His coming, although unsolicited by the king and without leave asked, was nevertheless not altogether unexpected.
This testimony, too, he repeated unsolicited when, after seeming to rally for a day or two, he sank again, and saw himself once more in the presence of death.
I have now before me Lord Sidmouth's letter, containing the Prince's gracious and unsolicited intention to give me a Baronetcy.
Then he understood that the cause of this unsolicited attention bore a more flattering character, and in this connection certain remarks made by the Lady of the Windswept Dust occurred to his mind.
In this there was satisfaction of a silent but deep-seated sort--satisfaction of pride, since he had accomplished that which he had set forth to accomplish: satisfaction of honour through unbiassed and unsolicited commendation.
Perhaps this may be carried out ridiculously, and the whole thing turned into a joke, whereupon the prospective bridegroom loses his temper and soundly lashes his mates for their unsolicited patronage.
This is taken once a fortnight, the condition being that it must be unsolicited and a straight gift.
The frankness of this unsolicited offer indicates a fairness and honesty of purpose, which has caused the present communication, and which demands the same full and frank disclosure of the views with which the subjoined inquiries are proposed.
We had the unsolicited testimony of a planter, that slave mothers frequently poisoned, and otherwise murdered, their young infants, to rid them of a life of slavery.
This unsolicited testimonial to his personal appearance evidently impressed Mr. Legion, for when he returned to the dining-room there was a marked increase of geniality in his manner.
With this unsolicited testimonial to the liveliness of Mr. Bundy he had to be content.
I repair to the post assigned me not as to one sought, but in obedience to the unsolicited expression of your will, answerable only for a fearless, faithful, and diligent exercise of my best powers.
My goodness, but you spoil her," came the unsolicited opinion of Aunt Rebecca.
In her growing-up days Amanda had been frequently angered by his frank, unsolicited remarks about the colors she wore--this blue was off color for her red hair, or that golden brown was just the thing.
It is now nearly fourteen years since you did me the unsolicited honor to nominate me to represent you in the State Legislature.
We felt much encouraged by the receipt of so much money in little more than a month, as it was entirely unsolicited by us--save from GOD.
This unsolicited kindness on the part of a Chinaman, a perfect stranger, will appear the more remarkable to any one acquainted with the character of the Chinese, who are generally most reluctant to risk their money.
For the support of the workers already in China, our friends at home were sending in unsolicited contributions from time to time, and every need was met.
And quite unsolicitedthey have given me a detail,—a detail of such proportions that I am swamped.
She has been a consistent member of the Methodist Church twenty years, and ten years ago, unsolicited by herself, she was licensed as a minister by the Winchester Quarterly Conference, Rev.
The fact, that this offer comes unsolicited and from a Christian architect, shows especially the hand of God.
Unsolicited he pressed this matter upon her with deep and lively interest.
It was, next, to anunsolicited contribution that I owed a connection of many years with a certain monthly magazine.
It was, lastly, through an unsolicitedcontribution that I became and continued for some time a writer of leading articles for a great London daily.
Unsolicited by, and unknown to Mr. Paine, I take the liberty of hinting the services and the distressed (for so I think it may be called) situation of that Gentleman.
We get quite a few unsolicited manuscripts, but most of them, unfortunately, are not usable.
More than once, through their unsolicited kindness, our approach to a stopping place was announced by the wire, and we found lodgings made ready against our coming.
On rereading your letter it seems to us that you are laboring under the misapprehension that we pay for unsolicited manuscripts.
More than anything I believe my father needed unsolicited affection and demonstrations of sympathy; lacking these, especially from his co-workers, Dad felt himself betrayed by the one group with whom he had spent so much of his time.
I voiced nounsolicited opinions, utilizing silence as a manner of maintaining peace in my world.
What robber would have ventured such a deed, If unsolicited with bribes from hence?
And the open and unsolicited statement as to Norada baffled him.