Foresters and recreation managers are now more aware of the esthetic and economic values of nongame wildlife, including cavity-nesting birds.
The quantity of use value of which society has need determines the quantity of the exchange values to be created.
It must be the reverse; for the workers create values together with the surplus products which are appropriated by capital.
And this difference in the two values was what the capitalist had in view when he was purchasing labour power.
The complete realisation of exchange values or the social labour that is performed depends, as is seen, on the adaptation of supply to demand, and is a matter of organisation, of social direction.
After having found the values of v for a particular frequency and different directions of the wave-normal, a very instructive graphical representation can be employed.
Two or more solutions of the equations may be combined into a new solution by addition of the values of Px, those of Py, &c.
According to this equation the different properties of various isotropic transparent bodies may arise from different values of K, of [rho], or of both.
These changes flew in the face of the Gillem Board Report, for (p.
A much smaller group of commentators, mostly black journalists, never accepted the prevailing view.
It followed that the Organization and Training Division must exclude many Negroes from being classified in specialties for which they were qualified and from Army schools that would train others for such unneeded specialties.
The vanity and irresponsibility of values that are merely final and not also in turn means to the enrichment of other occupations of life ought to be obvious.
So far so good; the work was critical and in the interests of the only true conservatism--that which will conserve and not waste the values wrought out by humanity.
Memory is vicarious experience in which there is all the emotional values of actual experience without its strains, vicissitudes and troubles.
What is the chief source of the complaint of poet and moralist with the goods, the values and satisfactions of experience?
Society is the process of associating in such ways that experiences, ideas, emotions, values are transmitted and made common.
The belief in fixed values has bred a division of ends into intrinsic and instrumental, of those that are really worth while in themselves and those that are of importance only as means to intrinsic goods.
He deeply values your devotion to the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh.
He values very deeply your pioneering services, through which you are carrying on a long history in your family of single-hearted devotion to the Faith.
He most deeply values your loyalty, your devotion and your services.
He values very deeply your message of loyalty and devotion and your assurance that you will uphold the administration of our beloved Faith.
You must never become discouraged; your services are both needed and appreciated, and the Guardian deeply values them.
But not even then should we have an absolutely infinite number, although we should have the greatest which can be represented in values of extension.
What we have observed of lineal values is also true of numerical values expressed in series.
If we wish to find an infinite number of parts in values of extension, we must suppose a solid infinite in all its dimensions, with all its parts infinitely divided.
The price given for Spanish skins is probably an error; possibly the values of the 'right' and 'counterfeit' are reversed.
Of course these valuesare constantly varying, but the table will serve at least to gauge the relative values of common and scarce furs.
Below will be found an authentic table of the comparative values of the various American furs at the present date of publication.
We also present a table of the comparative values of the various American furs at the present date of publication.
Such liquation cakes would run very low in silver, and at the values given only averaged 12 ozs.
For purposes of reference, we reproduce the principal Roman and old German scales, in so far as they are used by Agricola in this work, with their values in English.
Consequently, it would not require much of an imaginative flight to conclude that there existed some system of tests of ore and metal values by fire.
This purported use for determining values of ore is of about Pliny's average accuracy.
If we assume the valuesgiven for residual copper in the first four charges (note p.
All students of weights and measures will realize that these values are but approximate, and that this is not an occasion to enter upon a discussion of the variations in different periods or by different authorities.
Where two or more values are given by the author the average has been taken.
German values for these particular terms, which, fortunately, fairly closely approximate to the English.
It may perhaps seem incongruous to say that purgatory took over the values of the millennium and from the point of view of formal theology it is so.
However it is probably that the transfer of the psychological values from Chiliasm was more to be ascribed to the rising asceticism of the early Church than to the concept of the Church as such, or even to the rise of the purgatory concept.
Undoubtedly some of the masochistic values of Chiliasm were taken over by the various, previously mentioned concepts that combined to make up the idea of the Catholic Church.
Asceticism in some form is a permanent element in any wide spread religion and the values later expressed in Christian asceticism were in the earlier period mediated through Chiliasm.
On this he gave a general theorem, by which the values of annuities on single lives might be easily determined.
He treated his subject, however, more broadly and clearly than it had been previously treated, giving some of the best tables of the values of life annuities, which were published for many years.
This it is which forces Mary, who so values silence, to speak.
Trade is eager an' values high; aces-up frequent callin' for five hundred dollars before the draw.
In view of these and other difficulties we need not be surprised that the wildest discordance has been found in estimates of the solar temperature made by different investigators, who have assigned to it values ranging from 1,400° C.
Matthew Arnold considers literature a "criticism of life," and he values a work with reference to the moral significance of its ideas.
If he is painting a tree he in a measure becomes the tree; he valuesit at all because it expresses for him concretely what he feels in its presence.
A true artist employs his medium as an instrument of expression; and he values his own technical skill in the handling of it according to the measure that he is enabled thereby to express himself more effectively.
The artist values his "subject," therefore, as the stimulus of emotion and as the symbol by means of which he expresses his emotion and communicates it.
He values objects not for their own sake but for the energies they possess,--their power to rouse his whole being into heightened activity.
The qualities of objects with their inherent emotional values constitute the raw material of art, to be woven by the artist into a fabric of expressive form and texture.
By a very simple application of the numerical letter valuesthese 108 decimal places can be carried in the mind and recalled about as fast as you can write them down.
While this may seem clear in theory, any baker can easily ascertain the above bespoken values of potato flour by practical tests.
I consider an article is increased in value by passing through several processes of manufacture; but, in exchange, do two equal values cease to be equal because the one comes from the plough and the other from the power-loom?
Values were extravagant; money ran like water; the town was wide open and it took toll from every new-comer.
Old standards had fallen, new standards had been reared, new values had attached to crime, therefore they demanded that the business in hand go on.
In the end, it's our ideals, our values that built America, values that allowed us to forge a nation made up of immigrants from every corner of the globe, values that drive our citizens still.
What's at stake aren't Democratic values or Republican values, but American values.
These aren't Republican valuesor Democratic values that they're living by, business values or labor values, they're American values.
So tonight I want to focus less on a checklist of proposals and focus more on the values at stake in the choices before us.
Now, a return to the American values of fair play and shared responsibility will help protect our people and our economy.
It's not just quitting on yourself, it's quitting on your country, and this country needs and values the talents of every American.
Because living our values doesn't make us weaker, it makes us safer and it makes us stronger.
To overcome extremism, we must also be vigilant in upholding the values our troops defend, because there is no force in the world more powerful than the example of America.
Now, as we do, we must enlist our values in the fight.
So were millions of innocent Americans who've seen their homevalues decline.
And while it's ultimately up to the people of the region to decide their fate, we will advocate for those values that have served our own country so well.