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Example sentences for "just sufficient"

  • Procure some common starch (that which is white looking is perhaps the best), mix it up with a little cold water, just sufficient to dissolve it, stirring it thoroughly to prevent lumps.

  • Show each side two or three times, turning the hand over each time, and then give a slight twist with the finger and thumb, just sufficient to cause the dice to revolve the extent of one square only.

  • The time thus gained is just sufficient to enable the right hand to work out the straight end through the many folds; the movement being naturally screened by the open portion of the handkerchief in the left hand.

  • W, with a counterpoise A, which is just sufficient to balance F when half immersed.

  • Joint the chickens, which should be young and tender--boil them in just sufficient water to cover them.

  • Boil the meat till tender, in just sufficient water to cover it, and add a little salt.

  • Take eight ounces of biscuit that is pounded fine, and soak it in just sufficient milk to cover it.

  • Pour in just sufficient water to cover the stew, and let it cook slowly till it is tender and well done.

  • Season it slightly with salt and pepper, and pour on just sufficient water to cover it well.

  • After the oysters are in give them but one boil up, just sufficient to plump them.

  • Lay the fricandeau over the bacon, sprinkle over it a little salt, and pour in just sufficient stock to cover the bacon, &c.

  • Put it into a very large saucepan, with about ½ pint of water, just sufficient to keep the spinach from burning, and the above proportion of salt.

  • After washing and soaking in cold water, boil them in just sufficient water to cover them, until the bones come easily away.

  • The tools are used dry and the amount of clearance is just sufficient to clear the roll and no more.

  • Moisten them with a little of the soup, just sufficient to keep them from burning.

  • There must be just sufficient vinegar to moisten the mint, but not enough to make the sauce liquid.

  • Put the pieces of lobster into a stew-pan, and pour on just sufficient vinegar to keep them well covered.

  • The acid need not be weighed either; it must be added in just sufficient quantity to destroy the milky appearance which the mixture first assumes.

  • Wash well a quart of good split peas, and float off such as remain on the surface of the water; soak them for one night, and boil them with a bit of soda the size of a filbert, in just sufficient water to allow them to break to a mash.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "just sufficient" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    convince himself; disfranchised class; easily seen; just below; just east; just estimate; just exactly; just give; just going; just looked; just love; just north; just now; just peace; just plain; just ready; just received; just revenge; just south; just thought; just want; just wanted; just wish; justify the; said the first speaker; what really