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Example sentences for "quarter teaspoonful"

  • Boil for two or three minutes and season with one salt spoon of salt; one-half teaspoonful mustard; one-quarter teaspoonful pepper.

  • Cook three minutes in the hot fat without browning, then add one and one-half cups milk, one-quarter teaspoonful salt, and cook until smoothly thickened.

  • Melt one ounce of chocolate; dilute it with two tablespoonfuls of milk; add two tablespoonfuls of sugar and a quarter teaspoonful of butter; stir till smooth and spread on the cake.

  • Place in a corner of the pan a half teaspoonful of salt and a quarter teaspoonful of pepper.

  • Cook for five minutes, stirring all the time; then add one can of drained mushrooms, a teaspoonful of lemon-juice, a half teaspoonful of salt and a quarter teaspoonful of pepper.

  • Take half a pound of flour, half a teaspoonful of salt, a quarter teaspoonful of pepper, a quarter of a pound of chopped fat pork or beef suet, eight tablespoonfuls of water, mixed well together.

  • Mix one and one-half cups of grated Parmesan or American cheese, one tablespoonful of flour, one-quarter teaspoonful of salt, a few grains of Cayenne pepper and the whites of three eggs beaten stiff.

  • To one quart of cooked and sifted pumpkin add one tablespoonful each of butter and flour, six well beaten eggs, a cupful of sugar, a quarter teaspoonful each of mace and nutmeg, four teaspoonfuls of ginger and one gill of milk.

  • Mix in a small bowl one half teaspoonful dry mustard, the same amount each powdered sugar and salt, and a quarter teaspoonful cayenne.

  • Add to one pint crab flakes, one-half cupful cream sauce, two tablespoonfuls melted butter and a quarter teaspoonful paprika.

  • MIX together two cupfuls grated cheese, a cupful of fine bread crumbs, a quarter teaspoonful of salt and a few grains of cayenne.

  • To one-quarter teaspoonful of finely minced onion, add one-half teaspoonful salt, a little black pepper, a few grains of Cayenne and six teaspoonfuls olive oil.

  • To five gallons soup stock add five ounces salt, a quarter teaspoonful of coriander seed and a quarter teaspoonful of powdered cloves, and bring to boil.

  • Add three ounces of salt, a quarter teaspoonful of pepper and a half pound of butter and boil slowly for five minutes.

  • Let patient lie flat and swallow small pieces of ice, and also take one-quarter teaspoonful of table salt in half a glass of cold water.

  • Severe diarrhea is combated with bismuth subnitrate, one-quarter teaspoonful, every three hours.

  • The black vomit may be arrested by one-quarter teaspoonful doses of tincture of the chloride of iron, given in four tablespoonfuls of water, every hour after vomiting.

  • On top of this arrange about six oysters; sprinkle over them a quarter teaspoonful of salt and a dash of pepper, and then pour over four tablespoonfuls of cream.

  • Dust over about a quarter teaspoonful of salt, a grain of red pepper, and place in the center a bit of butter the size of a hickory nut.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quarter teaspoonful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    did not think proper; different from; diluted sulphuric; former period; higher wages; miles north; nice things; quarter hours; quarter inch; quarter inches; quarter mile; quarter miles; quarter ounce; quarter pound; quarter section; quarter sessions; quarter teaspoonful; quartern loaf; quarters inches; real danger; steam fire; stir all well together; strong escort; think seriously; what becomes; wish you