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Example sentences for "untended"

Lexicographically close words:
unten; untenability; untenable; untenableness; untenanted; unter; unterrified; untested; untethered; unthankful
  1. Lost to his ambition, broken in spirit, helpless in body, separated from his daughter by his own act, he lay on his untended couch in a death-like lethargy.

  2. In her hand was a bunch of flowers, the best, least discouraged from her untended garden.

  3. The main walls and arches of the fabric still remain fairly intact, and, like the western tower, are smothered in masses of rank, untended ivy.

  4. Then we burn incense to the drowsy god in a nook of the chimney-place, where a peat-fire glows untended upon the ample hearth.

  5. Flocks of sheep, untended by the shepherd, strayed over the lone meadow; and bands of howling dogs wandered up and down in fruitless quest of their lost masters.

  6. Dumpy, pot-bellied pottery kilns, bowered in flowering hawthorn, rise by the roadside, where the brilliant blue Borage is abloom in untended corners.

  7. Untended and unrestrained by attention, the brain activity of the degenerate and hysterical is capricious, and without aim or purpose.

  8. Would the untended sick be any less sick?

  9. Many invalids lay untended on the stone pavements of the courtyards, with nothing but a little straw for their beds.

  10. Her long golden hair waved in untended masses over the pillow, like the flames of purgatory; her eyes glared like wheels of fire.

  11. The next morning saw the armies in the same positions, and the Federal wounded, many of whom had been struck down nearly forty-eight hours before, still lying untended between the hostile lines.

  12. Scores of wounded men lay untended by the roadside.

  13. But the moment he was seized they both ran away and left him, and there they say he is lying still, untended and unwatched -- if he be not dead by now.

  14. And the Brotherhood stands in the heart of the smitten regions; wherefore at his very doors the sick will be lying, untended perchance and unassoiled, save in those places whither he can go.

  15. It is myself that whispers and stares Down from the hill and in the wood, And in the untended orchard's shining Sees the light through thin leaves declining.

  16. Thousands of lambs born in the autumnal months of April and May were now skipping, fat and frolicsome, by the sides of the ewes, in the immense untended flocks.

  17. There are few lawns or meadows in Britain that would not be improved by the transplantation of the wilgah from these untended gardens of the wild.

  18. They came to a place even the snooper couldn't enter, choked to the ceiling with dead vegetation, hydroponic seed-plants that had been left untended to grow wild and die.

  19. Terraces empty or littered with rubbish; gardens untended and choked with wild growth; blank-staring windows, walls splotched with lichens.

  20. Go, go, my lambs, untended homeward fare, My thoughts are all now due to other care.

  21. It was truly a time of suffering, for hundreds of wounded had passed the night untended upon the ground, and even the dead could not be buried, as neither side dared expose themselves to the severe fire that was kept up.

  22. Yes, faint though they were with the loss of blood, racked with the pain of untended wounds, without a round of ammunition, and hampered by an evil brute of a Hau Hau, who did everything in his power to retard their progress.

  23. His fall, his cry, would bring the Emperor down from his observatory and he knew that he would not leave his bleeding favorite uncared for and untended he could count upon that.

  24. Her sister Arsinoe, who was her junior by two years, and whose fingers were as nimble as her own, might indeed have helped her, but she had gone to bed early and was sleeping by the children who could not be left untended at night.

  25. Go, go, my lambs, untended homeward fare; My thoughts are all now due to other care.

  26. With improvements in lamps and controls the untended light-buoys became a success.

  27. Untended lights were not developed until about 1880, when Pintsch introduced his welded buoys filled with compressed gas and thereby provided a complete lighting-plant.

  28. Many of these are untended and therefore must operate automatically.

  29. Unless he was the sort of man who would just as soon die alone and untended as not, which he very likely was.

  30. As in an untended garden overgrown with grass a single rose or lily will bloom, so in this house Kunda Nandini lived alone.

  31. For a long time he sat there breathing stertorously while the untended fire died away to ashen dreariness.

  32. Thousands of horses and donkeys, moreover, are allowed to roam about untended and unguarded, as there is no danger of their being stolen.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "untended" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abandoned; available; deserted; disregarded; forsaken; free; ignored; missed; neglected; open; overlooked; shelved; shunted; sidetracked; slighted; unasked; unattended; unchaperoned; unconsidered; undone; unfilled; uninhabited; unmanned; unoccupied; unpeopled; unregarded; unsolicited; untaken; untenanted; untended; unwatched; vacant