Toward the latter end of the month some villains broke into the dispensary at the hospital, and stole two cases of portable soup, one case of camomile flowers, and one case containing sudorific powder.
From the cuticle tubular prolongations pass into the sebaceous and sudorific glands; thus the entire surface of the body is inclosed by the cuticle.
The sudorific glands, or sweat glands, are situated in the subcutaneous areolar tissue, surrounded by a quantity of fat.
Dover's Powder was given in large Doses, from one Scruple to two; and proved a good Sudorific and Anodyne in some Cases; though in others it made the Patients sick, without producing any good Effect.
The smaller dose taken in a little warm water or gruel is useful as a sudorific in cases of cold and chill, to induce and promote the proper action of the skin which has been checked.
One-thirty-second of a grain of muriate of pilocarpine was administered every six hours without the desired sudorific effect.
The sudorific effect of the treatment by external warmth described above should be aided by employing diaphoretics.
The steam arising from them and enveloping the body and limbs produces a promptsudorific effect.
A favourite bath among them, however, is a modification of the hot-air sudorific bath of the ancients introduced under the name of 'Turkish' into other than Mahommedan countries.
By an attractive bath, I would be understood to mean one in which the visitor will feel interest in the design; where pleasant objects are presented to his eye, both in the sudorific chambers and in the cooling rooms.
As this is no light task--if properly performed--it becomes of urgent moment that the apartment should be no less perfectly ventilated than a sudorific chamber.
Among the Orientals, the air of the sudorific chambers is charged more or less heavily with vapour.
Many baths are rendered quite repulsive by what I may perhaps term the "sudorific smell" that assails the nostrils of the visitor entering the vestibule.
For the present, it will suffice to say that the chief object to be attained in the bath is the supplying of an abundance of pure hot air to the various sudorific chambers, and the rapid withdrawal of the foul air and exhalations.
The arguments put forward in favour of radiant heat, with a comparatively cool atmosphere, in the sudorific chambers, are, for the most part, the result of my own experience and study.
This is the cheapest and quickest method of raising the temperature of a room for sudorific purposes.
As regards height, the sudorific chambers should not be too lofty, or they cannot, on the ordinary hot-air plan, be heated with due economy.
The pack is a derivative, sedative, sudorific and stimulator of cutaneous excretion.
It is stimulating, derivative, depurative, sudorific and alterative, powerfully promoting tissue change by increase of the natural waste and repair.
The decoction is much used internally in bronchial catarrh for its sudorific effect.
The trunk bark is stimulant and is used as a sudorific in the treatment of fevers.
The decoction is used as a lotion for ulcers, and internally as a sudorific and tonic-astringent.
It is widely used in bronchial catarrhs and in asthma on account of its sudorific and expectorant action.
The action is due, as in the case of the salivation, to stimulation of the terminals of the sudorific nerves.
The compound powder of ipecacuanha, taken at night, will generally promote the ease and sleep of the patient, and, by its sudorific action, tend considerably to hasten a cure.
It is employed as a sudorific and alterative, in syphilis, rheumatism, scrofula, and chronic cutaneous diseases, usually in conjunction with sarsaparilla.
Indians in Mexico employ it as a febrifuge and sudorific and also as a remedy for epilepsy.
The bark is employed in infusion as a sudorific and in cutaneous diseases, and its fibrous tissue is manufactured into cordage.
It is a poisonous white crystalline substance having a sweetish metallic taste, and used in medicine as a sudorific and emetic.
It is advised as a sudorific stimulant in low fevers, and to relieve spasms.
The roots are astringent and antiseptic, having been given in infusion for ague, and as an excellent cordial sudorific in chills, or for fresh catarrh.
Although its virtues are of a very dubious kind, there is no doubt that it frequently does good, especially when persevered in with a sudorific regimen.
Sudorific and vulnerary; reputed in South America to be a powerful remedy for the bites of venemous serpents and for hydrophobia, but the trials in this country do not show it to be of any value in such cases.
Carbon sulphide is employed therapeutically in doses of 2 drops, gradually increased to 5, as a sudorific in rheumatism.
Its alkalinity also saponifies the fatty acids on the surface of the body, cleanses and opens up the sudorific glands, and thus assists the free absorption of the nitrogen into the system.
The sudorific glands over the whole cutaneous surface receive a fresh stimulus, thus assisting to eliminate the materies morbi, and making the skin cool and moist, which prior to drinking the water was dry, hot, and parched.
The nitrogenous components become oxidised, and urea ultimately formed, which being very soluble is freely excreted by the sudorific glands in the perspiration, and by the kidneys in the urine.
An infusion made from the leaves is used as a sudorific in cases of malarial fever.
Malaria is usually treated by means of profuse sweating (kilcabankil), the patient lying wrapped in a cotton sheet in the hammock, with a fire burning beneath and drinking sudorific bush medicine.
In a small dose it is Diaphoretic; but in large doses it may cause copious sweating, by favouring the absorption of fluid into the blood, and dilating the capillaries and pores of the sudorific glands.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sudorific" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.