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Example sentences for "both being"

  • The headman is known as Mirdhan, and a member of the committee as Diwan, the offices of both being hereditary.

  • The bridegroom makes his appearance alone and is seated with the bride, both being dressed in clothes coloured yellow with turmeric.

  • Chiter is the Hindustani, and Chitari the Marathi name, both being corruptions of the Sanskrit Chitrakar.

  • At one end of the tube was placed an electric lamp, the height and position of both being so arranged, that the axis of the tube, and that of the beam issuing from the lamp, were coincident.

  • Hitherto the art and practice of the brewer have resembled those of the physician, both being founded on empirical observation.

  • The former is dynamic energy, the latter is potential energy, the constancy of the sum of both being affirmed by the law of conservation.

  • Mix some chlorate of potash with lump sugar, both being powdered, and drop on the mixture a little strong sulphuric acid, and it will instantly burst into flame.

  • Both being blindfolded, they are tied to the ends of a long string, which is fastened by a loose knot in the middle to a post, and, as the knot is very slightly tied, the players are enabled to move about with facility.

  • Should the cue-balls, both being in motion, come in contact, the strokes are invalid, and must be played over.

  • Figure 105 represents two such pieces, one at a right angle to the other, both being of equal diameter.

  • His desire attracts in the line of his duty, both being in conjunction.

  • In Hebrew we have Lab, the heart; and in Chaldee, Bal, the heart; the radical letters of both being b and l.

  • Two sole enterprises were undertaken by them after this, previously to the closing battle of Vinegar Hill; both being of the very utmost importance to their interests, and both sure of success if they had been pushed forward in time.

  • With the speaker, indeed, Lord Altamont had more intimate grounds of connection than with any other public man; both being devoted to the encouragement and personal superintendence of great agricultural improvements.

  • Over the blocks a pair of circular planes or cutters E E, are situated, both being fixed on the same spindle, which is turned by a pulley in the middle of it.

  • If the work is wide or long enough to require it, two parallel pieces must be used, both being of the same thickness, so that they will keep the work true with the surface d.

  • Defn: A grand piano or a harpsichord, both being wing-shaped.

  • Defn: A small drum used as an accompaniment to a pipe or fife, both being played by the same person.

  • It is magnetic, and is very frequently accompanied by cobalt, both being found in meteoric iron.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "both being" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    both alike; both boys; both branches; both cases; both continents; both faces; both families; both feet; both figures; both from; both great and small; both houses; both instances; both officers and men; both pairs; both places; both races; both small and great; both these; country school; diamond ring; electric lamps; former days; sacred character; that afternoon; what you have said