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Example sentences for "psychical"

Lexicographically close words:
psychiatrische; psychiatrist; psychiatrists; psychiatry; psychic; psychically; psychics; psychism; psycho; psychoanalysis
  1. In the second condition also, the psychical man, though not able always to do right, often succeeds in doing so.

  2. The psychical man seems to himself to be enslaved, but has begun to be free.

  3. In the second state—that of the natural man (or psychical man)—the soul chooses the good, but is drawn down by the evil.

  4. The day is not rushed through by the automatic discharge of certain psychical functions, but each sensation stays long enough to make itself recognized.

  5. As these material aggregates have age by age become more complex in structure, more complex psychical phenomena have been exhibited.

  6. Such a world would not consist of ethers or gases or ghosts, but of purely psychical relations akin to such as constitute thoughts and feelings when our minds are least solicited by sense-perceptions.

  7. The distinction between psychical and material phenomena is a distinction of a different order from all other distinctions known to philosophy, and it immeasurably transcends all others.

  8. These considerations apply with great force to the hypothesis of an unseen world in which psychical phenomena persist in the absence of material conditions.

  9. We have no experience whatever of psychical phenomena save as manifested in connection with material phenomena.

  10. The existence of a single soul, or congeries of psychical phenomena, unaccompanied by a material body, would be evidence sufficient to demonstrate the hypothesis.

  11. Nay, even when we try to represent to ourselves the psychical activity of any single soul by itself as continuing without the aid of the physical machinery of sensation, we get into unmanageable difficulties.

  12. The chief causes of crime, outside of personal and moral degradation, are psychical and not physical.

  13. I was careful not to tread upon the domains of psychical research, although many of my hearers were eager that I should do so.

  14. What Psychical Research has Accomplished," =1=, 229 and n.

  15. Confidences of a Psychical Researcher," =2=, 327 and n.

  16. He had taken no active part in the work of the Society for Psychical Research since 1896.

  17. He, after Tylor, is the greatest authority now in England on the religious ideas and superstitions of primitive peoples, and he knows nothing of psychical research and thinks that the trances, etc.

  18. Many recent novels have either psychical phenomena for their central interest or plots evolved out of the miraculous in religion.

  19. Stead and Sir Oliver Lodge make an appeal to readers to accept as scientific truths, the psychical manifestations of the unseen world.

  20. Those who have not this refuge turn to spiritualism and psychical research in a futile effort to find a satisfactory solution of the problem of the Hereafter.

  21. Now what we must do is this: we must continue to be interested in psychical things; we mustn't drop them, or seem to be put off them.

  22. Let's send it to the Psychical Research, or whoever those people are who collect coincidences and say it's spooks.

  23. I know how interested you are in psychical matters.

  24. One who by her arrival at Lucia's ever-memorable party had converted it in a moment from the most dire of Scrubs (in a psychical sense) to the Hightumest gathering ever known could not lay aside her distinction and pre-eminence.

  25. My husband and I are so much interested in psychical things.

  26. Illustration, accordingly, appears, after all, to be needed only for the specialism that separates the physical and the psychical sciences.

  27. So for science is the material world, what properly it is often said to be, a sort of dark mirror of man's inner life, of his psychical nature.

  28. By virtue of its working hypotheses, which are as secret doorways, it is psychical also.

  29. However unawares, the physical entertains mind; the psychical matter; and specialism, so far as standing for anything more than scientific method, has to withdraw from its last stronghold.

  30. And psychology has a sensuous self, the self of the purely sensuous consciousness, which has always involved it in a curious psychical atomism, a projection, in a word, of the physical on the plane of the psychical.

  31. Hypnosis was characterised by physical as well as by psychical changes.

  32. From the psychical side, he explained the phenomena of hypnosis by the action of predominant and unchecked ideas.

  33. He held that to the subliminal consciousness and memory a far wider range, both of physiological and psychical activity, was open than to the supraliminal.

  34. Here Science, in accord with Buddhism, avows the Ego composite, and, like Buddhism, explains the psychical riddles of the present by the psychical experiences of the past.

  35. But in the development of this "cosmic emotion" of humanity, a much more powerful factor than recognition of our material indebtedness to the past will be the recognition of our psychical indebtedness.

  36. It is not however, in the world of pure intellect that the story of psychical complexity is most admirable: it is in the world which speaks to our simplest emotions of love honor, sympathy, heroism.

  37. But the psychical influence of Buddhism could in no land impel minds to the love of material stability.

  38. It resembles strangely, and is certainly akin to, that psychical shock which comes with the first experience of love.

  39. Thus his religion appears to be founded upon a natural perception of psychical evolution not nearly so remote from scientific thought as are those conventional notions of soul held by our common people at home.

  40. Much more difficult the question, What becomes of the sensations which formed the psychical life of a dead man?

  41. We are not quite clear as to the doctrine of multiple souls in Shinto,--whether the psychical combination was originally thought of as dissolved by death.

  42. In Buddhahood even so are united psychical atoms innumerable.

  43. Certainly the Japanese peasant does not think the psychical Self nearly so complex a thing as Buddhist philosophy considers it, or as Western science proves it to be.

  44. Like the phenomena of physical and psychical life those of social life should be classified into certain groups and each group investigated with regard to its origin and development.

  45. A Study of Organ Inferiority and Its Psychical Compensation.

  46. I believe that we are justified in asserting that at the present time the sexual differentiation manifested in respect of quite a number of psychical qualities is the result of direct inheritance.

  47. Others, however, assume that the psychical characteristics by which the sexes are differentiated result solely from individual differences in education.

  48. The ability to distinguish between pleasure and pain is the only psychical power which is to be assumed.

  49. It was perhaps this similarity in the manner in which they spread--the one by physical and the other by psychical infection--that led him to speak of the spread of a popular delusion in terms of a physical science.

  50. But we can hardly believe that such divisions have in view anything more than a relative predominance of the several psychical elements.

  51. Teutonism) of a country--the more it reveals in its psychical character an extraordinary propensity to self-destruction.

  52. As a child she exhibited peculiar psychical tendencies, but it was only during the last six years of her life, and after exhausting illnesses, that her peculiar clairvoyant powers were conspicuously developed.

  53. Something of the same sort is beginning to be recognized in the world of mental and psychical phenomena.

  54. Apart from recent studies, exactly the same condition of chaos and confusion exists regarding psychical phenomena as existed concerning the facts in the physical world only a hundred years ago.

  55. This was the state of the question, and this the way in which it was generally regarded, when it was taken up for investigation by the Society for Psychical Research.

  56. Society for Psychical Research, or last of all, the wells or springs of clear water, either the early ones of Greece and Rome, or the latest one on the farm of Col.

  57. Perhaps no department of Psychical Research is looked upon from such divers and even quite opposite standpoints as that which relates to Apparitions or Phantasms.

  58. The sense of an absolute psychical distinction between man and beast, so prevalent in the civilised world, is hardly to be found among the lower races.

  59. By reflection on these facts, probably, the idea of spirit was reached, though the psychical experiences enumerated by Mr. Tylor may contain points as yet unexplained by Materialism.

  60. Thus it has been necessary for Mr. Tylor and for Mr. Spencer to discover first an origin of man's idea of his own soul, and that supposed origin in psychological, physical and psychical experiences is no doubt adequate.

  61. There should be a psychical surgeon with an airy lancet to cut it out.

  62. There is a tendency in the present age to overlook and neglect the greatest power in the whole human composition,--the mental and psychical part of it.

  63. The Society for Psychical Research mentions another interesting case, as follows: "Dr.

  64. The evidence collected by the Society for Psychical Research.

  65. The records of the Society for Psychical Research contain many instances of this kind; and similar instances are to be found in other records of psychical research.

  66. You will notice that both of these classes were omitted from the experiments of the Society for Psychical Research, because of the possibility of fraud or collusion.

  67. In the records of the Society for Psychical Research, the following case appears, the person reporting it being said to be of good character and reputation for truthfulness and reliability.

  68. In addition to investigating the above mentioned classes of telepathic phenomena, the English Society for Psychical Research investigated many remarkable cases of a somewhat higher phase of telepathy.

  69. Society for Psychical Research's records and reports on such cases.

  70. We have but to consider the higher psychical faculties of man, right here and now, in order to see what new worlds are open to him.

  71. I concluded by narrating my experiences when, as a member of the Psychical Research Society, I had formed one of a committee of three who spent the night in a haunted house.

  72. As a psychical observer, you would probably investigate it in as impersonal a fashion as an astronomer investigates a wandering comet?

  73. As a matter of fact the Haunted House Committee of the Society for Psychical Research have never succeeded in seeing a ghost.

  74. O Psychical Research, Canst THOU not hear what meets my ear, The viewless wheels that come?

  75. I borrow, by his kind permission, a beautiful instance of what he well calls "Psychical Distance" from the writings of a psychologist.

  76. There is a certain psychical tie between the two; and at the time when one especially concentrates his voluntary force upon the other, it is not unusual for the latter to feel the reaction, and be plunged into a revery even more intense.

  77. I cannot find a better name for it than psychical force, a term, as already stated, which I have used since 1865, and which has since become the fashion.

  78. It requires but one step more for the admission that psychical communications may be established between an inhabitant of Mars and an inhabitant of the earth.

  79. The human soul would seem to be a spiritual substance, endowed with psychical force, capable of acting outside bodily limits.

  80. Psychical force acts upon the matter composing our bodies, and actuates all our members to fulfil their tasks.

  81. The documents in the affair have been published by the Society for Psychical Research (Proceedings, vol.

  82. The following story is published by the Society for Psychical Research, attested by the seer and her husband, whose real names are known, but not published.

  83. Beyond this point we have only the statements of Mrs. Claughton, made to Lord Bute, Mr. Myers and others, and published by the Society for Psychical Research.

  84. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, vol.

  85. Other letters from seers are published, and the Society of Psychical Research lately printed Mr. Procter's contemporary journal.

  86. See another good case in Proceedings of the Psychical Society, vol.

  87. The earliest of these critical periods is marked by the occurrence of puberty; and it is not till this time that psychical influences, as such, come to have any serious bearing on the formation of the neuralgic habit.

  88. The psychical influences which must be especially avoided, if we would avert the formation of the neuralgic habit, form a large and somewhat indefinite group, which it is doubtless difficult to deal with satisfactorily.

  89. The pains are invariably aggravated by fatigue or other depressing physical or psychical agencies.

  90. In the majority of instances there are psychical peculiarities of a marked kind which accompany or precede the development of the abnormal sensations which form the especial torment of hypochondriacs.

  91. Even such influences as the psychical and emotional, be it remembered, must be considered peripheral--that is, they are external to the seat and centre of the neuralgia.

  92. Scientific folk-lore investigations were as unknown as societies of psychical research, hence neither had aided in the writing of ghostly fiction.

  93. A recent novelette by Frances Hodgson Burnett, called The White People, has psychical phenomena for its central interest.

  94. Algernon Blackwood advances the theory that the werewolf is a true psychical fact of profound importance, however it may have been garbled by superstition.

  95. The influence of modern Spiritualism and Psychical Research on the literature of supernaturalism has been marked, especially of late years.

  96. Suggested by some of the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research.

  97. He is becoming a more psychical creature, a romantic figure to be sympathized with, rather than a beast to be utterly condemned.

  98. Algernon Blackwood uses much psychical material in his numberless stories of the supernatural, often mentioning the work of the Society, and Andrew Lang has contributed much to the subject.

  99. That story of unusual psychical experience, An Adventure, by two Oxford women, can be explained on no other basis than some such theory as this.

  100. The Psychical Research Society, with branches in various parts of the world and its earnest advocates and serious investigations, has collected suggestive stuff for many ghostly stories.

  101. Arthur Machen has just published a collection of stories of war-apparitions that are interesting psychical specimens, called The Bowmen.

  102. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "psychical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    psychical phenomena; psychical research; psychical researcher