This theory ignores the well-established custom of giving human names to supernatural beings.
In Gaelic legends "maggots" or "worms" are referred to as forms of supernatural beings.
Another very interesting point, and one hitherto generally overlooked, is this, that different parts of the Irish soil cherish different bodies of supernatural beings.
The people persisted in regarding him as a powerful and rich king, the sovereign of supernatural beings.
Christianity, though it abolished the gods of paganism, maintained, nevertheless, the belief in extraordinary powers accorded by supernatural beings, and the same distinction continued to be made.
The Church hesitated, now requiring her children to believe in a Devil and demons, and now denouncing all faith in supernatural beings.
After they are soaked enough to come off very easily, take them off with a dull knife.
Supernatural beings believed to be subject to human needs, p.
That mystery is the essential characteristic of supernatural beings is testified by language, p.
Such introduction of supernatural beings involves a deviation from the conception of the eponymous animal as independent creator of a clan.
These traditions have led us away from the Magical Ointment, which thus appears to be only one aspect of the larger theme of the objection on the part of supernatural beings to human prying.
Under the first we may place all those stories which relate to definite supernatural beings, or definite orders of supernatural beings, held really to exist, and the scenes of which are usually laid in some specified locality.
This story differs from the others I have detailed, in narrating a raid by supernatural beings on the dwelling of a human potentate--a raid in which a human creature joined and brought away a substantial trophy.
The objection of supernatural beings to iron, and its power of undoing their charms, will be considered in a future chapter.
Probably a very large majority of mankind believe in the existence of supernatural beings, and a majority of what are known as the civilized nations, in an infinite personality.
This leaves no room for national superstition--no room for patriotic gods or supernatural beings--and this does away with the necessity for political prayers.
The other class of amulets, namely objects which have belonged to or been in contact with certain persons or supernatural beings, or I may add apparently certain localities, is represented by a number of specimens.
Reflecting upon these periodical visits of what she really believed was the spirit of her dead lover, Agnes naturally went on to consider the whole question of the existence of supernatural beings.
Ever since the world began it has been the belief of mankind that desolate places are the special haunt of supernatural beings.
And they were regarded as, in some sense, supernatural beings.
Orkney and Zetland, that the strange green mounds rising by the sea-side and on solitary moors, were the abodes of supernatural beingsknown by the name of Trows.
While animals were often identified with supernatural beings, and foreigners were called "devils", it would be misleading to assert that the spirit world reflects confused folk memories of human and bestial enemies.
Apparently he assumed the colour of supernatural beings.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "supernatural beings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.