Turn mixture into a well-buttered, brick-shaped bread pan, cover and let rise for one and a quarter hours in a warm place.
Cover and simmer until chicken is tender (from one to one and one-quarter hours).
Place in a hot oven and roast one and one-quarter hours, basting every five minutes (with fat in pan) for the first half hour, afterwards every ten minutes.
Mix well together and turn into two Criscoed and floured tins and bake in moderate oven one and a quarter hours.
Cake takes from one hour to one and a quarter hours.
Mix and turn into Criscoed and floured cake tin and bake in slow oven one and a quarter hours.
Turn into Criscoed and floured tin and bake for one and a quarter hours in a moderate oven.
We marched for two hours to Yumbu, and in four and a quarter hours on the following day to Busindi.
We marched nine miles in five and a quarter hours, and camped in a dwarf's village in the woods.
We passed through an extremely populous district the next day, and travelled only two and a quarter hoursto reach Baki Kundi.
On the 16th June, after a long march of four and three-quarter hours, we arrived at the zeriba of Rusesse.
Another short march of two and a quarter hours brought us to a village of thirty-nine round, conical huts, which possessed elaborate doorways, here and there ornamented with triangles painted red and black.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quarter hours" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.