The discount upon two ounces of tobacco or a quarter pound of tea would be a mere bagatelle; but when the whole of his purchases [Page 141] in the course of the year are added together and the 5 per cent.
Chop one pint oysters, with one-quarter pound veal, and one-quarter pound suet.
Pound it in a mortar to a smooth paste with either one-quarter pound of the fat, or with two ounces fresh butter.
Now while the patties are heating, peel and wash one-quarter pound of mushrooms, using the stem and button.
Cook for two minutes and then add One-quarter pound of cheese, cut fine.
Lee writes that his men have each, daily, but a quarter pound of meat and 16 ounces of flour.
A "skin" will buy a pint of molasses, a quarter pound of tea or a quarter pound of black stick tobacco.
Take a quart of beer, half a pint of vinegar, quarter pound of sugar, two tablespoonfuls powdered ginger, mixed well together, pour over your fish till covered.
Pick out the bunch of herbs, and add a quarter pound of fresh butter kneaded in a large tablespoonful of flour, and stew them ten or twelve minutes.
Make a pickle of rock salt and cold water strong enough to bear an egg, let a little salt remain in the bottom of the tub; two quarts of molasses and a quarter pound of saltpetre is sufficient for a cwt.
Add it to one-quarter pound of melted butter, not browned, season with salt and pepper.
Quarter pound trimmings of fish chopped fine, passed through sieve, and add one yolk of egg and a tablespoonful of cream.
Boil one quart of milk, one-quarter pound of sugar, and the remainder of the vanilla bean, in a wide vessel.
Chop six peeled apples and fry in butter with one-quarter pound of sugar, and one-half teaspoonful of ground cinnamon.
Put in a bowl with one-quarter pound of sugar, and a small glass of kirschwasser and of maraschino.
Prepare your bath of quarter pound of turmeric and a half ounce of copperas diluted in a gallon or more of boiling water.
Let the marshmallows be mixed with the pineapples quite a while before salad is put together; add to this one-quarter pound of shelled pecans.
Cut up half an onion, a stick of celery, a sprig of parsley, a carrot, and cook them all in a quarter pound of butter.
Mix a quarter pound of forcemeat of fowl with a tablespoonful of potato flour, a tablespoonful of Bechamel sauce (No.
Cut up a quarter pound of macaroni in small pieces and put it in boiling salted water.
One pound white sugar; one-quarter pound chocolate; four tablespoonfuls of molasses; one cup of sweet milk, and a piece of butter the size of a walnut.
Rub to a cream one-quarter pound of butter and one tablespoonful of flour, with a little of the stock, and stir in gradually, adding salt and red pepper to taste.
Add to a quart of shelled Lima beans three tablespoonfuls of butter or vegetable oil, a quarter pound of diced bacon or ham, a little minced parsley or other seasoning herbs, and a teaspoonful of flour.
It requires a quarter pound butter, half a lemon, the yolks of two eggs, a little salt and a half teaspoonful white pepper.
Mince three pounds raw lean veal and a quarter pound of fine fat pork, salt or fresh.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quarter pound" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.