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Example sentences for "stockyards"

Lexicographically close words:
stockrider; stocks; stockwhip; stocky; stockyard; stod; stode; stodgy; stoep; stogie
  1. Having made up my mind to put off forgiving the stockyards company till some future date, I turned all my attention to forgiving the railroad company.

  2. To the stockyards company a suggestion could be made, If they expect to keep and gain more trade; When our cattle are delivered on their transfer track, Try and unload them, or else we'll ship them back.

  3. One dark, dismal, rainy morning, a little before daylight, I arrived with the remnant of our stock train on the stockyards transfer at South Omaha.

  4. Before we arrived at Grand Island we learned from Jackdo that most cowmen unloaded their cattle there and drove them back and forth through the stockyards awhile in order to accumulate a large amount of mud on them.

  5. Sometimes it is necessary to close stockyards for disinfection.

  6. It is well known that those animals coming from an infected district and sold in the "southern pens" of northern stockyards bring about one-half a cent less per pound than the quoted market price.

  7. The business of the stockyards and slaughtering centers is greatly interfered with.

  8. The infection was traced back to the stockyards at East Buffalo, N.

  9. The hygienists made the great popular mistake of trying to save the stockyards man.

  10. An expert from the Chicago stockyards was then running the New York subways.

  11. He is always a propagandist, and out of religious finance or the war or high society or the stockyards or gynecology he can distill a sort of jazz-epic that nobody can consider dull.

  12. Halsted Street is thirty-two miles long, and one of the great thoroughfares of Chicago; Polk Street crosses it midway between the stockyards to the south and the shipbuilding yards on the north branch of the Chicago River.

  13. This investigation made clear that it was as impossible to detach the girls working in the stockyards from their sisters in industry as it was to urge special legislation on their behalf.

  14. The stockyards were between Fifth Avenue and Fourth Avenue from Forty-fourth to Forty-sixth Street, and Madison Avenue was not then cut through.

  15. The stockyards were divided into pens of fifty by one hundred feet, into which the cattle were driven from runs between the yards.

  16. When the migration caused by the war was at its height, tens of thousands of Negroes from the South passed through the city going elsewhere, but thousands also remained to work in the stockyards or other places.

  17. Some employed at the stockyards could not get to their work for some days further.

  18. I've drunk worse'n stockyards in my time.

  19. Horsemen galloped to and from the town at top speed, and a long, grimy red stock train had just snorted out on a siding by the stockyards where the bellowing of thirsty cattle came faintly like the roar of pounding surf in the distance.

  20. Thurston haunted the stockyards with his Kodak, but after the first two or three days he took no pictures.

  21. He turned again to the dust and roar of the stockyards a mile or so away.

  22. In the stockyards this was only in national and state elections, for in local elections the Democratic Party always carried everything.

  23. When Jurgis had first come to the stockyards he had been as clean as any workingman could well be.

  24. The difficulty would not have been so great except for another fact--there had been a curious development in stockyards politics in the last year or two, a new party having leaped into being.

  25. They told him stories about the breaking down of men, there in the stockyards of Chicago, and of what had happened to them afterward--stories to make your flesh creep, but Jurgis would only laugh.

  26. And so Jurgis spent the balance of the night in the stockyards station house.

  27. It was in the stockyards that Jonas' friend had gotten rich, and so to Chicago the party was bound.

  28. So Jurgis went out to the stockyards again, and was introduced to the political lord of the district, the boss of Chicago's mayor.

  29. Such were the stockyards during the strike; while the unions watched in sullen despair, and the country clamored like a greedy child for its food, and the packers went grimly on their way.

  30. Scully held an important party office in the state, and bossed even the mayor of the city, it was said; it was his boast that he carried the stockyards in his pocket.

  31. What was the use, they would ask, of wasting time and energy and a possible carfare riding out to the stockyards every night when the weather was pleasant and they could crawl under a truck or into an empty doorway and sleep exactly as well?

  32. The famous St. Paul Union Stockyards are located here, and occupy two hundred acres of land.

  33. He carried one of those heavy white sticks with which the drovers and dealers at the Sioux City stockyards poke the live stock and take the liberties accorded to prospective purchasers with pigs and bullocks.

  34. In Chicago it was in the stockyards district that garbage was dumped for many years; garbage, the product of other wards, that the residents of those other wards insisted be removed from their back-doors.

  35. How much of the high infant death-rate among stockyards families has been due to the garbage exposed and decaying, so carefully brought there, from the fine residential districts?

  36. The public cares little, and has not troubled to learn much about the conditions of the workers, without whom there could be no stockyards and no meat-packing industry.

  37. Swinging around the shattered walls of a building, in the stockyards district, the automobile was stopped by a wave of dead.

  38. The stockyards (ghetto, plant, and everything) were smouldering ruins.

  39. The extensive stockyards and abattoirs of Armour, Swift and several other companies have made Omaha even a greater center of the meat trade than Kansas City.

  40. Whereupon they realised that she was alone in the wide world, homeless and penniless, and that for a time, at least, they were responsible to God and man for this picturesque Albanian damsel who spoke the English of the stockyards of Chicago.

  41. My parents were employed in the stockyards of Armour.

  42. As for Old Man Wright, about all him and me could do was to go down to the stockyards and see where the beef was coming from.

  43. One day Old Man Wright, come spring, he goes down to the stockyards and buys a good saddle horse for Bonnie Bell to ride.

  44. He was second in command of a shipment consigned to the Denver Terminal Stockyards Company.

  45. This the office of the Denver Terminal Stockyards Company?

  46. Dave swung down from the caboose and looked round in the dim light for the stockyards engine that was to pick up his cars and run them to the unloading pens.

  47. After he had eaten at the stockyards hotel he went out to have a look at his stock.

  48. Outside the drug-store he just had time to catch the last stockyards car.

  49. The man in the checked suit got on the same trolley car with them at the bridge, and while they were walking through the stockyards they saw him frequently, not always in evidence, but always somewhere in their vicinity.

  50. We'll go over to the stockyards right now.

  51. The advanced posts of an army are not better kept, and humiliating proofs that the white man had given way, were visible in the remains of dairies burnt down, stockyards in ruins, untrodden roads.

  52. He could find no work to do in the streets, and so, setting his teeth on his pride, he once more sought the stockyards and "Mr. White.

  53. It's right out near the stockyards an' it's a good place.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stockyards" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.