Dad straightened up and looked awkward, with his arms hanging wide and the mixture dripping from them.
It was close upon sunset when they swam in among the drooping branches, and once more, with dripping skins, climbed up into the tops of the trees.
Dim as was the light, the Mundurucu recognised the dripping climber as the captive he had left on the log.
As he stood dripping upon the dead-wood, a red stream, trickling down his wet skin from a knife-wound in the shoulder, explained how the tapuyo had made known to him the idleness of resistance.
With the last word on his lips, he called on the name of his Maker, for he saw two half-naked, dripping figures peering at him through the open door.
And now they were in sight of Skull--of the old tower and the house by the jetty, looming large through the dripping mist.
He looked with a hardly repressed shudder on the dreary face of the bog, on the gleaming water, on the dripping furze bushes.
Another time he drove her until she was dripping with sweat, then led her into a spring of cold water and dashed it all over her.
He tied us, dripping with sweat, in an open shed and left us until near morning.
Plainly I could see the dripping kitten rushing frantically about the room, and Mrs. Wallace flourishing the broom at it as if it were the offender.
We--the chestnut and I--were all of a tremble and dripping with sweat.
The other man was leading poor Polly from the trap now, and we could see that her legs trembled and her body was dripping with perspiration.
Dripping is the substitute for butter, and the children eat the slice of bread and dripping contentedly.
Both were on the table now, two or three slices spread with dripping for the younger boys who would presently come in.
But the majority of the women leave dripping for the children, and if a scrap of butter cannot be had, rest contented with bread and tea, and an occasional pint of beer.
It's half a quarter loaf, soaked in hot water with a hap'orth of dripping and a spoonful of salt.
While father, husband and friend were stunned with grief, Brutus held up the dripping knife before their eyes.
Eager as he was to get to work, he could not begin just yet, for the night had been clear and cold, and the grain was dripping with the heavy dew.
The lad did it with a strip of shingle, and when a number of dripping birds were strewed upon the grass Alison was more astonished still.
Now he was grimed with dust anddripping with perspiration, and a tantalizing cloud of flies hovered over him.
In the meanwhile, however, the hair on her forehead wasdripping and the water was trickling down her neck, so she shut her eyes tight and applied the towel, after which she concealed it carefully in the wagon.
Gaining the dripping iron deck, he looked and listened.
Carl, wrenching back on the lever and throwing up the dripping hatch cover.
By the way, Matt, that gentleman with the dripping whiskers is Jeremiah Coleman, the fellow we came to rescue, and just missed leaving a few more prisoners to keep him company.
Carl, sputtering and gasping, fell dripping on the submarine's deck.
Hook now thought fit to make his appearance, which he did in strange guise, with his long black hair plastered over his face, and his whole head and shoulders dripping with water.
I pulled up my boat on the dark shore, and, all dripping wet, I mounted to the house above, and speedily aroused the inmates.
As it heaved up, a broad, full circle of glittering and apparently dripping silver, it threw out the trees on the brow of the mountain into such bold relief as if a lightning flash had literally been burning behind them.
The stages came in with smoking horses and moisture dripping alike from the hat of the driver and the boot of the coach; but few passengers arrived or departed.
He was on his knees digging a little trench with his knife, piling up the moist earth in miniature embankments, so that the dripping from the roof would not spatter this Princess of his whom he had saved from the tempest outside.
He held the Indian's head between his knees, and in an instant, with a sweep of his knife, had torn off the hideous dripping trophy.
Madame de Maintenon's hand had been cut in the struggle, and the blood was dripping down from the end of her fingers, but neither woman had time to spare a thought upon that.
It was very dark as they advanced, with high dripping ice walls on either side and one little zigzagging slit of blue sky above their heads.
It was mid-afternoon when she returned, her hands filled with a dripping moss ball in which she had embedded the stems of a mass of feathery pink- fringed orchids.
Mickey's chin hooked over the editor's elbow, his small head was against his arm, his eyes were dripping tears, but his voice controlled and steady was entreating.
Forth in the sunlit, rain-bathed air we stepped, Sweet with the dripping grass and flowering vine, And saw through irised clouds the pale sun shine.
Why else Should his dead face arise three nights before me, Bleached, ghastly, dripping as of one that's drowned, To freeze my heart with horror?
The breeze that follows on the sunsetting Was blowing whiffs of bruised and dripping grass Into the heated city.
His black mask clung to his temples, dripping with sweat.
A dripping creature, clad in black from head to foot, crossed the garden, running toward the servants' quarters.
At that moment a cyclist constable, dripping with sweat and quite out of breath, came in and hastening straight to Juve, cried: "I come from Nogent!
The dripping twigs, the branches loaded overhead with water, every rustle of which brings it down in torrents.
Althea, wrapped in furs, leaned in a corner and looked with an unseeing gaze at the dripping hedgerows and grey sky.
And now, as they rolled on between the dripping hedges, she knew that the trembling of hope and fear was gone, and that a sudden misery, like that of the earth and sky, had settled upon her.
With the towel clutched in her dripping hands, the woman flung wide open the door, then hastened to unload the chair which held her wraps--her only chair.
The rain wasdripping through the roof of the shed which had been allotted to Power as a billet The mud outside was more than ankle deep.
He stood for a moment on the threshold, the water dripping from his cap and running down his coat, great drops of it hanging from his white moustache.
She was smaller and younger than our Pup's dam, but with the same kindly eyes and the same salty-dripping coat.
Turn this and fresh water flows from the well itself, thus consoling any sentimentalist with visions of a dripping moss-covered bucket.
It is totally different when it rains and rains and still keeps on until everything outside is dripping and sodden.