Both gentlemen repeatedly assured the meeting that the Government were most anxious to remove the causes of discontent, and stated moreover that Johannesburg would get practically all that was asked for in the Manifesto.
In fact such exhibitions wererepeatedly given by him at a later stage when dealing with the Reform prisoners.
Fault has repeatedly been found with the military organization in Johannesburg for not having been well served by an Intelligence Department, and for not knowing from day to day what the whereabouts and position of Dr.
Mr. Cronjé denied that he had sentenced these men, and repeatedly stated that he had handed them over to Erasmus and Schoeman, to be dealt with according to law.
Mr. Kruger retained his office for some time after he had concerned himself in the Repeal agitation, but finally resigned his post on being refused an increased remuneration, for which he had repeatedly applied.
Repeatedly he urged upon the many princes and burgomasters with whom he corresponded the duty of providing schools in every town and village.
Such have been the mad speculations as that of the South Sea Bubble and the panics that repeatedly visit our markets.
A severe edict was issued and repeatedly re-enacted against tramps ordering them to be whipped, have their heads shaved, and to be further punished with stocks.
His temper, never a good one originally, had been soured by a bad digestion and ill luck in the way of promotion, the poor beggar having been passed over repeatedly by men younger than himself.
The right honourable Baronet will come down to make a proposition conceived in the very spirit of the Motions which have repeatedly been made by my honourable friend the Member for Sheffield.
Shortly afterwards the Home Government sent out to Calcutta the important and valuable despatch to which reference has been repeatedly made in the course of this discussion.
The debate was adjourned, and was repeatedly resumed at long intervals.
Religious dissent hasrepeatedly been put down by sanguinary persecution.
When my honourable friend the Member for Sheffield shall think it expedient to make a motion on that important subject to which he has repeatedly called the attention of the House, I may, perhaps, ask to be heard.
Company as an organ of government, has repeatedly used language which proves that he shares in the general misconception.
We have repeatedly been told by acts--we are now told almost in express words--that agitation and intimidation are the means which ought to be employed by those who wish for redress of grievances from the party now in power.
We have been repeatedly told that a Ministry in which there is not perfect unanimity on a subject so important must be undeserving of the public confidence.
My honourable and learned friend has repeatedly told the story with great eloquence and effect.
I altogether deny the assertion which we have repeatedly heard in the course of this debate, that a government which does not discountenance agitation cannot be trusted to suppress rebellion.
The Federal attacks were repeatedly repelled until, by the fatal flight of the militia in the centre, the Confederate lines were broken and a precipitate retreat ensued.
Gammon had repeatedly turned in his mind the propriety of raising money by assignment of the bond of Lord De la Zouch, but for several reasons had deemed it inexpedient to venture upon such a step.
She thanked him cordially and repeatedly for the delightful day.
He was in a comically mysterious mood, gave obscure hints of the reasons that had so suddenly recalled him to Berlin, but repeatedly declared that he felt as if he were new born, and people were never too old to go to school.
At the Albany conference the Indians were interrogated about the proceedings at Oswego, and repeatedly asserted that the superintendent's advice to them was to preserve neutrality.
The more popular books also have detailed accounts,[1220] while the subject has been repeatedly treated by orators, notably by Robert C.
He reports that "the Indians say they have been repeatedly applied to and requested to join with the king's troops to fight Boston, but have peremptorily refused, and still intend to refuse.
Reference is commonly made but once to a book, if repeatedlymentioned in the text; but other references are made when additional information about the book is conveyed.
Wherefore, although I have already shown repeatedly how in affairs of moment the actions of the moderns conform not to those of antiquity, still it seems to me not superfluous, in this place, to say the same thing once more.
He, at their request, repeatedly brought the Duke into their company, so that they had full opportunity to make away with him.
I have repeatedly noted that the good or bad fortune of men depends on whether their methods of acting accord with the character of the times.
It may be said, however, that Ainsworth's text has beenrepeatedly devoured without the aid of Cruikshank's designs.
The inquirers followed us; stopping several friends, as we walked around the circle, and repeatedly demanding of them, "Who is that young lady in the pink dress trimmed with sable?
Repeatedly urged and hourly reminded of my father's vow, I at last consented, and the banns were published while I was yet lying on a bed of sickness.
He had repeatedly written to his father, requesting even the smallest aid toward our support until he could embark in his profession; but every letter remained unanswered, and we had no hope but in our own mental exertions.
These circumstances wererepeatedly urged in favour of the union.
I must quote this passage in full:-- “During the last eight years I have repeatedly taken the opportunity accurately to examine and frankly to criticise the views of others and the arguments by which they were supported.
I have repeatedly noticed its imperfections, and have been ready to admit that it has been no scanty borrower as to theory.
The Emperor of Austria respectfully and repeatedly assured his august cousin that he might “fully rely upon Austria for the triumph of the common cause;” while the King of Prussia reassured him of his “unswerving fidelity.
Neither minister would countenance what they accounted perfidy, and in act she never in the long run degraded her honour as much as she repeatedly threatened to do.
Applying those current rules of evidence which repeatedlysufficed to condemn men for treason at home, the case for executing Doughty was quite strong enough to act on, though exceedingly awkward to make public.
He had a powerful army and fleet, and it had been repeatedly shown how insecure were any calculations upon popular discontent in England, when an occasion arose for putting English loyalty to the last proof.
When we state that it has been repeatedly shown to be from ten to twelve per cent.
The single chapter of Obadiah, the shortest of the Old Testament books, is a prophecy against the Edomites, toward whom, as we have repeatedly seen, the Jews cherished an implacable animosity from the time of the fall of Jerusalem.
We know from the historians that attempts to ally the kingdoms of the Ptolemies in Egypt and the Seleucids in Syria by dynastic marriages were repeatedly made in vain, and the author of Daniel himself, in c.
The eight or ten thousand Jews with their families who were removed to Babylonia were colonized at different points, Ezekiel repeatedly mentions the river Chebar, that is, probably, the grand canal in the vicinity of Nippur.
At the head of the special laws this fundamental article is repeatedly laid down (Deut.
Meantime he was repeatedly called upon to send reinforcements to Rosecrans, in Chattanooga, to which place the latter had retreated after the repulse of his army at Chickamauga, September 19 and 20.
Even those who had most deprecated his mistakes as a civil magistrate were hardly sorry that he had been repeatedly rewarded for his great services by the highest honor popular suffrage could bestow.
For, as I have said, in the dissection of living animals I have found repeatedly that, though the animal be dying and breathe no longer, nevertheless, the heart pulsates for some time and keeps the life in it.
Harvey in this contest repeatedly ranges himself in his writings with the Aristotelians and against the Galenists;[149] we shall see him bring the circulation into play to give very effective aid to the former against Galen himself.
We can now follow the quoted Galenic passage and trace the full significance of that entrance of the substance of the air into the heart which Galen repeatedly acknowledged, though sometimes grudgingly.
In spite, however, of these disclaimers of formal position Harvey had repeatedly intimated, by the way, what was crossing his mind as to the meaning of the circulation, to set forth the proofs of which had been his main concern.
He had been long and repeatedly confined in different gaols of the kingdom.
This query is read to them in their meetings, and the subject of it is thereforerepeatedly brought to their notice and recollection.
This oriental civilization, like that of the west, has repeatedly regenerated itself by a new mixture of the man of the North with the man of the South.
It has repeatedly been made a question of late, whether the United States were more or less heavily taxed than France.
Such evils as divorce, desertion, intemperance, and poverty are due repeatedly to failure to make a home.
I was repeatedly awakened by a stream of cold water running under me.
During this time I had repeatedly exchanged visits with Mr. Hall, and felt quite comfortable in my new quarters; but suffered the misery of idleness, and of impatience at my detention, even among such generous and considerate friends.
She wished to discredit it entirely, repeatedly exclaiming, "This must be false!
His marriage was now fast approaching, and she was at length so far resigned as to think it inevitable, and even repeatedly to say in an ill-natured tone that she "wished they might be happy.
I talked to her repeatedly in the most serious manner, representing to her all the wickedness of what she had done, and all the unhappiness she had brought on her family.
Mr. Darcy was writing, and Miss Bingley, seated near him, was watching the progress of his letter, and repeatedly calling off his attention by messages to his sister.
The two ladies were delighted to see their dear friend again, called it an age since they had met, and repeatedly asked what she had been doing with herself since their separation.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "repeatedly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: commonly; frequently; habitually; much; often; ordinarily; repeatedly; routinely; usually