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Example sentences for "quarter hours"

  • Turn the dough over and let raise for one and one-quarter hours.

  • Set in warm place, with a temperature of about 80 degrees Fahrenheit, to raise for one and one-quarter hours or until the mixture fills the mould.

  • Work to a dough and ferment three and one-quarter hours, then proceed as in the straight dough method.

  • Let rise for one and three-quarter hours.

  • Turn mixture into a well-buttered, brick-shaped bread pan, cover and let rise for one and a quarter hours in a warm place.

  • Cover and simmer until chicken is tender (from one to one and one-quarter hours).

  • Place in a hot oven and roast one and one-quarter hours, basting every five minutes (with fat in pan) for the first half hour, afterwards every ten minutes.

  • Mix well together and turn into two Criscoed and floured tins and bake in moderate oven one and a quarter hours.

  • Cake takes from one hour to one and a quarter hours.

  • Mix and turn into Criscoed and floured cake tin and bake in slow oven one and a quarter hours.

  • Turn into Criscoed and floured tin and bake for one and a quarter hours in a moderate oven.

  • We marched for two hours to Yumbu, and in four and a quarter hours on the following day to Busindi.

  • We marched nine miles in five and a quarter hours, and camped in a dwarf's village in the woods.

  • We passed through an extremely populous district the next day, and travelled only two and a quarter hours to reach Baki Kundi.

  • On the 16th June, after a long march of four and three-quarter hours, we arrived at the zeriba of Rusesse.

  • Another short march of two and a quarter hours brought us to a village of thirty-nine round, conical huts, which possessed elaborate doorways, here and there ornamented with triangles painted red and black.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quarter hours" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    above water; abstract ideas; acre field; aromatic spirits; beloved daughter; good lump; gradually increasing; grafted trees; one species; quarter after; quarter before; quarter inch; quarter inches; quarter miles; quarter millions; quarter ounce; quarter past; quarter pound; quarter pounds; quarter section; quarter teaspoonful; quarters inches; quarters were; rich land; said town; she may have been