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Example sentences for "officers"

Lexicographically close words:
office; officeholders; officer; officered; officering; offices; officia; official; officialdom; officiales
  1. The Council and officers of this society, whose names follow the title page, form a list which shows a greater interest in Irish historical studies at that time than in our time among Irishmen of high standing in learning and politics.

  2. The magistrates, meaning in the Roman sense the principal officers of State, collected from the land a large body of men.

  3. I have had to order the dissolution of the Reichstag," says William to his officers and generals, "and I trust that the new Parliament will sanction the re-organisation of the Army.

  4. Five non-commissioned officers of dragoons have just been tried at Ulm, accused of having beaten recruits with sticks until they drew blood.

  5. One of his most brilliant and at the same time most futile efforts, is his rescript on the subject of the shortage of officers for the army.

  6. The other officers composing it lounged around, in a semicircle, in comfortable chairs.

  7. Desultory fighting, in which Austrian officers with the tacit consent of the minister of war took part against the Magyars, had already broken out in the south.

  8. The great officers of state acted habitually on the principle that might is right.

  9. The officers were shouting orders and getting the boats manned, for even in this short time the steamer was settling.

  10. The officers beat them back, and made way for the women as well as they could, struggling at the same time with the difficult task of maintaining discipline among the crew.

  11. I was struck by the way in which these highly-placed law-officers can talk (so to put it), and say nothing.

  12. The laws of the company were required to conform to those of England, and its officers to take the oath of allegiance to the Crown.

  13. Who shall estimate the effect upon the proud and self-contained Washington of intercourse with supercilious British officers during the Braddock expedition?

  14. British officers concerned in the massacre, defended by the patriots John Adams and Josiah Quincy, were honorably acquitted in a Massachusetts court.

  15. The measure, therefore, became a law; and for its better enforcement the jurisdiction of the admiralty courts was extended, and naval officers were empowered to act as collectors of the customs.

  16. The officers were elected by the freemen of the company, and freemen were admitted to the company by the officers.

  17. On the 4th of December, five days after the last British ship cleared New York Harbor, a little company of officers was gathered in the Long Room of Fraunce's Tavern.

  18. Additional revenue officers were appointed with more rigid rules for the discharge of their duties.

  19. In March, 1630, all arrangements were completed, and over a thousand people, including the governor and officers of the company, left England.

  20. All legal authority was vested in the company and exercised by the officers and freemen assembled in general court.

  21. Since the charter did not require the company's elections to be held in England, the freemen and officers had but to remove to America to transform a commercial corporation into a self-governing colony.

  22. The officers of the police were then to appear, order the assembly to disperse, and arrest the leaders, who were to be indicted for a breach of the law prohibiting political gatherings.

  23. The soldiers now forgot his youth; the oldest officers found in him such intelligence and punctuality as sometimes left their experience in arrear.

  24. Many of these officers found themselves in a very painful situation, embarrassed by the apparently conflicting claims of duty--fidelity to their sovereign on the one hand, and fidelity to the rights of the people on the other.

  25. In anticipation of the conflict which now seemed so menacing, large numbers of the officers held a secret meeting the night before, in which they decided to stand between the regular troops and the irresponsible populace.

  26. Some officers presented themselves on the road, bowing in homage to expiring royalty.

  27. He was powerless without the co-operation of his officers and men.

  28. Many of their officers belonged to the Liberal party.

  29. It then became expedient to offer a reward to some one to point him out to the officers appointed to arrest him.

  30. But Uriah refused, by saying, the officers and the army are in the open fields, and I will not go home to take comfort in my own house.

  31. A sullen plunge of a gun followed, and proclaimed the tremendous power of the explosion; while a ponderous yard fell athwart a part of the raft, sweeping away the four petty officers of Ludlow, as if they had been dust driving before a gale.

  32. While the different officers intrusted with these duties were receiving their instructions, the ship, under the charge of Trysail, began to move towards the cape.

  33. The petty officers were already on the floating spars, separating them from each other, cutting away the unnecessary weight of rigging, bringing the several parts of the wood in parallel lines, and lashing them anew.

  34. Ludlow joined the little group of officers that was by this time assembled near the capstan.

  35. When this important service was performed, officers and crew stood looking at each other, like men who had just made a hazardous and fearful experiment.

  36. The boarders were stationed, orders were given for the most profound silence, and as the ship drew nearer to the light, even the officers were commanded not to stir.

  37. But it was now necessary to mingle with his officers and to issue mandates that, as they were less in routine, required both thought and discretion.

  38. When nearly or quite one-half of the ship's company were in the boats, and the latter were all reported to be ready, officers were assigned to each, and the particular service expected at their hands was distinctly explained.

  39. The revolving 'messenger' is ever ready to be applied, and skilful petty officers are always in the tiers, to dispose of the massive rope, that it may not encumber the decks.

  40. Although the utmost vigilance was observed among the officers and look-outs, during the rest of the night, there occurred nothing to arouse the crew from their usual recumbent attitudes between the guns.

  41. He saw that the Alderman, the faithful François, and two of his own seamen, with four of the petty officers of the ship, remained.

  42. And will your young officers abandon their captain without a search?

  43. Customs officers conceived it necessary to make stringent rules against smugglers.

  44. The census reveals a surplus of officers in one military district.

  45. Vulgar talk arouses the wrath of the officers and guests.

  46. For my part, I forbade my officers to write by the frigate that carried the despatches.

  47. But let naval officers remember, that the officer who fights is the officer of the nation.

  48. But she showed no devotion, in which she was not singular, old people and Cossack officers excepted.

  49. The skill and talent of young Jervis had already given him distinction among the rising officers of the feet.

  50. All the officers junior to Jervis gave their opinion for the night attack, but he dissented.

  51. True as all this doubtless is, it reflects more severely on the captain and officers of his own ship, than even upon his parents.

  52. This delay was made the most of by the officers of the latter, in making arrangements for defence.

  53. The attendants of this mock dignitary had their proper dresses and equipage, bearing the same burlesque resemblance to the officers of the Convent which their leader did to the Superior.

  54. The act admitting Kansas provides that all the territorial officers shall exercise jurisdiction until others are elected.

  55. If a vessel should be seized while engaged in the trade, this section does not provide for her forfeiture or condemnation, or the punishment of her officers or owners.

  56. It was then moved, and unanimously voted, that the part of the report relating to officers, be accepted, and the officers designated be appointed.

  57. Here we see a President made, a Vice-President made, cabinet officers appointed, and yet the great mass of the people not consulted, nor their assent obtained in any manner whatever.

  58. His relations to some of the officers elected will entitle his opinions to grave consideration.

  59. The permanent officers in the Church were ministers, elders, and deacons.

  60. The survivors of her crew were drafted into other ships, and the officers were sent home by the first opportunity.

  61. The body of my kind friend, the captain, was never recovered, but those of the other officers were interred, the Sunday following, with military honours.

  62. He turned towards one of the ship's officers who was passing.

  63. Up on the bridge, three officers besides the captain stood with eyes fixed in grim concentration upon the dense curtains of mist which seemed to shut them off altogether from the outer world.

  64. Any search you deemed necessary could be undertaken at Liverpool by the Customs officers in the usual way.

  65. These officials are usually ci-devant non-commissioned officers of Royal Engineers.

  66. As regards smartness, the officers were not much better than the men, who did not appear to take the slightest notice of the words of command, but straggled about as they pleased, like a flock of sheep.

  67. Of course, it was an understood thing that the officers thus degraded would desert at the first opportunity, and thus the Government would be rid of them.

  68. There is also talk of the absurd number of officers in the Spanish-American armies, but we should not, by any means, confound the two things.

  69. I think this body of soldierless officers is one of the most troublesome political elements at work in the Republic.

  70. These officers are not subject to the civil administration at all, whatever they may do.

  71. Comonfort's notion of degrading all the officers of the rebel army was a new and bold experiment.

  72. Martin invested his wages in a package of tobacco, which he proposed to carry home on his horse, travelling by night along unfrequented mountain-paths, where custom-house officers seldom penetrate.

  73. Half the army takes one side, half the other; and crowds of volunteers and self-made officers join them, in the hope of present pillage or future emolument.

  74. In this case, it was usual for the rebel officers to retain their self-conferred dignities.

  75. Add to this, that the Mexican officers showed themselves grossly ignorant of the art of war; and that the soldiers, though they do not seem to have been deficient in courage, were badly drilled and insubordinate.

  76. The continual rebellions or pronunciamientos have increased the number of officers still further.

  77. The whole number of able-bodied officers and men returning with the regiment was only two hundred and forty-five, leaving upwards of eleven hundred dead and disabled.

  78. Commissioned and non-commissioned officers will be held personally responsible for any violation of this order by members of their companies.

  79. While this conversation was being carried on between officers so differently circumstanced, the Union forces had pressed the rebels so closely, that the latter, to save their baggage train, were compelled to make a stand.

  80. To this end I have established Camp Warren, where officers and soldiers are required to be at all times, except when on duty which calls them away, or on leave of absence, which will only be granted at headquarters.

  81. When his superior officers had escaped, he organized the balance of the command, and then commenced that memorable march over the hills and mountains, through the valleys and over the streams, of that wild waste.

  82. Crane, too; and of the commissioned officers of the Seventh, but one remained unhurt.

  83. There were few better officers in the regiment.

  84. Early in the day of the 9th, General Geary's brigade was sent to hold Telegraph Hill, from which our signal-officers had been driven.

  85. Sad tale that I must tell, of the two hundred and ten sons and brothers of ours who went into the fight, ninety fell; of the fourteen commissioned officers on the field, thirteen were killed or wounded.

  86. McClelland was one of the few officers who were ever at their post.

  87. Both officers and men fell out of the line, unable to proceed, being so oppressed by the heat, and wearied by the difficult state of the roads.

  88. The greater part of my officers were Whigs.

  89. As most of these old Custom-House officers had good traits, and as my position in reference to them, being paternal and protective, was favorable to the growth of friendly sentiments, I soon grew to like them all.

  90. The moment the officers had disappeared a buzz of talk hummed, and Private Watts was besieged with questions.

  91. The wind was still blowing with great force, and as there appeared no prospect of the weather breaking for another day or two, Captain Reay and his officers made preparations for excursions into the country.

  92. For some hours the first and second officers watched their captain's movements with the liveliest anxiety; for, despite the apparent friendliness of the natives, they were by no means confident.

  93. Both were men of fine stature and great strength; and, indeed, Upaparu one day jestingly remarked that he and Captain Shelley's two officers were a match for three times their number.

  94. But of this they knew there was little prospect, for this remaining boat had been seriously injured by a heavy sea, which had washed her inboard a few days before the fight between the officers and crew.

  95. As was common enough in those days on American whaleships, nearly all the officers were relatives or connections by marriage, and were always ready to stand by the captain; in this instance the cooper was a brother of the second mate.

  96. The men went mad, and took no notice of him and the other two officers who were both wounded--the rest were killed in the assault.

  97. Private Watts being sent for, was excused by the Scotch sergeant, who gravely reported that he was bad in the legs, whereat the officers laughed, and straightway made up a purse of guineas for him.

  98. The officers of the Triton sat long over their wine that night, and Lieutenant Channing was the recipient of much merry badinage; but there was behind it all a sincere feeling of joy that he had escaped such a treacherous death.

  99. First police spies were killed in many places, then more highly placed persons, officers of the police, judges, and officials who distinguished themselves by their activity and severity.

  100. They tell me some of the officers of the regiment stationed there will be of the party, and they will have a hundred or so of their men to act as beaters.

  101. With the officers was the man who had injured him.

  102. Of such men Godfrey had no fear, his gun and his companion's bow and arrows rendered them too formidable to be meddled with, and until they came down upon the main road there was no chance of their meeting police officers or Cossacks.

  103. Some of them he judged to have been gentlemen, and he afterwards found that there were three or four who had been officers in the army, but sentenced for grave military crimes.

  104. One or two young officers had given him their cards, and said that they should be pleased if he would call upon them.

  105. Neither of the officers who had then been there was present, but an elderly man sat at the centre of the table.

  106. You shared in the desperate resistance they made, which resulted in the death of eight police officers by pistol shot, or by the explosion of gunpowder, by which Petroff Stepanoff, who fired it, was also blown to pieces.

  107. They went into the great mirrored hall, where they supped, and were served by the officers of the Princess's household.

  108. The ground at the same time opened, and she saw under her feet a great kitchen full of cooks, kitchen helps, and all sorts of officers necessary for a magnificent entertainment.

  109. The King immediately commanded the officers of his wardrobe to run and fetch one of his best suits for the Lord Marquis of Carabas.

  110. Kinnison to the commanding officers of all fleets, sub-fleets, and task-forces of the Galactic Patrol.

  111. There are, I assume, other surviving officers of your rank, although of lesser seniority?

  112. Only the navigating officers of the vessel knew where they were, nor did either of the two Lensmen care.

  113. The navigating officers of those vessels knew to a nicety the place and course of every ship lawfully in the ether, and the appearance of even one unscheduled trace would set in motion a long succession of carefully-planned events.

  114. And in a few seconds the commanding officers of the other two attacking battleships were also surprised.

  115. And a dozen or so other craft, cruisers and such, whose officers were out to put space-time in their logs, were flitting aimlessly about; but never very far away from the flagship.

  116. The Chicago's officers and crew knew that the young people left the vessel separately; that they returned separately, each in his or her lifeboat.

  117. I will have ten other Lensmen and officers here with me.

  118. As President of the Galactic Council, in the presence of the highest officers of the Galactic Patrol as witnesses, I swear it.

  119. He could have made the trip in that room, of course, if he had so chosen; but, knowing that officers of space do not really like to have strangers in that sanctum, he did not intrude until it was necessary.

  120. In the control room, however, there was a platoon of elite guards, clustered so closely about the commander and his officers that needles could not be used; a group that would have to be wiped out by hand.

  121. I am offering for your consideration my opinion that the high-ranking officers of the Patrol are using hypnotism to conceal the real source of the Lens.

  122. Commissioner Kinnison knew, as surely as did every other man aboard, that Samms did those things, because he and the other officers and most of the crew watched Samms do them.

  123. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "officers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    officers and; officers killed; officers were