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Example sentences for "rationing"

Lexicographically close words:
ratione; rationed; rationem; rationes; rationibus; rationis; rations; ratios; ratite; ratline
  1. During this time, one echelon or section of the Supply Column was employed in rationing the troops.

  2. It will be seen that the organization for rationing Native troops is such that they are able to be fed in accordance with the rites of their caste, surely a not unimportant factor.

  3. One story in connection with the rationing of the Indian Cavalry whilst in the trenches at Ypres in the summer of 1915 may be of interest.

  4. In October 2005, the government tried to reverse some of these policies by forbidding private sales of grains and reinstituting a centralized food rationing system.

  5. I hear that on the present scale of rationing there is enough for five more distributions.

  6. The restaurants are still fairly supplied; so that the system of rationing is not yet carried out in its integrity.

  7. But if we fail to live up to it, the machinery for compulsory rationing is all ready.

  8. Rationing may come yet, but any such system bristles with difficulties.

  9. The rationing system has made distribution easier and more fair and greatly lessened the distressing "queues" of people waiting before butchers' shops for their allowance.

  10. Many communities may continue to have potable water available, and families could relax their rationing plans.

  11. Therefore a rationing plan might be required in your home shelter, so as to make your available liquids last for 14 days.

  12. Except where the supply could be seized or controlled at the source, as in the case of breadstuffs and one or two other products, the rationing system broke down.

  13. Still, it might be a good plan to sack all the servants before rationing comes in, and engage deaf-mutes.

  14. She's done it simply because I told her to-night that rationing is definitely coming in.

  15. The driver said evenly, "There's rationing now!

  16. There's rationing for everybody and it's all efficiently arranged.

  17. True, a rather disproportionate number of logs brought in by the falling crews turned out to be mango-wood, but the tala-rationing program added incentive precisely where it was needed.

  18. But all concerned realized the problem of childbirth in space under the jam-packed living conditions, tight water and food rationing and the fetid, recirculated air.

  19. You just can't plan every detail of organizing our community down to the rationing of tooth-powder.

  20. Are you loyally and cheerfully cooperating with your government in preventing inflation and profiteering, and in making rationing work with fairness to all?

  21. One tangible result of our great increase in merchant shipping-- which I think will be good news to civilians at home--is that tonight we are able to terminate the rationing of coffee.

  22. Because the demands of the war effort require the rationing of goods of which there is not enough to go around.

  23. Ask the women and children whom Hitler is starving whether the rationing of tires and gasoline and sugar is too great a "sacrifice.

  24. There was no need of my rationing my family, but I did it for the sake of keeping hundreds of others alive.

  25. Perhaps, if an adequate rationing scheme can be devised, this will be accomplished.

  26. Then I learned that a strict rationing was only the first part of a scheme of which the second was a waste prevention campaign.

  27. When Miss Pearson mentioned that she would give assistance in planning menus to fit food rationing situations Kitty was really delighted.

  28. I must hand it to you women for having a streak of genius with handling rationing points.

  29. In the earlier days of the siege there was no rationing of provisions, though the price of meat was fixed by Government decree.

  30. The rationing of the men cost on an average about 7d.

  31. At present, it is only attached to my command for convenience of rationing and pay.

  32. And here's just the man to take charge of rationing the water," said Cooper.

  33. David Cooper gave Elysée brief instructions on rationing water, and the old man limped downstairs as the firing began again.

  34. It was concluded to pay in money entirely instead of in molasses and bacon, believing that the days of rationing in any form had passed, and that the negroes would be better pleased to handle all the money and spend it as they pleased.

  35. Poor Judd had been rationing his people for some time, owing to a lack of provisions occasioned by the depredations of the soldiers.

  36. In October 2005, the regime reversed some of these policies by forbidding private sales of grains and reinstituting a centralized food rationing system.

  37. In the first months of 1918 coal rationing led to cutting down on gas, electricity and water.

  38. The electricity rationing made possible running the elevator only at certain hours.

  39. We had to feel the pinch before rationing measures were tolerated.

  40. I can only entreat the author to continue this rationing of sentiment for our mutual benefit.

  41. The hospitable influence of the new scheme of rationing spread very rapidly.

  42. We are rationed on sugar and we do not want to adopt more compulsory rationing than is necessary.

  43. The rationing we appealed to our people to get down to, was three pounds of flour per head in the week, 2½ lbs.

  44. If compulsory rationing in more than sugar comes as it may, the basis of rationing will, we believe, be worked out with as much consideration as possible of the needs of the workers.

  45. Compulsory rationing to be workable must be a simple scheme, and no overhead ration of bread, for example, is just.

  46. By careful rationing we can make our supplies hold out until after the harvest.

  47. There is a rationing pledge on the table near the door, and I ask every girl to sign it and to wear the violet ribbon that will be given her.

  48. They visited several shops, and had as good a tea at the café as the rationing order allowed, supplementing the rather scanty supply with ices and sweets.

  49. I meant to give you a regular blow-out, so far as the rationing order would allow us.

  50. This discovery, on the very eve of compulsory rationing in other commodities, will mean an immense saving of national funds.

  51. It would be far from enough to last until fall brought the game back from the north and he instituted rationing much stricter than before.

  52. There would be the same rationing of food on Christmas day but little brown trees had been cut for the children and decorated with such ornaments as could be made from the materials at hand.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rationing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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