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Example sentences for "unembodied"

Lexicographically close words:
unedited; uneducated; unelectrified; unemancipated; unembarrassed; unemotional; unemphatic; unemployed; unemployment; unenclosed
  1. But the unembodied justice, whereof that other is either an emblem, or else is a fearful indescribability, is not so visible!

  2. For the unembodied Justice is of Heaven; a Spirit, and Divinity of Heaven,--invisible to all but the noble and pure of soul.

  3. Life heard the voice of unembodied breath, And Sleep stood trembling side by side with Death.

  4. Should it be said that the very circumstance of its being an unembodied state is the effect of merit, we reply that that cannot be, since Scripture declares that state to be naturally and originally an unembodied one.

  5. The communication may conceivably come from some unembodied spirit indeed, but not from the spirit who is claimed as its author.

  6. Next comes the possibility that the message may emanate from some unembodied intelligence of unknown type--other, at any rate, than the intelligence of the alleged agent.

  7. Telepathy indefinitely extends the range of an unembodied spirit's potential presence.

  8. We shall discuss whether they are a kind of dream of the automatist's own, or whether they indicate the existence of unembodied intelligences on the level of the dog or the ape.

  9. Now as to telepathy, there is in the first place this to be said, that such a faculty must absolutely exist somewhere in the universe, if the universe contains any unembodied intelligences at all.

  10. Free from a corporeal body; disembodied; as, unembodied spirits.

  11. Not embodied; not collected into a body; not yet organized; as, unembodied militia.

  12. The demons that take possession of men, overruling their agency and compelling them to obey Satanic bidding, are the unembodied angels of the devil, whose triumph it is to afflict mortals, and if possible to impel them to sin.

  13. Jared, brother of; his interview with the unembodied Christ, 12.

  14. Twenty-two centuries before the meridian of time, the then unembodied Christ revealed Himself to a Book of Mormon prophet, saying: "Behold I am he who was prepared from the foundation of the world to redeem my people.

  15. Every one of us has been advanced from the unembodied or preexistent state to our present condition, in which the individual spirit is temporarily united with a body of flesh and bones.

  16. If the mortal state be an advancement beyond the pre-existent or unembodied condition, and a preparation for a yet more exalted existence, and so the Scriptures attest, then the body of flesh and bones is an endowment of supreme worth.

  17. John the Revelator beheld in vision this scene of primeval conflict between the hosts of unembodied spirits.

  18. The devils are many, and their chieftain is Satan, who though unembodied is as truly an individual being as is any one of us.

  19. In the main then it seems more plausible to maintain that the idea of unembodied or disembodied spirits was shaped by that instinctive law of our mind which makes us argue from the nature of effects to the nature of the agency.

  20. It must at one time have been possible for life, without being previously embodied, to mould and vivify inert matter; and it must needs have been by unembodied life that inorganic matter was first organised and animated.

  21. The unembodied spirit, Dwelling alone, unmated, void of sense, Is impotent.

  22. Being a spirit force it has certain qualities or characteristics of unembodied spirit beings.

  23. An unembodied spirit being is not limited by space as we embodied folk are.

  24. Satan is a spirit being; an unembodied spirit being.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unembodied" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    airy; astral; bodiless; discarnate; disembodied; ethereal; extramundane; ghostly; immaterial; impalpable; imponderable; incorporeal; insubstantial; intangible; occult; phantom; psychical; shadowy; spiritual; supernatural; unearthly; unembodied; unextended; unsubstantial; unworldly