Philip Rostius, and sold her for one shilling and a quart of ale, and parted from her solely and absolutely for life, "not to trouble one another for life.
It used to tax my strength to carry the two twelve-quart pails full through the rough places and up the steep banks in the woods and then lift them up and alternately empty them into the hogsheads without displacing the neck yoke.
When I came in the afternoon with my four-quart pail nearly full he came down off the roof and gave me a silver quarter, or two shillings, as then called, and I felt very rich.
There isn't a fellow in this settlement who hasn't got a quart glass fruit-jar full of gold nuggets and dust under his bed, and who isn't just waiting and pining to show it to some stranger like yourself.
Charlie banged down in front of each of us a quart bottle of aguardiente, and, sitting down at the table, flirted politely with Senora Melendez, while Foo served dinner, enlivened with gay social chatter in pidgin Mexican.
Fully a quart jar full I've written since I found the first buttercup this spring.
Rufe ran his hand down into his pocket before he told the driver to drive on, for he knew that milk was fifteen cents a quart in Florida, and water was almost priceless.
At morning and night we had a quart of tea to each man, and an allowance of about a pound of hard bread a day; but our chief article of food was beef.
Slight turbidity is best noted by filling a clean quart flask and holding it towards the light with some dark object as a window pane between.
Put these into a stone jar, with a quart of vinegar, and cover them with a bladder wetted with the pickle, and over this place a piece of leather.
Take a quart of haricot beans and let them soak all night in cold water.
Strong distilled vinegar, to each quart of which 1-1/2 oz.
Burnett's disinfectant fluid) and 1 quart of water may also be applied with advantage.
Wash well a quartof good split peas, and float off such as remain on the surface of the water; soak them for one night, and boil them with a bit of soda the size of a filbert, in just sufficient water to allow them to break to a mash.
For use 2 spoonfuls of this liquor are added to 1 quart of water.
Mash the fresh fruit, express the juice, and to each quart add 3-1/2 lbs.
A quart bottle, with the stopper loosely placed therein.
Take one ounce of borax, half an ounce of camphor powder--these ingredients fine--and dissolve them in one quart of boiling water.
Milk Sugar 8 teaspoons Barley Gruel to make a quart Lime Water 4 oz.
One quart of juice of strawberries, cherries, grapes or other juicy fruit; one cup water.
For every quart of tea desired use one pound of fresh beef, from which all fat, bones and sinews have been carefully removed; cut the beef into pieces a quarter of an inch thick and mix with a pint of cold water.
Stir two tablespoonfuls of coarse oatmeal into a quart of boiling water, and let it simmer two hours.
Milk Sugar 7 teaspoons Barley Gruel to make a quart Lime Water 4 oz.
Milk Sugar 7-1/2 teaspoons Barley Gruel to make a quart Lime Water 4 oz.
Milk Sugar 6-1/2 teaspoons Barley Gruel to make a quart Lime Water 4 oz.
An injection every evening of one teaspoonful of Pond's Extract in a cup of hot water, after first cleansing the vagina well with a quart of warm water, is a simple but effective remedy.
Milk Sugar 6 teaspoons Barley Gruel to make a quart Lime Water 4 oz.
Cut two large apples into slices and pour a quart of boiling water on them, or on roasted apples; strain in two or three hours and sweeten slightly.
In a deep two-quart pudding dish put layers of cold, cooked, cracked wheat, and tart apples sliced thin, with four tablespoonfuls of sugar.
Or take two ounces of rhubarb, add one ounce of rust of iron, infuse in one quart of wine.
Pour over the pieces a quart of boiling water; cover the jar and let it stand an hour before using.
If there is lymphatic congestion I always include fenugreek seed tea brewed at the strength of approximately one tablespoon of seeds to a quart of water.
I have had asthmatics bring up a quart of obnoxious mucous from their lungs every night for weeks.
I gave her freshly prepared carrot juice (one quart daily) mixed with wheat grass juice (three ounces daily) plus daily colonics.
Peel, quarter, and boil about a quart of potatoes as directed.
Prepare a quart of beans as directed, and then boil them ten minutes and drain them.
Remove the skin of a quart of chestnuts and drop them in boiling water, with a little salt.
Blanch a quart of peas for about five minutes, and drain them.
Put a quart of cranberries in a saucepan and set it on a rather slow fire; stir occasionally till done; mash gently through a fine colander, or through a strainer; add a little sugar, and use.
Set cold water on the fire in a frying-pan, with salt and vinegar in it, a tablespoonful of vinegar to a quart of water.
Put two ounces of loaf sugar in a quart of water, also the rind of an orange or one of lemon.
Clean and slice about a quart of carrots, and blanch them for five minutes, and then drain them.
Then pour over about a quart of boiling water, and let stand about four minutes.
And I sent the governor Langasaque and Safian Donos man, eache of them, a quart bottell strong waters, with eache of them a China cup to drink it in.
It's trooly a region where men is men, as that sport common to our neck of timber known as "the first eye out for a quart of whiskey" testifies to ample.
Let him glimpse or smell a white man, an' he goes scatterin' off across hill an' canyon like a quart of licker among forty men.
They palms off mebby it's a quart of this jooce on Charlie, an' then he p'ints out for Wolfville.
A quart jar is carefully cleaned, and half filled with distilled water.
A quart of water and a red hot iron ball may contain equal amounts of heat, although the ball has a much higher temperature than the water.
A hot-water bag, holding 2 quarts of water will give off heat longer than a 1-quart bag, both being filled with water at the same temperature.
Place another quart of water at the same temperature in an aluminum or tin dish and heat for 5 minutes, note the rise in temperature and compute the heat used before.
It corresponds, therefore, to thequart in English measure.
Which is cheaper, milk at 8 cents a quart or 8 cents a liter?
Try the following experiment: Place a quart of water in a teakettle and place it over the fire for 5 minutes, and note the rise in temperature and compute the number of B.
At Batavia, likewise, we are told that their cows are small and lean, from the scantiness of good pasture, and do not give more than about an English quart of milk, sixteen of which are required to make a pound of butter.
One woman in particular had two protuberances dangling at her neck as big as quart bottles.
Add to these items the well-filled haversack and battered tin quart cup, (for on a forced march of two or three days Captain Ray would have no pack mules,) and the personal equipment of his men was complete.
That night in the dusk, the Fenian farmer brought a sack of potatoes and a quart of fresh milk and the spark of life was prolonged.
Make up a pint orquart bottle of this at a time, and label it with the date: Dilute sulphuric acid.
With 1 quart of cold water placed in a glass or earthen dish, slowly mix 4 fluid ounces of commercial sulphuric acid.
To the last add 1 quart of raspberry juice, and 1/2 a pint of orange-flower water.
Sometimes milk is added to the above, in the proportion of 1 quart (boiling hot) to every gallon.
If the cider is preferred pale, the catechu must be omitted, and instead of isinglass, a quart of skimmed milk is to be used as 'finings.
The proportions should be "two teaspoonfuls of salt to every quart of water.
A quart of good cream generally yields from 13 oz.
Senna prunes are prepared as follows: Place an ounce of dried senna leaves in a jar and pour a quart of boiling water on them.
A two-quart Fountain Syringe; an old one may be substituted provided it has been thoroughly boiled.
Three Basins and a one-quart Pitcher of agate or enamel-ware.
The steward went out reluctantly, and drawing a quart mug of beer set it down on the table and stood watching his visitor.
Bring me a quart of it," said the boarding-master, slowly and impressively.
It was a pretty conceit and well played, but the steward, owing to the frenzied efforts of one of the sleeper whom he had awakened with a quart pot, did not stay to admire it.
Select a quart of boiled prawns, pick them over carefully to see that all shell has been removed, rinse in cold water a moment, and dry them in a napkin.
To keep it add a gill of brandy to every quart of sauce.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quart" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: farthing; fourth; measure; quart; quarter; quarto