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Example sentences for "opulence"

Lexicographically close words:
optimum; optimus; option; optional; options; opulent; opulus; opus; opynyon
  1. But now, surrounded with all the security of rank, and with opulence for her enjoyment, and with love to cherish her, she displayed the force of her nature only in the fondness of her affections.

  2. But St. Michael's never rivalled the opulence of Saint Catherine's priory.

  3. Even on the quay, where all the activity of commerce is visible, and where the outward signs of opulence might be expected, there is nothing to fulfil the expectation.

  4. Yet six thousand pounds per annum appears to me a trifle, considering the increased opulence of the country.

  5. A morning ride across the Grand-Pré convinced me that the natural opulence of the valley had not been exaggerated.

  6. Intellect has here placed a crowning college upon a hill; opulence has surrounded it with picturesque villas.

  7. All these features of a high—though, as it proved, a less enduring—civilization are noted with wonder and applause by the early travellers, who cannot sufficiently express their admiration of such opulence and such brilliant displays.

  8. But fairs and general enterprise and opulence are not coeval: neither do they flourish in an age of iron roads and steam-carriages.

  9. What opulence of splendid life is vital for ever in Kenilworth's crumbling ruin there are no words to say.

  10. Celebrating the Opulence of the Lords of Ts'in A Complaint A Wife's Grief Because of Her Husband's Absence Lament for Three Brothers In Praise of a Ruler of Ts'in The Generous Nephew BOOK XII.

  11. Every thing announces the opulence of its inhabitants.

  12. He surveyed through the park railings the evidences of the town’s opulence and luxury with an approving eye.

  13. Protection is the first necessity of opulence and luxury.

  14. Compare the condition of the Company then with its opulence at this moment.

  15. As you may imagine, such a settlement resulted in an enormous increase in the power and opulence of the Company, and, in fact, it is from this period that we find it really beginning to control the affairs of a portion of India.

  16. Apollo for the opposite of these qualities, for being Apollo, for wearing his hair long, for having a fair face and smooth body, for his skill in so many arts, and for the opulence of his fortune.

  17. As he was always keeping the precept of almsgiving, he shared his opulence with the people.

  18. A reprehensible wife veils both the glory and the opulence of two families; just as a cloudy, moon-concealing night hides the beauty and the arrangement of all things upon earth and in heaven.

  19. For great opulence affords him no such gladness, as is caused by the satisfaction he enjoys by subduing covetousness with charitable deeds.

  20. I do not know why they should have wished to crush us with their opulence since they would not have chosen to enrich us; but I have never had so great a sense of opulence.

  21. Compared with the opulence that sprang out of the Union Pacific, the Northern Pacific, the Southern Pacific, with their subsidiary and component lines, the estate of Peter Brooks was a poor man's heritage.

  22. What a splendid panorama of opulence and beauty is now spread out around us!

  23. In the streets, too, you see much evidence of opulence and luxury, in the shape of handsome carriages, which are set out to advantage by a first-rate quality of horses.

  24. This audacity was punished severely, and ended in a loss to Flanders of its opulence and a great part of its industry.

  25. In the earth are hidden costly metallic treasures, while the sea itself is a well of opulence from the number and diversity of the fish that breed in its waters.

  26. Notwithstanding her experience of the heaviest temporal calamities, she found, in the opulence of her own intellectual treasures, an unfailing resource.

  27. Those who had any opulence to forfeit, or any position in society to maintain, were ready to welcome as deliverers the allied army of invasion.

  28. It is small, without aisles or chapels, and the morbid opulence of the decoration gives it a peculiar character.

  29. I was astounded at the opulence of the treasure; there were gorgeous altars of precious metal, great saints of silver, caskets of gold, monstrances studded with rare stones, crosses and crucifixes.

  30. In the decay of that long southern autumn a more sombre opulence was added to the gay colours; a different spirit filled the air, so that I realised suddenly that old romantic Spain of Ferdinand and Isabella.

  31. These costly gifts were opened before Cortez in lavish abundance, and they gave indications of opulence hitherto undreamed of.

  32. He filled many posts of opulence and honor.

  33. At last he determined to commemorate the opulence of Monsieur Baise-la-Main, by a perspective of his counting-house.

  34. Hence all the good from opulence that springs, With all those ills superfluous treasure brings, Are here display'd.

  35. In the Stahlhof, called in English the Steelyard, and which the founders themselves had designated the Palace of Steel, was to be noted a certain opulence and pursuit of comfort which is to be found in all ages.

  36. We perceive in them no sign of failing power, but more breadth and less opulence of detail.

  37. Opulent as Shakespeare was, and of his opulence prodigal, he yet would not have put this exquisite piece of poetry in the mouth of a no-character, or as addressed to a Melantius.

  38. That Shakespeare has in one instance, that of Iago, approached to this, and that he has done it successfully, is perhaps the most astonishing proof of his genius, and the opulence of its resources.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "opulence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abundance; affluence; amplitude; assets; avalanche; bonanza; comfort; ease; extravagance; exuberance; fertility; flood; flow; fortune; fullness; generosity; gold; gush; independence; landslide; lavishness; liberality; lot; lucre; luxury; maximum; money; much; myriad; opulence; outpouring; overflow; pelf; plenitude; plenty; possession; prevalence; prodigality; productiveness; profusion; property; prosperity; quantity; repletion; riches; riot; scads; shower; spate; stream; style; substance; substantiality; superabundance; treasure; wealth