The scientific reforestation of timber lands and the reclamation of swamp lands.
In the summer of 1959 the Chesapeake Corporation undertook land-clearance operations prior to reforestationon property leased from Williamsburg Restoration, Inc.
The German Government in Kiaochou is doing most valuable work in the reforestation of the hills that lie within its jurisdiction, and to a very modest extent Weihaiwei is acting similarly.
Forestry is an unknown science in China, and without foreign expert assistance it is unlikely that reforestation will be undertaken seriously and methodically.
If I don't, I demand you let me communicate immediately with my magazine and with the Transatlantic Newspaper Alliance for whom I am also doing a series of articles on the Sahara Reforestation scheme.
Formerly, I must admit I had little knowledge of the Sahara Reforestation Commission.
The reforestation projects based on Bidon Cinq were not all in the immediate vicinity of the home oasis.
I'm as familiar with the program of the Sahara Reforestation Commission as you are, I am sure, McCord.
When she entered the office, the three Sahara Reforestation Commission officers were already at work.
Their interest is to get the Sahara Reforestation Commission out of the way so that they can immediately exploit the area.
Neither dawn nor sunset at Bidon Cinq were spectacular, nor would they become so until the Sahara Reforestation Commission began to return moisture to desert skies.
However, the Arabs had been making footwear suitable for sandy terrain for centuries before there had ever been a Sahara Reforestation Commission.
Even if your band of Tuareg did have explosives they wouldn't waste them on a few Sahara Reforestation Commission pumps.
That this reforestation is just preliminary to make the area worth assimilating.
She sat, but said defiantly, "I have no need of a lengthy lecture on the glories of the Sahara Reforestation Commission.
In the latter decades of the Twentieth Century, Bidon Cinq became an outpost of the Sahara Reforestation Commission which was working north from the Niger, and south from Algeria as well as east from the Atlantic.
The French have led in extending reforestation on denuded mountain sides.
Two method of reforestationare commonly practiced.
Thus we see that our resources of useful soft woods and hard woods have both been so diminished that prompt reforestation of these species is an urgent necessity.
We cannot afford to increase our export of southern yellow pine unless reforestation is started on all land suitable for that purpose.
It is our duty as citizens of the United States to aid as we may in the reforestation of this area.
Under ordinary conditions, natural reforestation will maintain a satisfactory tree growth on lands where a practical system of forest protection is practiced.
On the other hand, the matter of reforestation cannot be left to private owners.
In many states, the expenditure of an amount for reforestation and fire protection equal to this freight bill on imported lumber would make the state self-supporting in a decade, instead of becoming worse off each year.
On the subject of "Reforestation with White Pine," Prof.
The reforestation of land best suited for timber production is progressing and should be encouraged, and to this end the forest taxation inquiry was instituted to afford a practical guide for public policy.
Reforestation has an importance far above the attention it usually secures.
Moreover, that job of reforestation is done, and all that remains to do is to put a permanent fence around the woodlot and let nature take her course.
If they can be planted only in the spring, during seeding-time, the work of reforestation will never make much progress among the farmers of the country.
Still, there is a saving remnant of the people who believe that reforestation is a wise thing.
That is sufficiently encouraging to make me apply for twice the number of trees this spring, so as to finish the job of reforestation that I set out to do.
The Forest Garden covers two hundred and seventy acres and the reforestation tract three thousand acres more.
These views are taken on the reforestation tract at Tsingtao but most of the growth is volunteer, standing now protected by the German government in their effort to see what may be possible under careful supervision.
The afternoon was spent at the Forest Garden and on the reforestation tract, which are under the supervision of Mr. Haas.
Trees secured from the State must be used only for reforestation and erosion control and cannot be used for landscape or ornamental plantings.
Its rapid growth and the high quality of the wood make it one of the best trees for reforestation on light soils in the northern part of the State.
Considerable progress has been made, however, it is hoped that the reforestationprogram in Illinois will continue to expand until all idle lands in Illinois are growing a useful timber crop.
The Division's proposed State forest plan provides for a large number of small State forests throughout the State which would serve as ideal examples of proper woodland management and reforestation practices.
Definite progress has been made in the State reforestation program of idle lands.
To promote and assist in the reforestation of idle lands unfit for agriculture.
Where once timbering was carried on in an appallingly wasteful manner, reforestation under the guidance of trained leaders is under way.
Wasteful methods of lumbering, together with frequent forest fires and man's utter disregard for the future, have already brought about the necessity for reforestation in many mountain sections.
Then, too, the questions of natural versus artificial reforestation have to be scientifically studied and exhaustive tests made.
Seeds of forest trees must be gathered at the proper season and experiments in reforestation conducted, besides a certain amount of actual planting-out performed.
Little, if anything, is being done towards reforestation on these private tracts.
While the major emphasis in reforestation work is placed upon planting, considerable seeding is being done, but it is confined to the most favorable localities and sites.
Usually direct seeding has been tried first in any given locality where reforestation work was to be done.
It is on such areas in general that reforestation by planting is being concentrated.
Reforestation is essential so that the National Forests can effectively discharge this function.
On the National Forests artificial reforestation was an untried field when the Forest Service entered it.
While the reforestation of the watersheds of streams important for irrigation and municipal water supply has a large financial value, this value is hard to estimate because it involves not actual cash profit but loss prevented.
In addition to watersheds, reforestation work is being conducted for the primary object of producing timber only where climatic conditions and other factors are extremely favorable.
Then, again, the reforestation problems of the chaparral fields of southern California are more perplexing than any I have mentioned above.
Experiments in reforestation are grouped under seed studies, nursery studies, and sowing and planting.
Probably the greatest obstacle encountered in reforestation by direct seeding is the destruction of the seeds by rodents.
This gives to them the right to formulate rules which are to prevent devastation, as for instance a diameter limit for felling, or reforestation of clearings.
In 1309, Henry VII ordered the reforestation of a certain stripped area by sowing.
The forest area, which until 1820 was on the decrease, has since that time increased steadily, and is especially now increasing through reforestation of waste lands.
Forcible reforestation and employment of competent foresters in these are obligatory.
Forestry in Denmark is of interest especially on account of the intensive methods developed on small areas, and of the efforts at reforestation of sand dunes, moors and heaths.
The necessity for conservative forest use and reforestation did not arise as early in Austria as it did in Germany.
Through reckless cutting, burning and pasturing by the small farmers it had become almost entirely denuded, natural reforestation being prevented by these practices combined with the dryness of the soil, intensified by the deforestation.
Wherever on private properties conversion of forest into farm or pasture is permitted (after report of the forest administration of Canton or Bund) an equivalent reforestation of other parts may be ordered.
Since 1860, the State has begun to purchase forest lands for reforestation in the forestless districts and where, for protective reasons, it is desirable.
Third, the development of existing forests by wise use is the first step in forestry, and reforestation is the second.
Practical and scientific reforestation should convert the lands unsuited for farming into forests, so that every acre would produce revenue and furnish some necessity of life.
The importance of conservation by reforestation becomes apparent when one takes into consideration the relative rates of forest removal and forest reproduction.
The work of reforestation is becoming more popular each year, and great good is bound to result therefrom.
We provided in that law, passed eighteen months ago, that lands more suitable for agriculture than for reforestation should be used for agricultural purposes and not for reforestation purposes.
It also provides for the reforestation of the lands as occasion may require.
Today we are fighting not alone for the trees that are standing, but for the reforestation of devastated lands and for a stay of the wanton waste of forest products.
The Bureau of Forestry since its creation has initiated reforestation on 5,600 acres.
Congress ought to trust the Executive to use the power of reservation only with respect to land covered by timber or which will be useful in the plan of reforestation (applause).
These seedlings are being used for reforestation on the State reservations and other lands that have been cut over or denuded, and in time will produce forests from which the State will derive a large revenue.
The plan in general unifies the individual, the State, and the Nation, into one vast organized body for the practical reforestation of the country.
As a general rule, therefore, private planting will be limited to the establishment of woodlots on the waste lands of farms; and if reforestation is to be undertaken on a larger scale, it must be done by some Governmental agency.
The entire reforestation of its watershed to prevent the washing off of loess is another half of the work in the prevention of flood.
Hemlock is more liable than fir to general defects like black streak, borers, fungous disease and mistletoe, therefore investment in reforestation needs the maximum safeguard against them.
Generally speaking, a logger interested in fir reforestation should study his ground to see if naturally, or, with inexpensive aid, the cut-over area will not reseed from the sides and from the cull trees he will leave uncut.
National Conservation Commission: "Present tax laws prevent reforestation of cut-over land and the perpetuation of existing forests by use.
The conservation thus suggested does not mean non-use of ripe timber, but does mean protecting it from useless waste and destruction, and replacing it by reforestation when it is used.
Present tax laws prevent reforestation on cut-over lands and the perpetuation of existing forests by use.
Our present tax laws prevent reforestation on cut-over lands and the perpetuation of existing forests by proper use and economic cutting.
This fact is of peculiar significance to the public, for if the latter fails to stimulate reforestation generally it will play directly into the hands of the few who are independent of encouragement.
The greatest objection to such a law is that neither reforestation nor economical protection indicates the same practice in different types of forest and it is extremely difficult to make the law both flexible and effective.
Advance in value of the land itself, realizable when the second crop is cut, will in many cases be great enough to make an otherwise unpromising reforestation investment profitable.
In 1926, the larger, more far sighted companies began a definite program ofreforestation of their mined lands under the direction of Ralph Wilcox, at that time assistant State Forester and fortunately our State Forester today.
Reforestation with the Carpathian Walnuts Crath's Carpathian English walnuts could produce for Canada a very valuable forest and in shorter time than other trees do.
Included in our reforestation has been a liberal scattering of black walnut.
I believe as reforestation progresses there will be certain trees located which have value as seed trees and which will improve the forest equal to the improvement in livestock on the farms today.
The reforestation being carried on under the reclamation program consists of planting several species of pines, as well as a large variety of our native deciduous trees.
Draw up a plan for reforestationwhich would include constructive measures for the conservation of land and water power as well as forests.
On one occasion I thought I practically had an order for a quantity of these Lamb walnut trees for a reforestation project.
Much reforestation of these steep barren wastes is already under way.
We are very proud in Ontario of the work that has been done on general reforestation and woodlot management.
A large acreage of forest trees has also been planted under the Counties Reforestation Act.
The reason for this neglect is not that various members did not realize the importance of nut culture, but that there was always more work on general reforestation and woodlot extension than could be done.