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Example sentences for "overlong"

Lexicographically close words:
overlived; overload; overloaded; overloading; overloads; overlook; overlooked; overlooker; overlooking; overlooks
  1. But now meseemeth overlong have ye been standing before our Gate, and it is time that ye should see the inside of our Burg and the inside of our House.

  2. For, time was this longing came over me, and I went whither it led me: overlong it were to tell of all that befell me because of it, and how my heart bled thereby.

  3. His antlers, this year, had been late to mature and overlong in the velvet.

  4. Overlong were the tale to tell of them, and of the time that is gone.

  5. For overlong belike have I held you with words; but the love of you constrained me, and the joy that a man hath to babble to his friends and his fellows whom he hath not seen for a long season.

  6. Many other matters they wrot of, which is overlong to set downe, namely, that the Kinge of Spain was sending an embassador to the Emperour of Japon with a greate present, in respect of his favour to Christians.

  7. They were playing at diverse games, and making such joy and festivity as 'twere overlong to recount, for that day they were keeping the feast of a saint of that land.

  8. I left you overlong the dupe of appearances.

  9. Father, you are the most patient and indefatigable of agriculturists, sparing neither yourself nor others, but there is danger that you grow bucolic through overlong absence from the great affairs of this world.

  10. How are we to regard those who do not always speak acceptably to us, or are overlong in their words, or who get up and repeat what we have heard them say again and again?

  11. Presently, however, I must either voice it or put it from my mind completely, lest it dominate my consciousness overlong and rule out the other concerns which should engage us in a meeting for worship.

  12. Moreover, many of the earlier Nights are overlong and not a few of the others are overshort: this, however, has the prime recommendation of variety.

  13. Fíl would be overlong and could, according to Arabic prosody, stand only in certain cases at the end of a verse, i.

  14. Another phase of modern industrial injustice is the overlong hours of work still required in many industries.

  15. There saw we wonders whereof were it overlong to tell of here; but one while I will tell thee, my lord.

  16. Then he said to Ralph: "Get into thy saddle, lad; for surely thou hast a tale to tell overlong for the open street.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overlong" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    endless; extended; interminable; languishing; lasting; lengthened; lengthy; lingering; long; overlong; prolonged; protracted