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Example sentences for "civil government"

  • He then goes on to describe the inauguration of civil government in Cagayan province.

  • Describing the ceremonies of the inauguration of civil government in Cagayan, the Wilcox-Sargent report to Admiral Dewey says: The Presidentes of all the towns in the province were present at the ceremony.

  • In the meantime the Washington Government resolved that military rule in the Islands should be superseded by civil government.

  • Civil government, prematurely inaugurated, without sufficient preparation, has had a disastrous effect, and the present state of many provinces is that of a wilderness overrun by brigand bands too strong for the civil authority to deal with.

  • This was not included in Army Estimates, but in Civil Government.

  • Crescentius, a Roman noble who had usurped the civil government.

  • The requisition of valuable and extensive property, therefore, necessarily requires the establishment of civil government.

  • They themselves, on the contrary, have hitherto been defended almost entirely at the expense of the mother country; but the expense of fleets and armies is out of all proportion greater than the necessary expense of civil government.

  • Where there is no property, or at least none that exceeds the value of two or three days labour, civil government is not so necessary.

  • There can be no doubt a civil government in any country is capable of preventing the collection of a body of troops, and the invasion of the territory of a neighbouring power.

  • Civil Government in India must follow immediately on Military Conquest.

  • He expressed the feeling of many when he wrote: Civil government is no fit agency for the training of families or of souls.

  • Parents continually neglected their educational duty, yet there must be civil government.

  • On the 16th of May, they wrote to the Continental Congress, requesting their advice on "taking up and exercising the powers of civil government.

  • John Fiske's recent volume on Civil Government in the United States, stands in merit far above other manuals bearing this name, most of which are simply running commentaries on the constitution.

  • Things of this world," says Locke (Of Civil Government, part ii.

  • In his great work Of Civil Government, John Locke takes practically the same view as Winstanley of the duties of Parliaments and of the function of Law.

  • There is no child in your school too young to learn something of geography, of history, and of civil government.

  • Even in our ungraded country schools the average pupil of twelve years is well prepared to begin the study of the text-book in civil government.

  • In this system of oral instruction, which is the best possible preparation for the formal study of civil government, the plan and outlines of this book may be used by the teacher with both profit and pleasure.

  • When this Millenium shall commence, if there shall be any need of Civil Government, indulge me in the fancy that it will be in the republican form, or something better.

  • Civil Government in the United States, which might be useful as a text-book, and at the same time serviceable and suggestive to the general reader interested in American history.

  • There is a good account in Martin's Text Book on Civil Government in the United States.

  • These few passages, containing the substance of Seceders' principles on the head of civil government, may be reduced to the following particulars: 1.

  • The organization for the Church and civil government which he gave to Geneva was quite too intolerant and inquisitorial for safe adoption in general or to endure the test of the true Gospel spirit.

  • That is, the institution, by the people of the United States, of a civil government, to guard and protect and defend them all.

  • But there still remained the last and crowning act, which the people of the Union alone were competent to perform--the institution of civil government, for that compound nation, the United States of America.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "civil government" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    civil affairs; civil and religious freedom; civil cases; civil court; civil engineer; civil laws; civil office; civil officer; civil rights; civil servants; civil society; civil suits; civilian clothes; civilised life; civilised warfare; civilized communities; civilized life; civilized peoples; civilized warfare; come together; considerable pause; does not include industrial lines broad; expressed their; five companies; religion itself; soon after