Lastly, in suche order and sorte, as aforesaide, the tables beeing taken away, I hung downe my heade, because that I might not followe after the last iunckates which I had lost by minding of her that ministred.
And to this ende are the three Monsters placed vnder the golden Obelisque, because that there be three great opinions like those Monsters: & as that with the humane countenaunce is best, so the other be beastly and monstrous.
But if you place yourself between e and d you will get a good view of it, and the more so as you approach the point d, because that spot is least exposed to these reflected rays of light.
Men must not build terraces on the face of the hills on the eve of the Sabbatical year, when the rains have ceased, because that is preparation for the Sabbatical year.
But one may build them in the Sabbatical year, when the rains have ceased, because that is preparation for the close of the Sabbatical year.
Rabbi Jehudah said, “the place where it is customary to anoint them, they may not anoint them, because that is work.
Men must not cut down a young sycamore in the Sabbatical year, because that is labor.
You must not say anything about it in the pulpit, because that is religion, and has nothing to do with it.
The question to be decided is not whether America shall mix its concerns with those of the Old World; because that is done.
Uncle, my brother mocks both you and me; Because that I am little, like an ape, He thinks that you should bear me on your shoulders.
Because that I familiarly sometimes Do use you for my fool and chat with you, Your sauciness will jest upon my love, And make a common of my serious hours.
The King doth keep his revels here to-night; Take heed the Queen come not within his sight; For Oberon is passing fell and wrath, Because that she as her attendant hath A lovely boy, stolen from an Indian king.
Were it not better, Because that I am more than common tall, That I did suit me all points like a man?
And she said: "Because that is their food and drink, and because my father is a king and my brethren are his sons.
For it was all very new and wonderful to him and he took great delight in it because that he was a man and because this world was the world of mankind.
After looking at him for some moments in silent resignation, Mrs Chick said she trusted he hadn't said it in aggravation, because that would do very little honour to his heart.
She trusted he hadn't said it seriously, because that would do very little honour to his head.
For thinges passed out of longe tyme from a mannes mynde or from his syght, turnen sone into forzetynge: Because that mynde of man ne may not ben comprehended ne witheholden, for the freeltee of mankynde.
And it is drye and nothing fructuous; because that it hathe no moysture: and therefore is there so meche desart.
For men werein wont for to clepe that place, the feld of Damasce; because that it was in the lordschipe of Damask.
And fro that cytee of Hur Abraham departed, be the commandement of God, fro thens, aftre the dethe of his fadre; and ladde with him Sarra his wife and Lothe his brotheres sone, because that he hadde no child.
Or, because that flux is caused of raw humours, which, when they run, make the face colourless.
But although this answer be true, yet it seemeth not to be of force, because that so all questions might be easily resolved.
And this is proved by experience, because that in winter, we see our breath, for the coldness of the air doth bind the air mixed with fume, and so it is thickened and made gross, and by consequence is seen.
Because that by this coldness it may clear the understanding of man and make it subtle.
And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent.
I do not say mud of the road, because that is mixed with animal refuse; but take merely an ounce or two of the blackest slime of a beaten footpath, on a rainy day, near a manufacturing town.
I did not, because thatstory is connected intimately with the Apolline myths; and is told of Athena, not essentially as the goddess of the air, but as the goddess of Art-Wisdom.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "because that" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.