Both are white and shining; they have the appearance of quartz rock.
In some parts the surface consisted of stiff clay retaining the surface water in holes, and at ten miles we crossed an undulating ridge of quartz rock; two miles beyond which we encamped near a stream running northward.
The hill itself consisted chiefly of quartz rock, but at its base were water-worn blocks of quartzose sandstone containing pebbles of quartz, and they seemed to be the principal rock in the bed of the Lachlan.
This vale turned to the left after we had followed it 2 1/4 miles and we next crossed a ridge of quartz rock.
Here the rock strata show themselves for the first time on the Mississippi, in a prominent ledge of quartz rock of a gray color.
In both those rocks are a few round pebbles of quartz rock, similar to those in the mass on the shore, but in the rocks of the hill they are thinly disseminated, perhaps six or ten of them to a cubic yard.
These pebbles, as just stated, are of quartz rock, and therefore all of one kind.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quartz rock" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.