The sums remitted to absentees[290] are worse than so much paid in taxes, because a large proportion of these is usually expended in the country.
As many of them made violent resistance, he invoked the tribunes, who however paid no attention to the call, but Cicero himself gave way and remitted that part of the vote which was for confiscation.
But naturally I do not doubt, I believe with the most entire certainty, that the deposit confided to me does not belong to me, that it has been confided to me to be remitted to another, and that to this other it belongs.
Barni has worthily commenced the useful and difficult enterprise which we have remitted to his zeal, and pursues it with courage and talent.
If it is true that a deposit is made to be remitted to its legitimate possessor, it is necessary to remit it to him.
II): in times of persecution the bishops at the request of the martyrs remitted the penance imposed on those who had fallen into idolatry (Tersul.
The postage, however, was to be afterwards remitted in the case of any postmaster who should make oath that the letters in respect to which he claimed remission were on his private business.
For my brother Lothaire and his son Louis have had these punishments remittedby the prayers of St. Peter and St. Remigius, and have now entered into the joy of God’s paradise.
Actual sins and all the punishment due to them are remittedby Baptism, if the person baptized be guilty of any.
He did not hesitate to make an appeal to cupidity, and remitted a portion of the land-tax to such of the Jewish farmers and peasants as embraced Christianity.
But whilst he remitted taxes from other colonies for ten years, he at once burdened the Jewish immigrants with heavy imposts, and restricted them to agricultural pursuits.
He remitted through a Bombay Bank, by the way, and the Station knew nothing of his private affairs.
Yea, though a Kafir die, to him is remitted Jehannum If he borrowed in life from a native at sixty per cent.
Particularly when Dicky divided it by two, and remitted more than the fair half, at 1-6, to Montpelier Square.
Dicky saw this, and remitted at once; always remembering that Rs.
Since the formulation of the Sacrament of Penance, the theory had been that all guilt of sin and all eternal punishment were remitted in the priestly absolution which followed the confession of the penitent.
I have added to the table the extent of the provinces, the number of people on a square mile, and the value of the surplus taxes remitted to Pekin in the year 1792, as mentioned in the seventh chapter.
Thus we see from the above table, that the surplus produce of the land remitted to Pekin from the provinces of Oz.
On the evening of the 10th, the Atlantic cable carried the following message in cipher: “We have remitted five thousand dollars, by cable, as requested.
Some part of the severity of the tortures was remitted by the demon's opportune reply to the curiosity of the presiding inquisitors, that Luther and the Reformers were bad and cunning men.
The tour was a profitable one, and the money, as fast as it came in, was remitted to his agents and assignees in America.
Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them," John xx.
Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them: and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained," John xx.
The one or two millions yearly remittedto the Continent for the British armies were negotiated in Holland in a thousand ways to England's prejudice.
They recommend, therefore, that the whole question be remitted for careful investigation to the Eugenic Board which it is proposed should be set up.
God, yet in the Holy Scriptures we nowhere find this, namely, that eternal punishments are not remitted except on account of the punishment of purgatory or canonical satisfactions, i.
But it is not added that sins are remitted without faith, or that works themselves are a propitiation.
They add further that a part of this temporal punishment is remitted by the power of the keys, but that the rest is redeemed by means of satisfactions.
It has been annulled because the guilt has been remitted in the Sacrament, by which believers are born again; but it remains, because it produces desires against which believers contend.
In the same manner, Augustine also speaks who says: Sin is remitted in Baptism, not in such a manner that it no longer exists, but so that it is not imputed.
Secondly, because Daniel clearly presents the promise, he necessarily requires faith which believes that sins are freely remitted by God.
Therefore, they ought to believe that for Christ's sake sins are freely remitted to them.
In addition to this faith we require that each one believe that his sins are remitted to him.
And this occurs when we believe that sins are remitted to us for Christ's sake.
Chrysostom asks concerning repentance, Whence are we made sure that our sins are remitted us?
They imagine that eternal punishments are commuted to the punishments of purgatory, and teach that a part of these is remitted by the power of the keys, and that a part is to be redeemed by means of satisfactions.
The amount of such reduction having been determined, the inquiry follows, Where can it best be remitted and what articles can best be released from duty in the interest of our citizens?
He was told that this part of his punishment would be remitted if he would confess his crimes and the names of his accomplices.
The king afterwards remitted the enormous ransom demanded; and, had he not done so, it may be questioned whether it would have been possible to raise so much money throughout Wales.
He, on one occasion, voluntarily remitted some subsidies, declaring that he would not call for them till he really needed them.
In three years, he continues, the tribute was remitted because no more wolves were to be found; a statement which it is impossible to believe, as wolves were plentiful in England and Wales for many a year afterwards.