All necessary permissions were granted,[71] but Marguerite momentarily hesitated to give herself to the conduct of a strange gentleman whom she had only met on this occasion.
Allegations of transgressions of the permissions given for the islands and Perú As an argument for that course, it is alleged that notable transgressions are committed in regard to the two permissions for Filipinas and Perú.
There are records of a certain small number of permissions to dissect having been granted by the Popes to various universities during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.
At the present moment such formal permissions are required quite as much in all civilized countries as they were during the Middle Ages.
That she wished to do so was evidenced by the permissions granted me by Herr von Meyer of the Wolff Telegraph Bureau and Commandant Rauch of the capital of the devastated province.
All permissions given and arrangements made by the sub-prior, during the absence of either the abbot or prior, were to be reported to them on their return to claustral duties.
As his office was chiefly concerned with the regular discipline, all permissions to be absent from conventual duties, even if granted by the abbot himself, were to be notified to him.
Now between the positive precepts of Christ and those permissions there is a difference, but not a contradiction.
Its precepts are here spoken of, for its permissions require a more distinct discussion.
But Christ does not give us the same permission, as appears from that opposition which he makes between the permissions of former times, and those of his own law.
Passports are written permissions given by a belligerent to enemy subjects, or others, allowing them to travel within that belligerent's territory or enemy territory occupied by him.
Such permissions not being safe till Age and Discipline had confirm'd them in sobriety, fortified their Virtue, and made them as it were proof against Debauchery.
With respect to original grants or permissions of Governments, the case is very clear.
It remains only to show, that they have no title to them on the ground of original grants or permissions of Governments, or of Acts of Parliament, or of Charters, or of English law.
If you have execute permissions to a directory, file permissions for that directory become relevant.
So if all permissions are turned on and this is a regular file, the mode will look like this: -rwxrwxrwx.
If it was a directory with all permissions turned off for others and full permissions for user and group, it would be drwxrwx--.
This sets permissions to exactly what you've specified and unsets any other permissions.
Otherwise, filepermissions just don't matter; you can't access the files anyway.
Enter the command ls -l to confirm that permissions on secondlink were also changed.
If you attempt to chmod a symlink, you'll actually change the permissions on the file being pointed to.
The greatest of human scientists, however, falls far short of acquaintance with all the forces and permissions enfolded within boundless, unfathomable, incomprehensible nature.
But our question to them is, Are you sure that you are acquainted with all the laws, forces, agents, and permissions in the broad storehouses of nature?
To brand the events as being the products of fraud, credulity, and infatuation, because only modern limitations to nature's permissions and powers render them unexplainable as facts, is shameful.
As such they were handled, their users employing them severally as afflictor or as afflicted, at their pleasure, within the permissions of psychological laws.
For this reason the late governor of these islands kept down the number of permissions to go hence to Nueva España to a very small number.
Fleda's emotion at this time was a wondrous mixture, in which Mona's permissions and Mona's beauty figured powerfully as aids to reflection.
She herself had no beauty, and her permissions were the stony stares she had just practiced in the drawing-room--a consciousness of a kind appreciably to add to the particular sense of triumph that made her generous.
A new set of inhibitions and permissions are thus imposed upon normal consciousness.
Those who have been fathering new religions and seeking to make the abnormal normal have been quick to avail themselves of the suggestions and permissions in the new psychology.
The Meaning of Spiritism for Faith Faith may find its permissions and witnesses in many regions.
No religion has ever gained a lasting hold upon the souls of men by the force of its sensual permissions and fleshly promises.
Among the poorer classes, the social system has a more restricted field of operation, for the poor are naturally less able to avail themselves of the permissions of their Prophet.
And one by one, we could all contact each other and ask for particular types of permissions for use.
The hypertrophied permissions culture starts as myth, but it can become reality.
When Aquaviva protested to the Pope that such permissions were subversive of all religious discipline, His Holiness suggested a way out of the difficulty, which took every one by surprise--Mendoza was made Bishop of Cuzco in Peru.
There is in such permissions but one intention which a respectful mind can assign to a being great and good as God--one altar, one worship, one prayer, and He the soul of them.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "permissions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.