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Example sentences for "optimus"

Lexicographically close words:
optimistic; optimistically; optimists; optimo; optimum; option; optional; options; opulence; opulent
  1. I cannot but say that the feeling is left with the reader that the orator optimus has been reached at last in Cicero's mind.

  2. He there describes what is essential to the character of the optimus orator.

  3. This it was, in Cicero's time, to be the optimus orator.

  4. No wonder that Cicero demanded who was the optimus orator.

  5. The populace were already astir, bent on keeping holiday, for a grand festival was about to be held in honour of Jupiter Optimus Maximus and his two associate divinities Juno and Minerva.

  6. I think,' replied his friend with a laugh, 'that he would willingly himself have set up an altar to every god from Jupiter Optimus Maximus to our local Mogon, had he had the luck to grass him.

  7. If it be asked why Jupiter is here without his titles Optimus Maximus, the answer is that just below, where ludi magni are vowed to him, as all such ludi were, he is also simply Jupiter.

  8. I cannot, however, forbear to mention Professor Mandrake, of the Oxford Chair, optimus maximus among modern historians.

  9. It was dedicated to Jupiter Optimus Maximus, i.

  10. Perhaps the Romans made a distinction between the Jupiter of Greek mythology and their own Jupiter Optimus Maximus, and may have thought that what was derogatory to the first did not apply to the second.

  11. They had got large shares, but they shared also with one Chrysogonus, the freedman and favorite of Sulla, who did the dirty work for Jupiter Optimus Maximus when Jupiter Optimus Maximus had not time to do it himself.

  12. Jupiter Optimus Maximus could not see everything, and great advantages were taken.

  13. And we have only to follow the history of these Semitic names in order to see that, in spite of their superlative meaning, they proved no stronger bulwark against polytheism than the Latin Optimus Maximus.

  14. Jovis rises into importance with the growth of city life; he comes to be called father Jovis, Jupiter; there are many Jupiters, but the Jupiter of the city of Rome is the greatest and best of all; he bears the title of Optimus Maximus.

  15. Its architecture was Tuscan; and it contained not only a cella or holy place for the image of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, but also a cella for Juno and one for Minerva.

  16. From henceforth Juppiter Optimus Maximus represents all that is most truly Roman in Rome.

  17. The forerunner of this influence was in himself innocent enough, it was Apollo, and it is to his coming and the subsequent developments which set him in distinct opposition to Juppiter Optimus Maximus that we now turn.

  18. And yet it was far more than a private worship, for it began very soon to be a cult centre in distinct rivalry to Juppiter Optimus Maximus on the Capitoline.

  19. When they were received in Rome, they were placed in the temple of Juppiter Optimus Maximus on the Capitoline in the keeping of their guardians, the new priesthood of the "two men in charge of the sacrifices.

  20. In connexion namely with the putting on of the toga virilis the members of the imperial family went to the temple of Mars Ultor instead of following the immemorial custom of ascending the Capitol to the shrine of Juppiter Optimus Maximus.

  21. Duke of "Query--did Mr. Optimus mean high as game is high?

  22. The title of "Deus Optimus Maximus" was never given by the Romans to any but "Jupiter, hominum sator atque deorum.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "optimus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.