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Example sentences for "metaphysical"

Lexicographically close words:
metaphorical; metaphorically; metaphors; metaphosphoric; metaphysic; metaphysically; metaphysician; metaphysicians; metaphysics; metas
  1. As I am here only concerned with their particular problem I shall indicate only briefly this great metaphysical suggestion.

  2. There is much more metaphysical subtlety in the word "damn" than in the word "degeneration.

  3. They have rendered superfluous the subtleties and refinements of metaphysical arguments.

  4. It will appear from the foregoing account of the course of metaphysical development that two fundamental tendencies have exhibited themselves from the beginning.

  5. This is a metaphysical spiritualism quite distinct from epistemological spiritualism, and by no means easily made consistent therewith.

  6. The other great epistemological controversy does not bear so direct and simple a relation to the central metaphysical issues, and must be examined on its own account.

  7. And the conception of energy seems capable not only of unifying nature, but also of satisfying the metaphysical demand for an efficient and moving cause.

  8. The metaphysical interest was bound to avail itself of the speculative suggestiveness with which the Kantian philosophy abounds.

  9. Thus is the certainty of science saved at the cost of its metaphysical validity.

  10. Such has actually been the fate of the so-called metaphysical solution of special problems of nature.

  11. Such problems can be only abstractly sundered, and the distinctive character of any metaphysical system will usually consist in some theory determining their relation.

  12. In so far as religion deliberately enters the field of science, and defines its formularies with the historical or metaphysical method, this difficulty does not, of course, exist.

  13. And this is an ethical, not a metaphysical question.

  14. But the significance of this difference will be better appreciated after a further differentiation of the metaphysical problem has been noted.

  15. Indeed, the very urgency of these problems is due to metaphysical absolutism.

  16. To contend as all the Mu'tazilite doctors do that Islam is not a polygamous system because it only tolerates a limited polygamy under stringent conditions which tends to monogamy is but a metaphysical quibble.

  17. The God of the other is a triform Being--a metaphysical trinity in unity.

  18. This sounds again like a metaphysical discussion, but is illustrative of the futility of formal motions, so that actually the decision depends upon the good plain common sense of the judge.

  19. The number of court decisions in which this branch of the proceeding has been reverently and gravely dealt with reads like a metaphysical discussion in the dark ages.

  20. The metaphysical view, taken by itself, gives us but unsatisfactory evidence; whilst the empirical view, taken by itself, does the same.

  21. The ideas or notions of thou, thy, thee, are ideas between which there is a metaphysical or logical connexion.

  22. It seems too bad to keep it from mother and Aunt Esther a whole afternoon, but then I have the comfort of thinking that we are consulting for their greatest happiness "on the whole," which is metaphysical benevolence.

  23. Gifted naturally with a capacity for close metaphysical analysis and a robust fearlessness in following her premises to a logical conclusion, she arrived at results startling and original, if not always of permanent value.

  24. He could amuse his predominant faculties by reading metaphysical philosophy and analytical reasoning on any subject, and by elaborating endless analyses and reasonings of his own, which he had not energy to embody.

  25. Today I am starting again my metaphysical readings for Saint- Antoine.

  26. Brain on a lofty scale, head of an Indian, with gentle instincts, almost impossible to find; all for metaphysical thought which becomes an instinct and a passion that dominates everything.

  27. These, like the metaphysical epic, began to flourish in early Greece at the moment when exact thought was dividing itself laboriously from myths and fancies.

  28. No exercise of the poetic faculty, far less that metaphysical mood of the reflective consciousness which 'leads from nature up to nature's God,' can now supply this need.

  29. Both belong to the school of Siena, and both detach themselves from the metaphysical fashion of their epoch by clearness of intention and directness of style.

  30. In poetry, as in prose, he was eminently successful in the metaphysical treatment of the passions.

  31. The full metaphysical drift of thought and meaning in Goethe's poem, however, can be but faintly indicated in a play.

  32. She is just a delicious woman, and there is nothing about her either metaphysical or mysterious.

  33. There is an analogy between the metaphysical truths above spoken of and that fact in the physical history of the world, that coal-mines are generally placed in the neighbourhood of iron-mines.

  34. You have a sufficiently metaphysical head to be able to abstract yourself entirely from your own view of the case, and then you can contemplate it with a total freedom from prejudice.

  35. My father's mind was quite equal to the Abbe's, though he had not spent his life in metaphysical studies.

  36. We soon found that his ambition was to have leisure for the writing of metaphysical works.

  37. Altogether Biran's work presents a very remarkable specimen of deep metaphysical thinking directed by preference to the psychological aspect of experience.

  38. They merely shared and justified prophetically that spirit of uncompromising self-assertion and metaphysical conceit which the German nation is now reducing to action.

  39. This romantic travesty of life and this conception of metaphysical anarchy were inherited by Nietzsche [Pg 113] and regarded by him as the last word of philosophy.

  40. The divine law was far from being like the absolute Will in Fichte, Hegel, and Schopenhauer, a name for a universal metaphysical force, or even for the flux of material substance.

  41. And his melancholy scepticism, with its half-humorous assent to the traditional pieties, is at the extremest opposite pole from the "truths" of metaphysical reason.

  42. Walter Pater approaches a System of Metaphysical Thought as a somewhat furtive amorist might approach a sleeping Nymph.

  43. Still, a few general characteristics may be observed; in the first place, heresies are no longer metaphysical subtleties as in earlier days; Arius and Priscillian, Nestorius and Eutychus are dead indeed.

  44. Many among the companions of Francis were too much the children of their century, too thoroughly imbued with its theological and metaphysical methods, to quite understand a sentiment so simple and profound.

  45. A broad common-sense argument has often to be called in, where keen-edged metaphysical analysis has confessed itself baffled.

  46. Life" in common speech may mean either mere organic existence or a metaphysical assumption; we speak of the life of a tree, and the life of a man, and the life of a soul, of the life mortal and the life immortal.

  47. On the other hand, the Hindu priesthood, by its poetical productions and its metaphysical constructions, has become a permanent influence in the world.

  48. Apparently its local features, metaphysical and ascetic, have impeded its progress--it lacks the simplicity of Buddhism.

  49. Jainism, while differing from its contemporary, Buddhism, in its metaphysical dualism and its asceticism, agreed with it practically in its method of salvation from the ills of life.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "metaphysical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abstract; eclectic; empirical; existential; hedonistic; idealistic; immaterial; incorporeal; instrumentalist; insubstantial; materialistic; mechanistic; metaphysical; naturalistic; pantheistic; positivistic; pragmatical; psychic; rationalistic; realist; realistic; scholastic; spiritual; supernatural; theistic; transcendentalist; unsubstantial; utilitarian