The result of the first engagement thus being a draw, counsel on both sides agreed that this writ should not be returnable for six days.
The taxes levied on the people of the district being returnable each week or fortnight, it follows that they cannot leave their homes.
This Officer supplies the Constable’s Place as a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, from whose Judgment the Appeal is by Writ of Error returnable in the King’s-Bench, or Common Pleas at Westminster.
Writs were made returnable in November, and the interval was spent in such canvassing and platform work as the country had never experienced before.
Writs were made returnable on August 19, by which date the political tables had been completely turned.
There are also endowment policies for children, under which parents or others receive a specified sum on a child attaining a given age, the premiums being returnable if the child dies before the specified age.
The Gaspé writ was not returnable until the 1st of June.
The Parliament was dissolved and writs for an election, returnableon the 11th of April, issued.
On the next day parliament was dissolved by proclamation, and writs were ordered to be issued for the election of a new one, returnable on the 14th of September.
Parliament was prorogued to the 10th of May, and a proclamation appeared the next day announcing its dissolution, and directing a new election, the writs of which were made returnable on the 14th of June.
Parliament was dissolved on the 2nd of June; and writs were issued for a new election, which were to be returnable on the 25th of July.
A Parliament was found indispensable; and, counting on the very loyal disposition manifested by the nation, writs for calling one were issued, returnable the 19th of May.
The Issuing of New Writs It was learned that Judge Caton was in New York, so they all returned to Dixon, where new writs were obtained, made returnable before the nearest tribunal in the fifth judicial district, at Markham's request.
About eight o'clock the master-in-chancery arrived and issued a writ of habeas corpus returnable before Judge John D.
As soon as the Affidavit as to Ship Papers is filed, a Monition shall issue, returnable within Twenty Days from the Service thereof, citing all Persons in general to show Cause why the captured Ship should not be condemned.
As soon as the arrest was made the petition was signed and presented to Judge Sawyer, who ordered the writ to issue returnable forthwith.
Meanwhile a petition had been prepared to be presented to Judge Sawyer for a writ of habeas corpus, returnable at once before the United States court.
I immediately sued out a writ of habeas corpus returnable before Henry P.
A writ of habeas corpus was forthwith sued out, returnable before Judge Grier.
A writ of habeas corpus was issued in their behalf by the Supreme Court, then sitting at Madison, the Capital of the State, returnable before them there.
Let a habeas corpus issue in this case according to the prayer of the petitioner, returnable forthwith.
Hence an expedient was devised of issuing writs for a new parliament, returnable in six days.
This was returnable into chancery even where the business was depending before the council.
To this the constable refused to assent, whereupon the parties under arrest applied for a writ of habeas corpus made returnable before the municipal court of Nauvoo.
A warrant for the arrest of Joseph Smith and the City Council was issued by a Mr. Morrison, justice of the peace, at Carthage, and made returnable to the justice at Carthage "or some other justice of the peace.
A writ of habeas corpus was sued out before Mr. Chamberlain, the master in chancery, who lived some six miles from Dixon, made returnable before Hon.
The identity of the person claimed was to be proved by two witnesses; or they gave him the right to a writ of habeas corpus; or they enjoined upon the court to which the writ was returnable a trial by jury.
Can I keep on a business with men in possession, with judgments out against me, with writs returnable next week and the week after.
It was customary to serve the debtor with a writ, which was returnable only in term time, and if issued between terms it could be evaded by giving bail to the sheriff.
Colonel Hanger, when in the King’s Bench, was removed to the Fleet on habeas corpus to meet a writ returnable there and was mulcted in further costs before he was allowed to go back to the King’s Bench.