Pigments or Colours for Paints, Lithographic and Letterpress Printing Inks, etc.
Illustration: Microscopic View of Barytes under Polarized Light] A slide of paint containing these re-enforcing pigments is prepared in the usual manner.
Such pigments are stimulators of corrosion, on account of acid impurities which they contain, or because of their effect in stimulating galvanic currents.
Photomicrographs of two combination paint pigments are here given, to show the various pigments as they appear under the microscope, when in combination.
This color was found in some cases to have faded materially, especially when mixed with alkaline pigments such as white lead.
As these two last named pigments are chemically the same but physically different, the use of both in a paint formula is considered advantageous, because of the differences in size and form of their particles.
The writer has made a series of tests in which the action of various pigments upon linseed oil is shown.
As a result of these tests the sub-committee tentatively divided the pigments into inhibitors, stimulators, and indeterminates.
The pigments used were selected with the view to securing as nearly as possible purity and strength, and as already noted, were out of the same lots used in making the preliminary laboratory tests on inhibitives.
Magnesium silicate, aluminum silicate, and silica are three inert pigments which proved to be of great value in strengthening and reinforcing paints, especially when they were used in small percentage.
In the past, the overloading of paints with these crystalline or inert pigments has been the cause of the prejudice that painters have had against their use.
In order to more thoroughly acquaint the reader with the physical constitution of the pigments under consideration, there has been included photomicrographs, which show to advantage the structure of each.
Photomicrographs of various single pigments and pigment combinations are shown under Chapter III.
Imagination, working in realms of the beautiful, turnspigments into pictures.
An immense amount of carefully arranged information follows as to the best methods of applying anti-corrosive substances and the various pigments most efficacious for use under all circumstances.
This work just issued is a very valuable treatise on the manufacture of lake pigments of the coal-tar series principally.
Mr. Hurst's Handbook on the Theory of Colour will be found extremely useful, not only to the art student, but also to the craftsman, whose business it is to manipulate pigments and dyes.
These phenomena of spreading and retraction of the pigments into or from the ramifications of the pigment-cells form on the whole the basis for the colour changes under the influence of environment.
As a rule, the centre of the cell contains one or more different pigments which under the influence of nerves can spread out separately or together into the ramifications.
When the animal appears brown both pigments are spread out into the ramifications.
These animals have two pigments in their chromatophores, a brown pigment and a whitish or yellow pigment; the former is much more plentiful than the latter.
Any kind of painting of which the pigments are originally ground in oil.
A stone or thick lump of glass, or kind of pestle, flat at the bottom, used for grinding pigments or drugs, etc.
They are remarkable for the peculiar green and red pigments found in their feathers.
Abnormally, it may contain sugar as in diabetes, albumen as in Bright's disease, bile pigments as in jaundice, or abnormal quantities of some one or more of the normal constituents.
It is used as an ingredient of printers' ink, and various black pigments and cements.
A preparation of opaque or body colors, in which the pigments are tempered or diluted with weak glue or size (cf.
The temple supplies the requisite pigments and food during work.
The one thing necessary to the safe performance of the operation is that the various glass pigments shall be of such consistency as to melt at a lower temperature than the glass on which they are painted.
This extraordinary portrait was finally daubed and decorated with brilliant pigments and glaring splashes of yellow, red, and blue.
The braves of both sides decorated themselves with many pigments in the evening, and the two tribes united in one gigantic corroboree, which was kept up all night, and for several days afterwards.
This took some time, but whilst I was doing it Yamba got ready the necessary charcoal sticks and pigments such as the blacks decorate themselves with at corroborees.
A Note on the differentiation of the yellow plant pigments from the fat-soluble vitamin.
His color was sometimes harsh and crude; but he handled pigments with mastery, and composed with the virile imagination of an improvisatore.
A yellowish sandy clay, which is used as one of the coloring pigments in decorating pottery.
These are found in use at all the pueblos, but are more common in Zuñi and the Moki villages than elsewhere, as these Indians use mineral pigments more extensively and in greater variety than any of the others.
In grinding pigments the Indians generally move the pestle backward and forward instead of around as is done by our druggists.
The colour of the bankiva is what is called black-red, these being probably the actual pigments present, mixed in some parts of the plumage, in separate areas in other parts: the Silky is white.
They made enough experiments that we would call chemical, to find enduring pigmentsfor decorative purposes and they succeeded in making tools that enabled them to carve stonework beautifully.
For instance, the interior decoration of their tombs shows us men skilled as designers, clever in the use of colors, with a rather extensive knowledge of pigments and with a definite tendency not to repeat designs but to create new ones.
The pigments above mentioned have already been procured by the trader, as the export articles of commerce of some other tribe.
The protecting hairs and pigments disappear, and the green leafage takes its place, brightened by the yellow tassels of the stamen flowers, and the growing season is on.
A cauldron, which would of itself merely confuse the colours of cloths previously dyed, is thus made to impart several pigments from a single dye-stuff, painting as it boils.
It is an ingredient in certain adhesive cements, coarse pigmentsfor protecting walls from the weather, for making animal charcoal in the Prussian blue works, and by an after process, a decolouring carbon.
A design must be drawn upon paper, and placed beneath the plate of glass; though the artist cannot regulate his tints directly by his pallet, but by specimens of the colours producible from his pallet pigmentsafter they are fired.
Unfortunately, no pigments have been found that can reproduce in purity the colors of the spectrum, and to this fact is due the failure of the process to reproduce exactly all the colors, tints, and shades of an original.
Other pigments spread better than cerulean blue and emerald-green, but the exceptional purity of color of these two seems to warrant their use.
He should be sufficiently expert with the brush and pencil and in handling an air brush to duplicate the delicate and soft tones in the photograph, and he should know how the pigments he uses will "take" when the subject is reproduced.
In making this tint he should use only pigments of the best grade, and if he finds that the Chinese or other white he is using does not photograph well, or that it does not hold its color, he should discard it at once and use another brand.
Do I make use of pigments red or green as to involve a task of toilsome work?
Then when you have to match the azure and green pigmentsas well as the ground gold and ground silver, you can get those people again to do so for you.
When heavy pigments are employed as the colouring medium, the under side of the sheet, that is, the side of the paper in contact with the machine wire, is often darker than the top side.
The dyeing and colouring of paper pulp by means of the artificial organic substances has become a matter of daily routine, the expensive natural dyes and the ordinary pigments having been almost completely superseded.
The gradual fading of some dyes, however, and of many water-colour pigments may be traced to the presence of residual chemicals in the paper and to the presence of moisture in an atmosphere impregnated with gaseous or suspended impurities.
The pulp is brought to any desired tint by the addition of mineral pigments or aniline dyes to the contents of the engine.
Tinted art papers are prepared in the same manner, the desired colour being obtained by the addition of pigments or aniline dyes to the mixture in the trough containing the coating materials.
The great Barabbas, and the painted panels and canvases, and all the pigments and tools and articles of an artist's store, were gone; but the figures on the walls were perforce left there to perish.
Save a few of the tools and pigments of his art, and a little opium in a broken glass, there was nothing there to stand between him and utter famine.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pigments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.