and not by sudden and miraculous revelations.

  40. They stood together, adoring the orb of miraculous and mysterious beauty.

  41. In his grief and realisation of failure, that thought was a star--a thing of miraculous joy and beauty.

  42. In miraculous deeds, the whole measure of the deed is the power of the doer.

  43. And the minimum of duty or even decency asked of a patriot is the maximum that is asked by the most miraculous view of marriage.

  44. Creation is not a miraculous interference with the laws of nature, but the very institution of those laws.

  45. As much as ten years ago, an eminently Christian writer observed: "The creationist theory does not necessitate the perpetual search after manifestations of miraculous powers and perpetual 'catastrophes.

  46. Looking back upon it now, our plan seems almost childish; but the enthusiasm born of the miraculous discovery was accountable for the cheerful readiness with which we adopted it.

  47. Perhaps it is only a characteristic of human nature to minimize evils past, and evils to come, at the miraculous removal of a great and pressing evil present; even so, one may suffer loss.

  48. Five minutes later both trains had departed, and we went to bed with happy hearts, thankful for the almost miraculous prevention of a dire calamity.

  49. Already many of the parish priests have been told of your miraculous recovery, and have repeated it to those whose faith was weak, and they have been blessed.

  50. Whether or not man could be washed in miraculous waters, there was no doubt at any rate that he wanted washing.

  51. Here we have battle and blazing eyes, And chance and honour and high surprise, But our homes are under miraculous skies Where the Yule tale was begun.

  52. This was a miraculous Providence, but not more so than those which it has been my lot to see the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints experience ever since my connection with it.

  53. As much as ten years ago an eminently Christian writer observed: 'The creationist theory does not necessitate the perpetual search after manifestations of miraculous power and perpetual "catastrophes.

  54. Creation is not a miraculous interference with the laws of Nature, but the very institution of those laws.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "miraculous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    amazing; astonishing; astounding; beguiling; bewildering; bewitched; enchanted; enigmatic; exceptional; extraordinary; fabulous; fantastic; fantastical; fascinating; heroic; incomprehensible; inconceivable; incredible; magic; magical; marvellous; marvelous; miraculous; mystical; necromantic; outlandish; phenomenal; portentous; preternatural; prodigious; puzzling; rare; remarkable; sensational; spectacular; staggering; strange; striking; stupendous; superb; superhuman; superior; supernatural; surprising; unearthly; unimaginable; unique; unprecedented; wonderful; wondrous

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    miraculous evidence; miraculous power