Gregg paid for his coffee, rose from his seat, shook hands with the boy, gave him his name and address in case he ever wanted advice or help and continued his walk under the trees overlooking the river.
We started up again on the second, and came out on an undulating plain overlooking a little watering-place called Capvern-les-Bains, lying far below in a dimple of the Pyrenean foothills.
They laid out a fairy garden on a gracious headland above the sea, overlooking a panorama the most beautiful in Sicily.
They are in the stone tower beyond the Castle, overlooking what still remains of the ancient moat.
It may please you to know that I am occupying your office, and also that noble suite overlooking the Plaza.
About seven miles distant, perched on a cliff overlooking the sea, was the hospitable mansion of Mr. T.
Leap stands overlooking a fair valley, a great square tower to which have been added wings on either side.
I was directed to his house overlooking St. Peter's field, where I unexpectedly found the magistrates assembled.
They came out at last upon the brow of the hill overlooking the Common.
In some past time of heavy flood the water had washed out to the edge of the highland overlooking the ocean beach.
Not for a moment did he think that Miss Bostwick might not jump at the chance to change her place of residence from a South End lodging house to the Ball homestead overlooking Big Wreck Cove and the sea.
Then he pictured the terrace overlooking the vineyards--a grey old stone terrace, with many seats and sheltering trees, and along that terrace walked just such a maiden as Aunt Marguerite had described.
These traces of the peculiar industry of the district had a peculiar fascination for Louise, who found herself constantly comparing these buildings with one beyond their house overlooking the beautiful bay.
He would have the overlookingof a lot of men, and I should try to make him as happy as I could.
Above, on a spur of the mountain, overlooking the surrounding country, they sat down; the wild thyme spread its fragrance around them.
As he stood upon the terrace overlooking the Rhine, he saw Manna walking up and down not far off with a little book in her hand, and could perceive the motion of her lips as she repeated the words from it.
He walked all the long way home to his little flat overlooking the Luxembourg Gardens, haunted by those eyes.
Above, in the long shallow front room of his flat, with the three windows overlooking the Gardens, Ste.
That night Kalora slept on a hard and narrow cot in a bare apartment adjoining her sister's gorgeous boudoir--quite a change from the suite overlooking the avenue.
We were very fortunate that day in finding a splendid road for some distance, until we were all at once brought up standing on a high table-land, overlooking a beautiful winding creek that lay far below us in the valley.
As we halted on the top of the hill overlooking the camp of the unsuspecting Indians, General Carr called out to his bugler: "Sound the charge!
Chase, overlooking the corral, and then took up my post of observation.
After galloping about twenty miles I reached the top of a small hill overlooking the valley of that beautiful stream.
At sunset they stood on the hills overlooking the basin of the Baths, all enfolded in swathes of pink and crimson up to the shining grey of a high heaven that had the fresh brightness of the morning.
A slight convulsion of the frame struck the admiral's shirt-collar at his ears; it virtually prostrated him under foot of a lady so benign in overlooking the spectacle he presented.
Crumbled on its solitary hill, overlooking a white-and-brown streaked sea of smoke that lapped its feet, it typified the most acute expression of desolation.
This presence of human beings laboring in silence at dead of night made his task decidedly ticklish, and minutes passed before he gained a position behind the last pile of rubble, overlooking the hole.
In 1644 Wythenshawe was besieged by a party of Cromwell's soldiers, who planted a battery on the side overlooking Northen, and threw many cannon-shots against the house.
The soldiers and Jorge and myself left the camp at about the same time, but we did not take the same road, and soon my guide and I found ourselves on a lonely mountain trail overlooking a valley thick with brush and trees.
It was almost sundown when we passed a bend in the stream and mounted a bluff overlooking a wide expanse of swamp land.
A little before noon we came out on a clearing overlooking a long stretch of valley and swamp lands.
Having stopped for dinner in the middle of a dense woods, we rode out in the afternoon on a broad plateau overlooking numerous valleys.
The well-cooked dinners which he took miserably with Anna Paluda seemed like to choke him, and the dainty hangings of his little bedroom, overlooking the bay, became a physical torture to him.
Then, at a bound, we leaped into sight of the Adriatic again and sped down innumerable lacets overlooking the beautiful land-locked sea of Novigrad, to tumble at last upon the little town of Obrovazzo.
It's the most comfortable hotel in Venice, and Terry and I have wired for rooms with balconies overlooking the Grand Canal, and the garden.
With a white woman and an Indian boy, in a little room overlooking the water-front, Muckluck was working in the intervals of watching the crowds on the wharf.
Through all your waking hours you kept an eye on the window overlooking the river.
Why did not Sir Christopher take a house for her at Bath, or, at least, if he must spend his time in overlooking workmen, somewhere in the neighbourhood of the Manor?
Matshaka sat on a stone on the highest south-eastern spur of the Intsiza Mountain, just overlooking the Rode Wesleyan Mission Station, one Sunday morning in the month of November 1880, and listened to the faint throbbing of the church bell.
He graciously consented, and led me to his closet, overlooking the River Thames.
Now listen attentively to what I have to say," returned the king, graciously taking my arm and leading me to a window overlooking the river.
Oblivion, from the Latin, signifies overlooking and virtually forgetting an offense, so that the offender stands before the law in all respects as if it had never been committed.
The little missionary colony is charmingly situated on a pine-clad hill overlookingthe city from the east.
Snow has fallen and rests on the upper slopes of the mountains overlooking the lake, little steamers and numerous sailing-craft are plying on the smooth waters, and wild geese are flying about.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overlooking" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.