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Example sentences for "discarnate"

Lexicographically close words:
discalced; discard; discarded; discarding; discards; disce; discere; discern; discernable; discerne
  1. If discarnate spirits don't trouble about the personal affairs of those on earth, the "Cui Bono" argument is hurled at them.

  2. The darkness seemed athrill with mystery--not the mystery of the discarnate soul, but the mystery of the X-ray.

  3. They call attention to a dozen events that can be explained only on the theory of discarnate intelligences.

  4. After that superb test, why didn't he frankly say the discarnate had been proved?

  5. It is that the phantasmal forms seen in haunted houses are real substantial creations, manufactured by the thoughts or will of the discarnate spirit, who fashions it out of "such stuff as dreams are made of.

  6. I recognized that what I saw and felt was an externalization of impressions unconsciously received, possibly from some discarnate mind.

  7. It is a mere projection; a shell; a form created by the discarnate spirit, a resemblance, a phantasm.

  8. Does it necessarily follow that discarnate spirits gave her the information?

  9. When she got back to Home Time Line, she'd put a crew of mediums to work trying to contact the discarnate former plantation manager; at Rhogom Institute, she had been working on the problem of return of a discarnate personality from outtime.

  10. And John Silence, the soul with the good, unselfish motive, held his own against the dark discarnate woman whose motive was pure evil, and whose soul was on the side of the Dark Powers.

  11. Although I am myself an artificially trained psychic, and consequently aware of the presence of discarnate entities as a rule, I have so far felt nothing here at all.

  12. They also believe that discarnate individualities can communicate with one another, and with at least some carnate individualities, by telepathy," he said.

  13. I think it's conclusive proof that the discarnate Garnon was fully conscious and communicating.

  14. More, she was able to recover memories of past discarnate existences, something we had never been able to do heretofore.

  15. So they postulate an unconscious discarnate personality, or, as you put it, one in a somnambulistic state.

  16. I and my colleagues, in the employ of the family of Starpha, have received orders from our clients to withdraw our protection from you, and to discarnate you, and all with you who undertake to protect or support you.

  17. So they picture the discarnate individuality as a material object, or physical event, of negligible but actual mass, in which an indefinite number of memories can be stored as electronic charges.

  18. We have proven, for instance, that the human individuality can exist in a discarnate state, and that it reincarnates into the body of an infant, shortly after birth.

  19. They have to concede memory to this discarnate personality, since it was by recovery of memories of previous reincarnations that discarnate existence and reincarnation were proven to be facts.

  20. That would suggest a difference of opinion on the manner of nature of reincarnation or the discarnate state.

  21. And if they can discarnate the Lady Dallona before she can record her testimony under truth hypnosis or on a lie detector, we're no better off than we were before.

  22. People don't forcibly discarnate my friends with impunity.

  23. It is rather surprising that those who call themselves “clairvoyants,” who pretend to be in communication with this world of discarnate spirits and with other worlds still nearer to the divine, bring us no evidential proofs.

  24. The actual workings of our ideas in verification- processes are as naught in comparison with the 'obtainings' of this discarnate truth within them.

  25. And I agree that no advanced soul is "controlled" by a discarnate spirit, but rises through aspiration and self-restraint to union with higher intelligences.

  26. Yielding to this impulse, he discovered that, without losing complete control of his consciousness, he could develop a secondary self that would impose on the beholders as a discarnate spirit.

  27. But when they are genuine automatists, it would be unjust to accuse them of conscious deception in attributing their communications to discarnate spirits.

  28. Among Mr. Cleaveland's parishioners was a young woman, Miss Edith Wright, who developed mediumistic abilities, being controlled at times by what purported to be a discarnate spirit.

  29. If communications from discarnate minds are regarded as possible, there are no means of distinguishing facts obtained in this way from facts obtained by independent clairvoyance.

  30. Clairvoyance, as a term of spiritualism, with its correlative clairaudience, is the name given to the power of seeing and hearing discarnate spirits of dead relatives and others, with whom the living are said to be surrounded.

  31. The neospiritualistic theory, however, professes only very vague notions as to the life led by these discarnate spirits.

  32. It assumes the revival of spirits, the existence of discarnate or other superior and more mysterious entities which surround us, interest themselves in our fate, guide our thoughts and our actions and, above all, know the future.

  33. We see, in regard to most of the mediumistic manifestations, that we possess within ourselves all the unusual forces with which the spiritualists endow discarnate spirits; and why should it be otherwise as concerns the powers of divination?

  34. It is true that, in these cases, the spiritualists maintain that the whole experiment is organized and directed by a discarnate intelligence, independent of the mediums, which means to prove its existence and its identity in this manner.

  35. Contrary to his prepossessions, Mr Willson tells us that he has been led to the conclusion that the only satisfactory explanation of these phenomena is the action of discarnate human beings--that is to say, the Spiritualistic hypothesis.

  36. This extension of human faculty, revealing, as it does, more profoundly the mysterious depths of our being, enables us to explain many phenomena that have been attributed to discarnate human beings.

  37. For discarnate spirits it is no longer a privileged case; to them it is apparently easier to discern thoughts and emotions by non-material signs.

  38. We meet here some of the first indications of a possibility that discarnate spirits communicating with us have occasional access to certain sources of knowledge which even to themselves are inscrutably remote and obscure.

  39. In Mrs. Piper's case, as we shall see, the subliminal self is very little in direct evidence; its manifestations form a fleeting interlude between her waking state and her possession by a discarnate spirit.

  40. Let us consider, for it is by no means evident at first sight, what conditions a visual or auditory phantasm is bound to fulfil before it can be regarded as indicating primâ facie the influence of a discarnate mind.

  41. In this case, then, the subliminal self seems to take complete control of the organism, exercising its own powers of telepathy and telæsthesia, but showing no evidence of direct communication with discarnate spirits.

  42. In other cases it may be clear that no control of any discarnate spirit is involved, but there seems to be something like incipient possession by the subliminal self or incarnate spirit.

  43. There is in such a case no apparent communication between the discarnate mind and the mind of the automatist.

  44. And I shall end with dreams which suggest his entrance into a spiritual world, where commerce with incarnate or discarnate spirits is subject no longer to the conditions of earthly thought.

  45. We are aware of unbodied emotions about us, of discarnate moods that mock or invite us.

  46. When a child is born, its friends hunt for its ancestral stone amulet in the place where its mother thinks that she conceived it, and around the nearest rendezvous of discarnate local totemic souls, all of one totem only.

  47. The savage, therefore, explains the arrival of children (at least the Arunta does) by the entrance of a discarnate ancestral spirit into the woman.

  48. The spirits discarnate await a chance of entering into women, and being reborn.

  49. Psychical research may be said to have supplied the modern world with the evidence of the existence of discarnate personalities, and of their operation on the material plane, which the ancient world lacked.

  50. I think, however, that the evidence goes to show that there is a residuum of phenomena which can only be explained by the operation, in some way, of discarnate intelligences.

  51. This intelligence or initiative can surely be as well supplied by the sub-consciousness as by a discarnate intelligence.

  52. Here is a fragment of conversation between Professor Newbold and the discarnate Stainton Moses.

  53. But it may on the other hand be the philosophy of the discarnate George Pelham, and for that reason it is not unworthy of examination.

  54. Perhaps something like this happens to the discarnate spirits who try to manifest themselves to us by borrowing the organism of a medium.

  55. If the existence of the discarnate George Pelham is established, a new light is undoubtedly thrown on the old problem as to the nature of the soul, a problem as old as the world itself.

  56. Spiritualism centers wholly upon the phenomena of the discarnate life, upon the power of the discarnate to communicate with us and upon our power to receive and interpret their communications.

  57. Sir Oliver Lodge is inclined to discover in the luminiferous ether an environment in which discarnate personality could function.

  58. They believe that the discarnate are constantly seeking to penetrate the veil between their order and ours and avail themselves of every opportunity to recall themselves to the memory of the incarnate.

  59. Spiritualism is practically the quest for the demonstration of immortality through such physical phenomena as prove, at least to those who are persuaded by them, the survival of discarnate personality.

  60. Those descriptions of the discarnate state, moreover, which reach us through mediums are undependable.

  61. If the discarnate still live they must remember and desire.

  62. As a matter of fact anything which we may imagine about the discarnate life may be almost unbelievably wide of the mark.

  63. And yet such changes as this probably only faintly indicate the adjustments which the discarnate are called upon to meet.

  64. Certain people have decided that inquiry into the activities of discarnate mind is futile; some few consider it impious; many, perhaps wisely mistrusting their own powers, shrink from entering on such an inquiry.

  65. The discarnate body must be duly attended to when done with; the safety of the living is a paramount consideration; the living must retain control over what is dead.

  66. Discarnate spirits are in nature, as well as the incarnate.

  67. We ask the entity what its name is, and it gives us a name which is not ours; it replies to our questions, and usually claims to be a discarnate soul, the spirit of a deceased person.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "discarnate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.